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hi hiii :)

so um. i started writing this story in the first lockdown, so around april 2020, and quite frankly, i am not very satisfied with my writing AT ALL but it is what it is. i have the overwhelming urge to go over it and edit it and perfect it as much as i can, and perhaps i will do that one day, but for now, i'm just gonna let go and enjoy the fact that i have finished a fic. i hope you can still enjoy the story, have some fun while reading it aaaand any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
if you wanna come n have a chat or something my twitter is @ ashtonbeloved and i'm always up to make friends and such.

for the sake of the story, let's just imagine that all the boys have finished their solo tours before covid and the 10 year anniversary. and also. that covid went away by the middle/end of 2020. oh how i wish that were true.

! this story is purely a work of fiction, as much as it is a play on real life, how i portray the boys obviously isn't 100% accurate as i do not know them & therefore it does not reflect how i view them irl. it's all fiction !

well anyways, i'll let you read the story now, hugs and kisses to you all x


rewritten/edited: 2021 march

§ july 23rd, 2020 §

He was shaking. He was scared to death but he was also excited and happy and buzzing and felt like he was going to throw up due to his inner turmoil. But to be perfectly honest, he was more scared above everything else. He had never felt such mixed emotions since their first date. But it was quite understandable as hasn't seen him for 2 years. Well, face to face. He is literally in every magazine, on every social media platform, his songs are constantly playing in the radio, so it was hard for him to ignore the boy and not not miss him every second of every day.

'You got this, you got this, you got this.' He kept mumbling to himself while walking down the street to his house. He knew the way there, he could probably get there with his eyes closed, backwards. He used to walk so fast, he was basically running because it was so rare when they got some time to just themselves.

But this time it was different, he didn't even realise how slow he was. He wanted to see him as soon as possible but also needed time to think through what he was gonna say, and what the other's reaction is gonna be.

After all, he's trying to win his heart back. He knew he messed up, multiple times, and he regretted it every single time. He had to prove how much he still loved him. He had to say it out loud. And he wanted to show the world. Because now, he can. Could. There was no contract stopping him. There was no one telling him who to date. Their relationship depended on just them.

Well, first of all just on him and then on the other then both of them. Details and whatnot, he thought to himself.

Nothing could stop him. He didn't care what the media would make of it later. He didn't have to play someone who he heard he was supposed to be anymore. He knew he had his fans' support because every one of them is supportive of them.

He got so lost in his thoughts that he suddenly found himself standing in front of his gate. He slowly looked up to the camera, took off the sunglasses and hat that was covering his face so no one would recognise him. He pressed the bell and waited. It was probably only about 5 seconds till he heard the buzzing sound which meant he could enter but he felt like it was 5 years. He pushed the gate in and started walking towards the door. Everything was just the way he remembered it. A small fountain to the right, surrounded by loads and loads of different flower he could never bother ti remember the names of, couple of trees and some bushes to the left, hiding the huge pull in the back of the garden. He walked the few steps leading to the big oak door (because, of course he had to have a fancy door) and shook his hair a bit, wringing his hands in his nervousness, trying to build up every ounce of courage he gained during his walk.

He finally knocked and waited.

He knew this door was open, he always left it open but he didn't feel like it was appropriate to open it, considering their status right now. His heart was beating twice as fast as usual and he was sweating. After what felt like a lifetime, the door opened.

And there he was.

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