chapter 14

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§ september 17th, 2020 §

[Harry's pov]

'Oh for God's sake Louis, can't you just stop staring at Harry for like a fucking moment??' Liam snapped at him

We were gathered in the all so familiar studio in LA, where we always did our photoshoots, and most of our inside music videos. This time we were shooting our new tour promo, in the same styles as our old ones. All of us just had to stand in front of a green screen, reading a map and following the director's instructions. Easy, right? Well apparently not for Louis. It was his turn in front of the camera, but with me standing backstage, just talking to the lads, made it impossible for him to focus on what he had to do. He kept looking over at me, doing funny faces and smiling at me, trying to get my attention. I knew if I actually turned and interacted with him, we'd never get his part done so I just blatantly ignored him, causing him to pout and whine my name. He was acting like a big child. As usual.

'Louis, babe, please, just do it, it'll take five minutes.' I let out a sigh, finally averting my gaze from Liam to him. I knew damn well it'll take at least another half an hour for him and if I didn't interject, we could be there the whole day. 'Then you can be with me the whole day, yeah?' I offered since I was already done and just waiting for him.

These past few weeks we spent every single moment together and he seemed to hate being apart from me for even just a shoot. Deep down I just wanted to go up to him and be with him but I knew we had to get this shoot done.

'Promise?' He pouted.

'Promise.' I smiled reassuringly then went back to my conversation with Liam and Niall.

When Louis actually started to focus, the cameraman let out a long and exasperated sigh and huffed out a 'finally' then with a wave of his hand to the people responsible for music, the familiar melody came loudly from the speakers. He started the camera and Louis actually did what he was supposed to do. They did it three times just so they have an option to choose, all three were a bit different. As the director held his thumbs up, Louis threw down the map and basically ran back to me, clinging to my side. It felt nice, feeling his warm body next to mine in public after such a long wait. I pressed a kiss to his hair and murmured a few words about how good he did into his ears. He gave me the cutest smile ever.

'Well well well if it isn't the lovebugs.' Zayn stepped into the room, a cheeky grin sitting on his face.

Louis immediately lifted his head off my shoulders and untangled our fingers, running into Zayn's open arms and pulling him into a tight embrace. This was our first time seeing hime since the hiatus (except for Liam, they actually met up a few times) and Louis was buzzing to finally see him again in person. Yes, they did end on bad terms right after his departure but since we have been planning the reunion, they talked a lot one-on-one and made up, probably becoming closer than ever and I was so happy for that.

'Hi mate.' I stepped to him when Louis finally let go, hugging him, not nearly as close as my fiancé but still, I put the strength of all our missed out hugs from the last 5 years. He whispered a hi back into my ear then went to greet Liam and Niall as well.

'I'm gonna go for a smoke, alright?' Louis stepped next to me, cocking an eyebrow but a small pout on his lips. He knew I didn't like that he smoked so every time when we were together and he had to go outside he'd do this, kind of like asking me for permission. Of course I wanted him to stop, he is poising his own body and possibly messing up his vocal chords but what could I do? I cannot force him to stop something he loves, something that was his only relief when I wasn't there. So I just nodded, sending him a small smile and a peck on his lips. He nudged Zayn's side, lifting his pack up, and the guy followed him without a question.

[Louis' pov]

I pushed out the heavy door and stepped into the fall breeze of the UK, Zayn following right behind me. I offered him a cigarette and my lighter and he took it with a thankful smile. We kind of just stood there for a while, not saying anything, puffing the smoke in each others' faces like we used to after every show, coughing violently when one of us inhaled too much of the other's smoke.

'So you and Harry...' Zayn started quietly, bit insecure but with a coy smile.

'Yeah yeah. Engaged and all.' I answered him, proud smile sitting on my face.

'I seriously thought you guys were never gonna get back together. I mean, H was pretty fucking upset.'

'Man, I don't even know why he even talked to me at his house and didn't slam the door in my face.'

'The fucker just loves you that much.' his tone was a bit sarcastic but very very sincere at the same time.

'Yeah but he was angry and I get it. I don't know why he took me back, I messed up big time and I'm scared I will hurt him again. I-'

I started to ramble on, still not sure as to why Harry suddenly changed his mind. Of fucking course I was over the moon that I get to be with possibly the best person to ever exist but I knew I wasn't the best for him.

'Louis, you're forgetting something.' He stopped me in the middle of my train of thought with a stern look.

'The only reason you hurt him was management. And you don't have to worry about that anymore.' The stern look was gone, a calm and soft expression taking its place.

'I know I know, but there are so many other ways I could hurt him and I'm scared I will.'

'Stop it man.' He dropped his cigarette on the ground and stepping on it, then turning his whole body to face me 'that boy loves you so much it doesn't make sense. The way he looks at should see yourself. Every time you're around, his eyes light up and his face becomes brighter and he looks at you with such fond it's actually kinda disgusting. I wish I had that.'

'But you and Gigi?' I asked with a safe voice, not exactly aware of what's up with them, only knowing as much as the media puts out.

'I...that's different. I love Gigi, of course, with every fibre of my being. But what you and Harry have is special, and it's rare. Don't loose it by being insecure about yourself Louis. You might not understand why he wants you, why he loves you, but he does and that should be enough. Cherish that, you hear me? Forever. Don't ever fucking let go of him.' He sighed and pulled me into another tight hug 'I mean it mate.' He whispered then tried to pull away but I didn't let him, whispering a barely audible thank you.

As we stopped hugging, we realised it was extremely cold as the sun started to go down so we decided to walk back inside.

The first thing I did after stepping in the bright lights of the studio was gazing around to find the curly headed boy, who was still talking to Liam and Niall, laughing from time-to-time, throwing his head back and letting out the most adorable chuckles I've ever heard. When he spotted me staring at him, his lips quirked even more upwards, his dimples popping out and his eyes genuinely shining. I sped up to be by his side as soon as possible, pressing a gentle kiss on his lips and whispering a soft 'I love you'. He just smiled even harder, pulling me in front of him and hooking his hands around my middle, slightly bending down and resting his head in the crook on my neck. We joined the conversation of the others.

At this very moment, I was happier then I ever could have been and I never wanted it to end.


thank you for all the love on the previous chapters, it means a lot to me ‹3
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