chapter 7

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They spent the next few days exactly as Louis suggested. They turned off their phones and laptops so they wouldn't even feel the temptation to answer emails or calls. They had no idea what was going on in the outside world. They used their time together well though. They spent the time making things better between them, making old scars hurt less. Louis told Harry every day how sorry he was. They finally talked about every mistake they ever did and promised each other not to ever do those again. They talked about all the big fights they had and said sorry for everything the threw at each other that they didn't really mean. And it actually made a difference. They could feel their bond getting stronger. They started to fall for each other even more.
They would stay up till 4am, talking and laughing most of the time, with the help of some alcohol. Nothing intimate happened between them, not even a single hug or kiss although they were both desperate for it. Harry knew he had to be the one to take the first step because their relationship was pending on whether he'd forget the other or not. And Louis knew that well so he didn't do anything.

One night, they had one too many drinks and finally something happened. It was around 1am, they were both drunk. Not extremely drunk but the alcohol took over their actions, they weren't thinking fully straight.

'Harry I'm hungry.'

Louis whined. They were sitting in the living room, empty bottles of wine in front of them and a cigarette in Louis' hand. Harry was too drunk to tell him off for smoking in the house.

'What should I do about that? There's cereal, you can have that.' He knew Louis wouldn't be happy with that but he was too drunk and too tired even think about cooking.

'No...' Louis looked disgusted at the thought of that just as Harry expected 'please cook me something."

He lay his desperate puppy eyes on Harry because he knew he couldn't refuse to act when he looked like that. Those eyes always broke Harry, staring into the blue irises made him weak.

'No Louis, it's too late.'


Louis moved closer, leaving only an inch between their bodies. He bit his lip and looked into Harry's eyes

'Please.' he mumbled again. Harry couldn't resist anymore.


He gave in, standing up. He walked to the kitchen, Louis putting out his cigarette and following behind him.

While Harry was taking out the ingredients, Louis looked for another bottle of wine. When he found one, he just sat on the top of the dining table. He could tell Harry didn't like that but he just shrugged then he let him be, it wasn't worth arguing about. Louis didn't even bother to get glasses, he drank straight from the bottle.

'Hey!' Harry acted like he was angry at him for doing that 'Leave me some of it too!' Louis handed the bottle to him and watched as the other boy drank nearly half of it in a few seconds.

'Harry, don't drink the whole thing.'

They were kind of fighting like two children. This is what alcohol did to them. They were either extremely childish or extremely sexual. There was no in-between.

They shared the rest of the wine while Harry was cooking. By the time he already finished, they were both completely wasted. The next things Harry did were completely influenced by the alcohol. At least that's what he told himself so he wouldn't feel bad for his own promise to himself at waiting with it. As Louis was looking for yet another bottle, Harry stepped behind him and first hugged him then turned him around so now they were face to face.

'Harry, what are you doing?'

He didn't get an answer, Harry just grabbed the back of his thighs, right under his bum and lifted him on to the counter. He did this with such ease, Louis was actually surprised.

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