chapter 2

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§ july 23rd 2020 §

'Yeah I know I was an idiot who hurt you, I know you will never forgive me put could you for a moment just listen to me? I know what I did was bad but I have uh...reasonable reasons that uh...'

Louis just kept on blabbering, he didn't even realise that Harry had already said something.

'Lou, hey, stop!' Harry put his hand on the guy's shoulders to calm him down but it only caused the shorter one to startle a bit. 'I said I missed you.'

'You what?'

Louis finally stopped talking. He definitely wasn't expecting Harry to say that. He was ready to be sent out of the house, he was ready to get yelled at but he wasn't ready for Harry to softly say, almost whisper the words I miss you."

'I missed you Louis. I know I said I never wanna see you again and that hasn't entirely gone away. But you standing here, with your eyes shining of hope I just...I just think that you're right. What you did was unforgivable. But even considering every single thing that was wrong with us, that we messed up, the fights, everything...I still love you. And I don't think I'll ever stop loving you. And this is hard for me to say because I tried to forget you. Of course I did, after what you did I never thought I'd wanna talk to you ever again. But here you are reminding me how much I actually do love you. Getting over you was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. But you just had to come, didn't you? You always came even when things were hopeless.'

Harry didn't know what to say anymore. He was still very upset and deeply scarred. But after spending this much time apart, he took his time to really think about their relationship and he realised Louis is the love of his life. He was looking for him in every girl and guy he went on dates with. Those never grew into anything serious, his mind was set on Louis. Even with all the pain he caused him he was the only one who really got him. Their relationship was the perfect example of true love. It was a fine line, some might say. They always found their way back to each other, like a bad habit. Most of this strength probably came from having to hide their relationship at such a young age.

'Does this...does this mean you take me back?'

Louis couldn't believe his ears. He thought this was a lost cause, that he shouldn't have bothered to fly out to LA. But apparently it wasn't. A rock fell off his heart, he was extremely relieved. He thought he had just made a fool out of himself by coming all the way here, saying all these vulnerable things that are so unlike him and then of course getting rejected.

'I don't know Lou. I don't know if I can trust you as much as I did back then.'

'So...what does that mean?'

'Louis I don't know!' Harry snapped at him, keeping a constant, cold gaze on Louis' face, previous softness leaving no trace behind.

'What did you expect? Hm, honestly? You come out here, say all of these things which of course I believe because you are a lot of things but not a liar. And then I just take you back and pretend everything is great and we just pick up where we left off 2 years ago? No, no, no, that's not how it works'

'Then how does it?'

Louis was on the verge of bursting into tears. The rock just climbed back onto his body, pressing on his lungs, making it hard for him to breath. He thought everything was gonna be alright. Harry had said he missed him but now he doesn't wanna try again. Or does he? He was confused.

'Well I've never been through this, how should I know? The things is, I love you with all my heart but fucking hate you for what you did. And all this time, I pushed the loving part away, leaving space for hating you but now that you're standing in front of me all those feeling are coming back. And my mind is a mess. I am so confused.'

Harry took a step towards Louis. He wanted to kiss him so badly, he wanted to feel his body press against his, but he stopped himself from doing so. If Louis really was gonna make it right, they had to take it slow. He didn't wanna rush into it then get hurt again. He needed time to gain the lost trust back.

'What are you saying?' Louis stepped closer too, leaving only a few centimetres between them. For a brief moment he swears his saw Harry leaning towards him, his breath mixing with Louis'.

'It have to make me trust you again. You have to make me fall in love with you over again.'

'What, you mean like I have to take you on dates and buy you flowers and other couple-y, cheesy shit?'

'That is exactly what I mean. You have to take me on dates and you have to do cheesy shit.'

Harry smirked, then he mocked Louis' confused face. He knew exactly he wasn't a one for going out, Louis was always more comfortable in sweats in their bedroom binging Mamma Mia for the billionth time with takeout boxes scattered around them. Taking Harry out on a romantic date would be not be his ideal strategy to someone's heart but if that's what he had to do to win Harry back, he'd fucking take him to a restaurant on Mars. Even thought their previous dates were fine for Harry at the time, they both grew up. He unintentionally smiled when thinking of those days. But he needed more now. He loved the simple dates they had but they weren't children anymore.


Lou basically whispered the word. He hated the idea. But he knew he'd do everything to get the boy back. Even be a romantic sap, if that's what it took.

'Great. Pick me up tomorrow at 6pm.'

Harry's smile disappeared suddenly. He didn't wanna show how excited he actually was.

'What...what are we gonna do?'

'I don't know. You tell me. I'm just gonna be waiting here in a suit for you.'

He knew this would confuse Louis even more because they never went on dates that would require a suit.

'A suit? Okay, I'll figure something out.' Harry's face didn't change, he showed no emotion whatsoever. 'I will let myself out.'

He assumed Harry didn't want him to stay. After all, that would only lead to one of two things: an endless fight or endless kissing. Although he wouldn't mind the second option, Harry seemed like he wanted to take it slow this time so neither of the options would be beneficial for that.

'See you tomorrow.'


Harry just nodded then started going on his phone. The conversation was over for him. He didn't wanna look at Louis anymore because he knew he wouldn't be able to not burst out laughing at Louis' struggling face. He knew he messed his mind up with the suit. But it filled his heart with such warmness that he'd do that for him. Harry watched as Louis walked out the door. They were both smiling and were extremely happy but they didn't wanna show that to each other.

But somehow they knew the other was happy too.

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