chapter 16

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[Harry's point of view]

We got to the set of the show a couple minutes late thanks to Louis. Well. Thanks to both of us, actually. Never mind. We arrived in a hurry, running to the very well known changing rooms, both of our faces flushed red.

'Nice of you lads to finally show up!' Niall said with a roll of his eye as soon as we entered the main dressing room. He had a wide smile playing on his lips that looked borderline painful. Alright then. He grabbed his mug of coffee (Tea? Juice? Who knows, it's Niall, it very well could be beer) and took a long sip, all the while staring at us, smirk just growing even bigger. It was quite frustrating and I looked at Louis, eyebrows knitted but he had the same puzzled expression on his face as me. So he doesn't understand Niall either. Great.

'What is it Niall, for God's sake, just spit it out.' Louis finally snapped, voice seeming loud in the otherwise quiet room.

'Your shirt is inside out Harry. And Louis. You've got a bit of um. Well. Look at your sweatpants, I guess.' He said, almost slamming his mug down, smirk ever so present and then he slowly stood up to walk out of the room and to give us some privacy while we change. Before he left, he patted both of our shoulders with an all knowing smirk and whispered Showtime lads, change, get ready, quick. then stepped to my right to leave the room. Oh, yeah. The show. We were actually supposed to be on a talk show very soon. Shit.

As soon as the door closed behind him, he bursted out laughing which echoed for a long time in our ears, as we threw our clothes off in embarrassment, silently agreeing never to do that again before meeting with the lads early in the morning. I threw on the suit I brought with me and Louis changed into his jeans and sweater. I couldn't help but sneak a glance at the prominent lovebite just under his collarbones that I placed there this morning, a small sense of stupid pride filling my body.

'Ready?' He looked at me when he noticed I was just fidgeting with the bottom seam of my suit and I nodded. He grabbed my hand and lead us into another familiar room across the hall, where the other 3 guys were already sitting, getting their hair done and whatnot.

'Louis, Harry.' Zayn just nodded as if to say how nice of y'all to join us, then looked back into the mirror so the person currently occupied with his quiff wouldn't make it uneven.

Liam looked at us with tired but gentle eyes, saying a quiet hello but not really acknowledging us. He was never really a morning person after all. The only person who was actually cheery and vibrant as always was Niall. Well, at least that hasn't changed about the boy.

As soon as our assigned hairdressers noticed Louis and I, they asked us to sit in the chairs so they can get us ready too.

'Hi, my name's Lisa.' The blonde girl smiled and shook my hand after I sat down in front of her.

'Harry, nice to meet you.' I smiled back, making myself comfortable.

'I, I know. I mean, shit, um, all the same to you.' She nodded nervously then took one of her long locks into her hand and started twirling it around 'So um. What do you have in mind? For your, uh, hair, I mean?' She swiftly asked, anxiousness ever present in her words.

'Just a messy kinda quiff will be fine.' I said, giving her a reassuring smile but when she didn't move, I pulled up my eyebrow and turned around to look into her eyes properly. 'Everything okay?'

'Oh, sure uh yeah. It's just. well. You are the Harry Styles and then you guys are the One Direction, I practically grew up listening to you guys's music and I never thought I'd have to chance to meet any of you. Let alone, do your hair for. Well. Whatever you're planning, James hasn't said much.' She blurted out. 'Anyways. Messy quiff, is it?' She asked, grabbing a brush and some kind of hairspray. She didn't wait for an answer just started brushing my hair upwards and outwards and... I'm not expert on hair so I wouldn't describe what she was doing, but she was done quite fast, that's for sure. When she was done she just thanked me. (Isn't that supposed to be the other way around? After all, she worked and I just sat there) and practically ran out of the room.

'Looks like Harold has got himself an admirer.' Niall said with a smirk and looked at Louis. 'You scared, Tomlinson?'

'Oh yes, very much so.' He said with a mock hurt expression on his face, just as his hairdresser announced they were done and left the room as well. Louis' hair was in a fringe and he, quite frankly, looked breathtaking. He stood up and joined Niall in his seat, on the couch placed next to a big mirror. He took a quick glance in it, probably being able to see all of us in it and faintly smiled before sat down.

'Well, don't we make quite the band?' he said and looked around to see the four confused looks he's received. 'I mean,' he started elaborating 'There is Harry with his fancy, bright, sparkly blue suit, Zayn in his slick black suit. Liam in dress pants and...what button down even is that, mate?' He questioned, taking a better look at Liam's uniquely tailored shirt 'Niall looking like the men's section in an autumn fashion magazine and me...well. Me looking like I don't know my own size.' he finished looking at his hands which were engulfed by his dark blue, knitted sweater. 'So. That's what I meant.' He added tentatively, not knowing whether we will be offended or laugh. But of course, as it dawned upon us, we all burst out laughing and realised just how ridiculous we will look once sat down together or on stage.

'Well then let's show how much we shouldn't fit together anymore -but still do- , shall we?' Liam asked hurriedly and stood up, adjusting the aforementioned button up and opened the door for us to leave.

'Always such a gentleman, this one.' Louis said teasingly as he passed him, pinching his cheek, to which Liam only returned a frown but it was soft around the edges and held no meaning. I followed right after and assured Liam that I do, in fact, like his attire for today and he gave me a thankful smile, closing the door behind himself as I was the last one in the room.

'Heard you and Louis were late today, looking particularly ruffled. Any reason for that, H?' He asked, a grin nipping at his lips.

'Oh, shut up.' I sighed, a bit overly dramatic and ran a hand through my hair 'Niall just can't keep his mouth shut, can he?' I huffed a laughter because, really? I expected Niall not to blabber it out that me and Louis arrived late, with literal cum smeared on his pants. Naïve of me. Very naïve.

'So everything's good with you guys?' He inquired in a much calmer and softer tone.

'Yeah. Yeah, everything's....' I started with a small nod of my head, fond smile starting to form on my lips as I looked up at Louis currently bantering with Niall while simultaneously laughing at something with Zayn. 'Everything is good. Perfect, even. He is so perfect.' I added, barely above a whisper when I realised, for about the millionth time how massively lucky I am that he came back to me. That him being the most stubborn person ever, didn't stop him from fighting for me, for us, and came back. I thank every single god and outer power there is that he came back and he is mine for now and for ever. 'I love him so much Liam, you know. I love him.' My voice came out so quiet I didn't even know if he heard me, but he put a firm hand on my shoulder and pulled me into his side to give me a hug only to whisper 'I know mate. I know.' into my ear, smiling at me and we kept walking towards the studio.

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