chapter 13

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[Harry's point of view]

We talked till quite late at night with the lads, as we had a lot of catching up to do. It was very good to reconnect with all of them properly.

'Zayn your anniversary tweet freaked the whole of Twitter out, have you seen the fans got "what the fuck, zayn is back?" trending?' Liam said, him being the one to keep a very very close eye on twitter.

'What, really?' Zayn asked in disbelief.

'Yeah. Incredible them, the fans. Still have the power to do that.' He said with a fond look in his eyes.

'Imagine if they knew we are doing a tour.' Louis added with a laugh.

'They will break the internet, won't they? Like on the day of the anniversary with all the broken radio websites.' Liam joined in with a laugh.

'Hey, that's not funny! I couldn't even do my own interview because the website was overwhelmed and crashed.' I added with a pout.

'You were gonna do an interview? Wow Harold.' Louis looked at me, surprise in his eyes but his tone was clearly mocking.

'Yes, thank you very much, Tomlinson.' I scoffed at him.

'No need to get cocky now.' He said to me with a cheeky grin sitting on his face.

I just smacked his arm as an answer, gaining laughs from the other 3 lads.

We told them our plan to come out as a couple, it wasn't very much and very obvious, but we thought that the fans will definitely catch up to it, and theorise about what it means, then when it gets too far we will find a way to tell them properly. We just didn't want to straight up be like, "yeah you were right, we are together, thanks for the support." We wanna make it a bit fun for them. After all, we do love teasing them.

'So you are, yet again, going to change the lyrics of Golden?' Niall asked

'Yeah, that's the plan. We actually already wrote it, wanna hear it?' I asked shyly

'Well I haven't even heard the original, but sure.' Zayn shrugged.

'Hey, that hurt!' I exclaimed, lifting my hand up to my heart, pretending to be angry and frowned at him but laughed immediately after. 'Alright, let me get my notes.'

I stood up and walked quickly to my music room, grabbing my notepad and a guitar and went back to the living room.

'We might change some things, but this is the rough idea of it.' I took a big breath, then started playing an acoustic version of the song.

Louis sang along during the choruses just to help me out, the other 3 just listened quietly with mesmerised looks in their eyes.

"I'm out of my head but I know that you're here and our hearts won't be broken"

I finished singing the song, gaining very loud claps from the boys, I actually thought they were gonna break their hands in the process.

'Woah Harry, that was great!' Niall said with a huge smile on his face, him probably being the only one who has heard the song before. 'I'm sure the fans will understand it, especially if you will be staring this fondly at Louis throughout the whole song.' he added with a smug smirk on his face.

'Oh shut up.' I blushed as I was putting my guitar to the side.

'When did you guys write these lyrics?' Zayn asked.

'Yesterday night, when Liam texted that we will have this call and we will need to think of song to perform from our solo stuff. Funnily enough, me and Harry have been struggling the whole day to find a way to come out as a couple to the public so when Liam said this, it hit Haz immediately that he could do this.' Louis explained.

'So you found time between all that shagging to write lyrics? Congrats guys.' Zayn laughed it off, causing me to blush again.

'It was hard, but we did.' Louis played along with his stupid game. Well, not so stupid, there was some truth to it, but still.

'So are you sleep deprived from catching up during the night, with what was wasted with lyric writing?'

'Oh yes, very much.' Louis exaggeratedly faked a yawn.

'I seriously hate you all.' I pouted, crossing my arms again, for the millionth time today.

They have been teasing me this whole call, which seemed to annoy me, of course I didn't want to let them know I actually missed it and enjoyed it way too much. Back in the days they used to tease me a lot and I used to get very offended but now I only pretend and I think they know that damn well. I love the freedom of being a solo artist, of being able to do and wear my own stuff on stage and that I could finally be unapologetically myself. But I missed touring and just spending time in general with 4 of my best friends. Yes, back in the day it meant giving up some (well a lot actually) things.

But now I could be back in the band and still be myself, which was more than any artist could ever ask for.

'Don't worry Harry, we don't like you very much either.' Liam said, snapping me back to reality.

'Oi, watch what you say.' Louis said, knowing well that Liam was only joking but he always felt like it was his job to protect me when someone said hateful words.

We just spent the rest of the night just having a laugh really. We were supposed to talk about the details of the reunion, how we wanted to slowly drop more and more clues and tease the fans, the concepts of the tour and all that, frankly, boring stuff. But we weren't in the mood for it, we just haven't talked in so long that work was the last thing on our minds. It kind of was like the X-Factor days all over again, when we were just five boys who didn't know each other but had to first be mates and then work together. Because yes, five years indeed is a long time. Yes, we have talked to each other, kept in contact, went to each others' gigs and stuff...but that's not the same. It was amazing to kind of re-live those days in a sense. It was fun just to be us five again like how it used to be. It was so so so much fun. We kept teasing each other, we made inappropriate comments every chance we got, we were like teenagers.

'Louis, I dare you to kiss Harry.'

Niall said with a laugh, because yes, after some alcohol was brought out by each of us, he had the amazing idea to play truth or dare. We all knew why he said this. This was the first dare Niall has ever set to Louis, back in my father's backyard. He was scared to do it then, but now (with a roll of his eyes first, of course), he pulled me closer, holding my chin gently then passionately kissing me. Of course the others started to make noises like 7 years olds, but Louis just flipped them off, still not releasing me.

'Hey lovebirds, stop it!' Liam huffed out, kind of jokingly but we could hear the annoyance in his voice.

I tried to break away from Louis but he didn't let me, shuffling with his hands on my laptop, possibly to turn of the call. He eventually succeeded, me only noticing it from the sudden darkness and quiet that sat on the room.

'Why did you do that?' I finally was able to pull away 'I was having fun.' I added with a pout.

'I have other ideas for fun.' He smirked at, then immediately afterwards pressing his lips on to mine again 'we can talk with the lads tomorrow.' He mumbled against my cheek, then pulled my hand into his, standing up from the couch and leading me up to my bedroom. Our bedroom.

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