Chapter twenty eight

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"Ion think Creation gone be coming back in ma." Seven said as she walked through the door. "It's okay baby. We just gotta give him some time. Whenever Creation gets like that there's nothing you can do but give him space." Moms said wiping her tears away. "I know. But he was out of line he shouldn't have talked to you or pops like that. I'm real sorry." Seven said. "Sweetie don't apologize for the actions of somebody else. I know he's just hurt and he didn't mean no harm by it. Now come back to the table every one already started eating." Moms said dismissing the subject.

Creation drove his car in silence. No music just the sound of him blowing smoke in and out. He couldn't believe his parents would even think about pulling the plug on Prince. It had only been a few weeks. He thought it was pointless and that they were giving up on him. He was even more mad that Seven chose their side over his. Cree took another a hit off his blunt as he pulled up to the hospital Prince was staying at. He sat in his car for a few more moments to finish smoking before he got out and entered the building. After checking in at the front desk he was able to go up to his room.

Cree sat down on a chair next to Prince's bed and looked over at him. "Come on man. You gotta get betta." He said. "Look I know I can't say shit. Cause to be honest I feel like I'm the reason you in here ina first place but damn Prince. You can't leave us like this. Moms and pops starting to talk crazy and shit. They don't think you gone make it and they say it'll be better to pull the plug. But I know you still in there. If anybody can pull through some shit like this it's you nigga. So if you gone wake yo ugly ass up you need to do it now. Cause you running outta time and it ain't nothin I can do to stop em." He said as a few tears fell down his face. He knew he wouldn't get a response but he still needed to say it.

"I know you a probably laugh if you saw me crying like this and shit but I love yo lil ass. Ion know what I would do without my annoying ass lil brother." Cree said. "Yeah I know man. I know I'm everybody favorite and y'all would be lost without me." Prince lowly said. Cree paused and looked up. He seen that he had his eyes opened and his mouth dropped. "Prince?" He said. "Yeah I been up all day. I just wanted to wait for a dramatic enough moment to make myself known but ain't nobody came to see me." Prince said looking up. "Are you fucking serious right now?" Cree asked getting out his chair.

"Yeah. I thought moms woulda came by so I was gone jump up and scare her but she never came. Ian wanna scare you cause I know you woulda knocked my ass back into a coma so yea." Prince said. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You know how worried we been?" Cree asked. "Yeah I heard. Ion know why. Y'all know ima thug." Prince said. "Why you ain't call a damn nurse or something nigga. I can't believe you." Cree said. "You missed me bro?" Prince asked. "Fuck you bruh." Cree said shaking his head as he pulled out his phone to call June. "So what all I missed since I been gone? Tell me before everybody get here." Prince said. "Aye June guess who taking to right now." Cree said.

"Why should I give a fuck who you talking to? I'm tryna eat." June said. "Bruh it's Prince. Get the fam and bring y'all ass up here." Cree said. "Stop playing nigga." June said. "Ain't nobody playing bring y'all ass on. This nigga been up all day and ain't said shit." Cree said. "Bruh we on the way." June said before hanging up. "Who was that on the phone?" Aniya asked looking over at him. "It was Creation. He say Prince up and we need to come up there now." June said getting up. "Wait what?" Chloe asked. "Yeah he said he been up all day or something so we need to go." June said. "What? But i thought the doctors said he wasn't getting better?" Harmony said.
"Fuck them doctors let's go." Pops said getting out his seat.


"And the father doesn't let you see him at all?" The lawyer asked Krissy as he wrote things down in his notebook. "No not at all. He's kept me away from my son for almost four years now. I'm just so heart broken at the fact that my baby doesn't even know who I am." Krissy said with tears in her eyes. "I am so sorry to hear that Ms. Williams. I'm going to try my best to get your son back to you." The lawyer said. "Thank you so much Kyle. This whole thing has just been hurting me for years. Now I'm finally gonna take that bastard to court and get my son back." Krissy said with a smile.

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