Chapter forty one

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"I been waiting to hear from you girl. How the honeymoon going? Tell me all about it." Seven said excitedly as she looked at Dream on FaceTime. "It's going great I'm having so much fun with him. But I swear it just hit me that I'm married and honestly I don't know what to do. It's like me and Jorge are one now and he's always around. I love the feeling but at the same time I'm terrified. I want this forever and if it ends I don't think I could live with myself." Dream said. She had never truly been in love until she met Jorge. He was so gentle and patient with her and he handled her and their son with care. Sometimes she felt like she didn't even deserve him but he always made sure to reassure her.

"Dream you shouldn't think about things like that. What you and Jorge have is really special. Love like that you only have once in your life and I know how it feels when you're scared to lose that. But you two will be fine. You're a family you guys have Mateo and now y'all are married." Seven said. "You right girl. You know since we on this subject I gotta ask because it's been bugging me and I can't hold it in no longer. You like a sister to me Seven, we've grown so close through the years of me knowing you even tho I hated you when we first met. And yes Creation is my brother but I'm not saying this because of that I'm saying this because I really care. Why are you still with Lamont when we both know you're still in love with Creation?" Dream asked.

The line went silent. "I'm not sure about my feelings right now but you're right I love Cree I never stopped loving him and I never will. Still, I care about Lamont so how can I just leave him when he was there for me when I really needed someone?" Seven asked. "That's something you and him need to talk about. But it's gonna hurt him a whole lot worse when he has to watch you drive yourself insane before finally ghosting him and getting back together with Cree." Dream said. "I would never do that." Seven said. "Admit that it crossed your mind tho." Dream said. "I'm not gonna do this right now. I just called because I wanted to see how the honeymoon was goin not to be lectured. I'm gonna let you go I don't wanna intrude. Have fun." Seven said.

"Okay but you know this conversation is long from over with tho right?" Dream asked. "Bye go make another baby with Jorge or something." Seven said. "Oh that's just not gonna happen. You and him can forget about it I already shut that down, we all know Mateo wasn't planned." Dream said with a laugh. "I'll talk to you later tho Jorge waiting on me we about to go swimming with the dolphins." She said. "Alright girl y'all have fun. Bring back a dolphin for me and the kids." Seven said. "Girl Jorge already told me no. He is so mean." Dream said rolling her eyes. "Girl bye as much as he spoils you. I love you, call me when you get a chance." Seven said. "I love you too and I will. Kiss my baby for me, bye." Dream said before hanging up the phone.

Seven stood up and grabbed her purse and keys before leaving out the door. She was headed over to Cree's house to spend the day with him and the kids. They were going to take family photos and do a few other activities as well. Every time she was around him she would get a flashback of one of their memories. And all she wanted to do was call him and make things right. But deep down she wondered if it would even be the same. She started her car and pulled off as she got a incoming call from Lamont. "Hey baby. What you doing?" He asked. "I'm driving right now what about you?" Seven asked. "Drive to me." Lamont said. She smiled. "I will later. I'm going to see the kids now." She said. "Aww, kiss them for me and tell Cj we got us some Spiderman to catch up on. I been dying to watch the new movie." He said.

"I'll be sure to tell him bae. I know you been missing spideyman." Seven said teasing him for still being obsessed with kid shows. "Girl shut up. I been missing you." Lamont said. "I Miss you too. I know I've been real busy lately but I wanna see you later. We'll talk then okay." Seven said. "Ight see you then. I love you girl and drive safe don't be hitting no curbs or nun or that extra shit." Lamont said with a serious tone. "I love you too. Bye." Seven said with a laugh before hanging up. She kept trying to shake what Dream said out her mind but she knew it had truth to it. She lowkey was planning on ending things with Lamont she just didn't know exactly how and when to do it. She wish she could find a way to leave without hurting him. But she knew he was in love with her. She just couldn't help that she was in love with Creation.

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