chapter 6

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§ july 25th, 2020 §

Now you're probably thinking: where is their date? Why don't we know anything about it? The truth is, there is actually nothing to know. They just sat, ate, talked and left. They talked about everything, but also nothing. There was no mention of the band, music, their past, their relationship. They only talked about casual things, like what they've been up to lately, a movie they saw a week ago and hated or loved. So, as I said, everything but nothing. But it was fine that way, neither of them minded. They needed time to find each other again and the only way to do that was to talk like two people who didn't have to hide the entirety of their relationship and who don't have all that the pressure from the media. They needed to talk like casual people, not like famous musicians.

The only mentionable point on the date was when a fan spotted them and asked for a picture. They said yes, the picture was taken of the three of them and then she left. She was quite respectful, didn't ask any questions about what they were doing, not even any questions about the band. She just asked for a picture, told them how much their music meant to her and how much she loved them. They didn't think much of it that night. It didn't even cross their minds that them being seen together could cause troubles. As they finished eating, Harry drove back to his house and offered Louis to stay. There was a slight misunderstanding, he thought he'd be sleeping with Harry but that was too soon for him. So Louis went downstairs to the guest room. Both of them fell asleep immediately not worrying about anything. Oh boy, how they should have.

Harry was the first to wake up in the morning. For the first time in a while, he was happy. Their date yesterday filled him up, even though it wasn't much, but he was just so happy to have spent time with Louis. He'd never admit this to him, but that didn't make it less true. As every person in today's world, he checked his phone right after waking up and went on Twitter. He ignored all the calls, emails and messages, it was too early in the morning for that. Although he didn't reply much on social media, and people thought he wasn't on there too often, he always read what the fans were posting. It just made his day better, to see all the positivity. So in hope of some more happiness he went on it today too. It was a big mistake, because as soon as he saw what was on there, his good mood went away.

Every single picture he saw was of him, Louis, and the fan last night. #larry was trending worldwide, and all the fans were posting about is how they knew Larry was real. No one seemed to care about the reunion anymore, this was way more interesting for them. He needed a few minutes to actually process what that picture did.

They basically came out. Or well. Let everyone know they do not hate each other.

He checked some online magazines too, they were there too. And on Instagram. They were everywhere. All the emails and messages were about that too, some were from friends, some from magazines, some from family. The whole situation felt like the first time they were caught out on a date, except this time the picture really did get out.

'Louis, come here! Now!'

His voice was trembling, though he didn't know why. Was it anger, excitement, disappointment? It took a few minutes for the guy to walk up the stairs. He was only wearing boxers which Harry would've appreciated in any other situation but not now.

'Put this on.' He threw a shirt at Louis. He slowly put it on.

'What is it? I was still sleeping.'

His voice was raspier than ever, his hair was a mess and he seemed extremely upset to be woken up. What the hell could have Harry wanted of him at 8am? He should've known he hated waking up early. He was half asleep, but as he saw Harry basically shaking, eyes starting to tear up and the vein popping on his neck, he was more alert. He knew Harry well, he knew what every of these signs meant but he has never seen them at the same time. He has never seen him like this, but he knew something was really wrong.


Harry just simply gave his phone to Louis, with Twitter open.


That was all Louis could say, there were no other words that came to his mind. On the picture it was very obvious they were on a date. They just came out to the world without realising.

'Yes. Fuck. What are we gonna do?

'Nothing? I don't know H, we aren't bound to contracts anymore so I guess it's our decision what we're gonna do' His tone wavered at the end, not entirely sure where they stood relationship-wise.

'I guess um, we could...we could...'

deny it. That's what Harry felt like he had to say. It is not what he wanted, he didn't wanna deny something that was true, but he didn't know how Louis felt about it so he just stuttered.

'There really is nothing much for us to do now Harry. We can deny it, sure, we can say it wasn't a date, but do you really think anyone's gonna believe that? Plus...'

He struggled to say what he was about to. They both suffered because to their management and Louis had enough of pretending and lying, after all he was the one with a girlfriend for almost 10 years. Thankfully with the Modest contract ending, they could "break up".

Louis just wanted to come clean but only if Harry wanted it too.

" you even wanna deny it?' He quietly added these last few words, not sure how the other would react.

'I...I don't know Lou. I don't know what I wanna do.'

Harry felt useless and weak. He knew the logical thing would be to deny the whole thing, he knew it would be better for both of their careers. But the last thing on his mind was his career. He felt like he has lost control. The only time he felt like that was when he was asked about Louis. It was a sensitive topic for him.

'Then we don't do anything. We stay low.'

Louis saw that Harry was about to break, he saw that he was gonna cry so he just said the "best" solution he could come up with. And he was right, as Harry looked into his eyes, his tears started falling.

Louis was upset about the situation, but what mostly upset him was to see Harry like this. He hated seeing him broken. He pulled the other guy into a hug, and started stroking his back. The hug somewhat calmed both of them down.

'We won't go anywhere. We won't post anything. We won't talk to anyone. We'll just wait a few days until the whole thing settles down. Alright?'

He pushed Harry away for a few seconds just to see his reaction. He just nodded but immediately went back into the hug. Harry could always find protection in Louis' arms, even when everything was messed up. As long as he had him by his side, he felt safe.

They just stood there, hoping things would settle down. They didn't for a few days afterwards, but they had each other. And that was all they needed.

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