chapter 4

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§ july 24th, 2020 §

Harry was thinking about his first date with Louis as he was getting ready. The memories brought some tears in his eyes but he wiped them away because this was not the time to cry. He was very tempted to put on one of his flamboyant suits, he would've felt good in a purple one but he decided to go with a plain black. He thought a colourful suit would bring unnecessary attention to them which they didn't exactly need.

The fans were especially pumped now, that it's the 10th anniversary of the band. They have been planning to do something special, maybe even get back together but they didn't know what yet, so they haven't said anything about it to anyone yet, they were waiting with it to surprise the fans even more. For now, all of them (yes, even Zayn) just posted a picture with #10yearsof1d #thankyou and that's it.

And even with just that, they broke all kinds of social media records.

Harry looked into the mirror to check how he looked one last time, then headed downstairs. It was 5.55pm so Louis was supposed to come soon. He hoped he still always shows up 3 minutes earlier, like he did since the start of their relationship. Harry kept checking the time but it went incredibly slow. He finally heard the sound of the buzzer and he basically ran to let Louis in. He pressed the button and unlocked the door. He changed his facial expressions, he didn't wanna let Louis know how excited he was.

Louis put on the only suit he could find. He usually gets one made for award shows but other than that he never wears them. He couldn't remember the last time he had worn one. He was very uncomfortable and the still shining sun didn't help at all. He was sweating like he had just come from the gym. Wearing a suit in LA is not the smartest thing to do. But even this couldn't break his happiness, he was pumped about their date. He arrived exactly 3 minutes before 6pm, as usual. After he pressed the bell the gate opened almost immediately so he knew Harry was prepared to open it any time. That must have meant he was excited too. Louis struggled to read the boy yesterday, he didn't seem so pleasant about seeing Louis, but on the other hand he was the one to initiate the date. He used to be good at knowing what Harry was thinking, just by looking at him for a split second.

'Hi' Louis opened the door without knocking because he knew it'd be open. Well he hoped and he was right.

'Hi. I see you found the only suit you own.'

Oh, so they were off to a cheeky start. Harry wasn't like that until they started spending more time together. Louis made him like this which not many people appreciated but what could he do about it?

'And what about you? Where are the flowers Haz?'

'Didn't wanna make you blind with my colourful suit. Have you planned anything?'

Harry quickly changed subjects, because it was hard for him to keep a straight face for multiple reasons. One of them was how amazing Louis looked in a suit. The other one was being called Haz. He couldn't remember the last time that happened.

'I have, actually, thank you for asking. I think you'll like it. We need to take a car though.'

'Be my guest.' Harry handed Louis a key to a Range Rover and showed him the way to the garage.

They sat in the car, Louis started the it and drove off. They were going out of the city which Harry didn't really understand but didn't ask questions. They were sitting in dead quiet.

'Can I turn on the radio?'

Louis was going crazy from the silence. Harry just pressed the button without reacting.

"And since it has been 10 years they were formed, here is Little Things by One Direction!"

'I can't believe this. Every fucking time.' Harry closed his eyes and put his hands on his face. The song started playing and Zayn's voice cut through the silence.

'Should I look for something else?'

'No, leave it on.' he said with a sigh.

Little Things was one of Harry's favourite songs they ever released, he just really liked the lyrics.

He started humming the song as Liam's part came on, then soon Louis joined too. By the time they got to the first chorus, they were both softly singing, they could barely hear each other though. Louis' solo was next, first quietly, then louder and louder he sang along to it. Then it was Harry's turn. They sang the second chorus on the top of their lungs. And right there and then, the ice broke between them. It's hard to explain what exactly happened, they were just singing in the sunset, a song that meant a lot to them, just having fun. They both sang the iconic 'you sing' part in Niall's solo which was followed by a laughter, then they got right back into singing.

"I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth, 'cause it's you, oh it's you, it's you they add up to, and I'm in love with Lou, and all his little things"

Harry sang these lines without thinking, as he used to sing it at most concerts, like a habit. This time he didn't to it intentionally but it just came out.

'Oh, it is very true.' He only whispered this to himself, hoping Louis wouldn't hear it because the music and his singing were too loud. But Louis heard him crystal clear but didn't say anything because he knew he wasn't meant to hear it, so he just smiled.

'That was fun.' They looked at each other, to check whether the other enjoyed it too.

'Yeah it was. These One Direction guys knew something. I wish I could've been part of it.' Louis bursted out laughing on Harry's comment.

'It's sad the are on a hiatus, innit?'

Just as Harry was about to react, Louis cut him off. 'Oh, we're here!'

'Where did you bring me?'

'Remember our first date?'

'Yes, vividly.'

Harry finally didn't try to hide his smile. Yes, his initial plans were to let Louis back slowly into his life, but singing with Louis made him realise he just wants to be with him as soon as possible because they already wasted so much time with pretending. He was tired of it. They pretended way too much. He just wanted to be with the boy freely. He didn't care what he had done in the past, he knew this time would be different.

'Well, turns out they have the same restaurant here too. Yes, I know the waitress there wasn't fond of us but yesterday I came by to make sure that wouldn't happen again.'

'Let's go in then.' This time Harry was the one to open the door.

'We have a reservation under the name Tomlinson.'

'Oh yes, follow me Sir.' The waiter went to the back of the restaurant to a table that already had food on it.

'Remember how we never got to finish our dinner the first time? Well I thought we could make up for it now.'

Remembering the first date, another thing struck Louis. Should he take a risk and say it? He pulled out the chair for Harry and decided to only whisper.



i wrote this chapter way before the anniversary happened but i didn't wanna change the story to that, so please just bare with me

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