chapter twenty one

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"I remember you handsome. You want a dance?" Daisy asked walking over to Jorge. He was at Fernando's house sitting down in the living room. "No i'll pass. Where's my father? He told me to meet him here." He said looking around. "They're coming. Let me entertain you in the meantime." Daisy said taking off her bra. "I said no. Do you throw yourself on every man that walks through the door?" Jorge asked. She rolled her eyes as Fernando and Mario walked into the room. "Jorge. Good to see you again." Fernando said. "Hello son." Mario said. "Took you long enough. I've been out here waiting for ten minutes." Jorge said. "We were downstairs handling some things." Fernando said. "What kind of things? I'm done being left in the dark, tell me what's going on. Why'd you have me kill Creation?" Jorge asked.

"We'll talk about the why later. But right now you're gonna tell us how you did it. Did he suffer?" Mario asked. "I would say so. I chopped off his fingers one by one as he screamed out in pain. Then I finished him off with my machete. But I have to say I felt a little bad doing it. Like I said, we were friends." Jorge said. "He wasn't a friend to you mijo. None of them are. That's why you have to kill the other two as well." Mario said. "Wait a minute what? What do they have to do with this? Tell me what's going on right now." Jorge said. "No you tell us what's going on. Where's the girls?" Fernando asked. "What girls?" Jorge asked. "Amber. And the little one that your friend took. Where are they?" Fernando asked.

"Dead." Jorge said. "Que? What do you mean?" Fernando asked. "The shooters that you sent over to their house killed them. And by the way, I was in there too. So thanks for the heads up." Jorge said. "Son, you were never supposed to be there." Mario said. "Well I was. The girls are dead. And the boys are injured. Well one of them." Jorge said. "Good. It shouldn't be too hard then." Mario said. "I can't believe Amber is dead." Fernando said. "Well believe it. She was shot four times." Jorge said. "I want to see the body." Fernando said. "I already disposed of them. I assumed that's what my father would have wanted." Jorge said. "It's all their fault. She was supposed to be here with me." Fernando said. "Son. The two of them were very close." Mario said. "Oh really? I wasn't aware." Jorge said. "Make them pay." Fernando said. "Okay fine. i'll do it." Jorge said.

"But first, you're gonna explain some things to me. What's down in that basement?" He asked. "You're right, I won't lie to you any more. There's people down there. Mainly women. We've been in the trafficking business for years son. And i've been waiting for the right time to tell you about it." Mario said. "Wait a minute. It's all making sense now. I knew it. This is where all the moneys been coming from. This is why you've always been so rich." Jorge said. "Yes son you are right." Mario said. "And you could be too. We're willing to make you a partner." He said. "I don't know about that." Jorge said. "How can you turn an offer like this down?" Mario asked. "Let me think about it." Jorge said. "You do that. While you're at it, kill June and Kacey." Fernando said. "Okay. I'll get it done." Jorge said.

"You know what. I'm sending a group of men to Atlanta to pay their family a little visit as well. And I'll have my friend that's down there send a message now." Fernando said with a smirk. Jorge paused. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I told him he fucked over the wrong one. Now they're all gonna pay." Fernando said. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Jorge asked. "I'm positive. This is what happens when you mess with me. Your father will tell you." Fernando said with a laugh. "He's right." Mario said. "Alright then. I'll go finish off June and Kacey. Then I'll touch bases with you later." Jorge said getting up. "Alright." Mario said. He reached out and hugged Jorge. "I love you son. Everything's gonna be good. trust me." He said. "Yeah I know. Goodbye." Jorge said before walking off.


"Aye remember that time Cree got shot five times cause June tried to rob that one nigga." Ace said laughing. "Yeah bruh and we had to go pick they ass up." Angel said laughing with him. "Nigga that wasn't funny. I almost died." Cree said. "I know you was in there on life support and shit we ain't think you was gone make it. All cause June wanted to be hard headed. I told him that was a dumb ass plan." Ace said shaking his head and laughing. "Things didn't go like they was supposed to. I was young and stupid, I admit it was my fault." June said with a shrug. "Fuck you bitch." Cree said. "You lived pussy." June said. "Shut up before I shoot you. Then i'll get the last laugh." Cree said. "I think you should do it." Angel said. "No let me do it." Ace said.

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