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i am so so so sorry for not updating any sooner but my life has been an absolute mess lately...
i started writing this story almost exactly a year ago and a lot has changed since then, so i rewrote and corrected some parts of it, so if you wanna reread a (possibly) better version of this, you can do it :)

the story was supposed to be longer than this but i just couldn't write it anymore, none of the chapters felt true to me OR the story so that is why i decided to give you a hopefully satisfying last chapter. i hope you enjoy reading it just as much as i enjoyed writing it!

thank you for all the support and for keeping up with my erratic uploading schedule, y'all are amazing and i love each and every person who took the time to read the story!

§ couple months later §

And in the midst of all the screams, claps and crying fans, Louis kisses Harry without hesitation, holding his head firmly in place.

§ 1 hour earlier §

'You sure you wanna go through with this?' Louis asked, worry marring his features.

'Yes Louis, I am. we have to do it at some point. And what better place to do it then the biggest venue of the tour? We should like...come out before the wedding...like, I want to because I don't wanna be hiding my ring. So. Today it is.' Harry said, smoothing his - now quite long - brown locks out of his face, only for Louis to mess it up seconds later.

'You're a child, you know that right?'

'I might be, but you're in love with that child.' Louis said smirking.

Louis handed Harry the hair gel so he could properly do his hair. They were playing in Wembley tonight (which is...mind-blowing) and everything had to be perfect so it's only fair that Harry decided to sing the fully changed lyrics of Golden.

Harry stood up to get his suit out of his bag but he stopped in his tracks to give Louis a peck on the lips and whisper 'I'm so proud of you Louis, 'so, so proud.' in his ear.

'Mhm. And um. Is there a reason or...?'

'Can't I just be proud of my fiancé for no particular reason at all? Put the pressure on a man, jeez.' Harry huffed in annoyance but his lips were threatening to form a smile.

'Yeah, yeah, you can.'

'If you are so interested, I'm proud of you because of how far you've come from the little 18 year old kid who was scared in bootcamp and had a crisis. And now look at you. At us. We're...Louis, we're gonna come out today!'

Harry's dimples deepened, a giddy smile taking over his features. Lots of things have changed since they first met, but Harry still had the same boyish demeanour when he was happy and Louis couldn't help but fondly smile at him then grab him by the waist and lean in for a kiss.

'I love y-' Louis was cut off by their door opening, causing the pair for each to take a few steps back.

'Lads, about ready now?' Liam pulled their already ajar door open and stepped in. He was already wearing the outfit he was going to perform in, meanwhile Louis was wearing nothing but his sweats, which hung low on his hips, while Harry had a dressing gown on and a very fashionable (no, not really) pair of rainbow socks.

'Oh, come now, the show starts in 10 minutes and you guys are all lovey-dovey and are as far from ready as you can be!'

'How do you know I don't wanna perform shirtless, huh? Give the fans a bit of a shocker.'

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