chapter nine

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"I'm gonna kill him." Seven said as soon as she got into her room. "Yea Prince ima have to call you back." Tiana whispered into the phone before hanging up. "Heyyyyy Seven. What are you doing here?" She asked. "Tiana this is my house. What are you doing here?" Seven asked. "Just chilling. So who are you killing and why?" Tiana asked. "Creation. And fucking Krissy." Seven said pacing back and forth.

"Who?" Tiana asked. "Cree and fucking Krissy Tiana." Seven snapped. "Okay still confused on who Krissy is but what did they do?" Tiana asked. She was praying Cree hadn't cheated or anything because she knew Seven really liked him. "Well apparently they have a child together." Seven said. "That nigga had a baby on you?" Tiana asked with her mouth dropped. "No but that's besides the point he lied." Seven said. "I'm confused again." Tiana said. "Get out." Seven said pointing to the door. She was irritated and Tiana wasn't making it any better.

"I have better places to be anyways bitch. Just let me know if you need me to fight or something." Tiana said pulling her charger out the wall. "Well i'm letting you know now you might need to. And where the fuck are you going?" Seven asked. "You just told me to leave!" Tiana said. "I know what the fuck I said." Seven yelled. "Yeah I am not finna stay here and deal with your hormones. I'll be back tomorrow." Tiana said kissing Seven on the cheek before walking out.

Seven could really use a fucking blunt right now. She had so much anger just building up and didn't have any way to release it. She decided to just lay back down and relax until someone knocked on the door. She laid there trying to figure out if she felt like getting up or not. But the person kept knocking so it had to be important. She slid her feet into some slides and went to answer it. "Who is it?" She asked.

"It's me open the door." Devon said. "I don't know who you are come back later." Seven said. "Seven. Open this damn door." Devon said recognizing her voice. Seven signed heavily and whispered "Oh my fucking god here we go." Before opening it. "What do you want Devon? Let's make this quick." She said. Devon walked inside her house and sat on the couch. "This is not about to be quick. We got shit to talk about Seven." Devon said. "Is it about Santana?" Seven asked. "Who?" Devon said with a confused face.

"My son." Seven said. "Oh. No it's not about our son. It's about that fiasco of a fucking party yesterday." Devon said throwing his hands up. "Well you might as well see yourself out because I don't have anything to say." Seven said crossing her arms. "It's okay i'll do the talking. First of all I thought I told you you didn't have a boyfriend." Devon said. Seven looked at him like he was crazy. "Yet you had that nigga sitting up in here playing fucking dad." He added. "If you would have stepped up and did it in the first place he wouldn't have had to." Seven said.

"I'm stepping up now that's all that matters." Devon said feeling proud. Meanwhile Seven was confused. "Nigga stepped up how? What appointment did you come to? What did you buy him? When did you check on him? Let me know that. Talking bout you stepped up no the fuck you didn't. You're only even here now because you see me moving on and being happy. That's fucking bullshit Devon and honestly I don't have time for it. Be in Santana's life or not, either way my son will be good." Seven said. She was crying and didn't even know.

Devon pulled her into a hug. "I'm so sorry." He said feeling bad. He didn't know Seven was that hurt behind this. He knew he had to step up for the baby so they could be together now. "Get off me I don't care about a sorry. I don't give a fuck about a damn sorry. Either change your behavior or stay out of me and my sons life. Forever." Seven said. And she meant it. She loved Devon and she would never try to keep him out of Santana's life but what she wouldn't put up with was him being in and out of it.

"Okay. Seven I love you. You don't have to say it back just-." "You're a clown. Get out." Seven said annoyed. She was already stressed out enough still trying to figure out how she was about to deal with Cree, the last thing she needed was Devon trying to win her back. "Okay I guess I deserve that." He said laughing at her. For some reason he loved seeing Seven upset, she looked more attractive for some reason. "I'll call you soon." He said looking her up and down one more time before leaving.

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