chapter 11

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this is kind of a cheesy chapter but i figured louis & harry deserve some happiness so please enjoy!

[Louis's point of view]

'Wha-what did you just say?' I was completely in shock. Did I hear him right? Did he just? Did he just ask me to marry him?

'I want you to marry me.' he whispered, then lifted his eyes into mine, continuing with a more confident but still gentle voice 'I never, ever want to be apart from you, I want to spend every remaining minute of the rest of my life with you, I want to have kids with you and grow old with you. I want to marry you.'

Harry's voice was soft, almost like music as he was looking at me with the biggest smile on his face. His eyes lit up and they were shining bright with joy, the tears that were there before were gone completely. His look was the exact same I had in my eyes when I asked him to marry me, all those years ago. I said it as a joke back then and I'd never in a million years would have thought he would say yes. But then some shit happened and then I never though he would be asking me.

His breathing sped up as he was waiting for an answer, face full of hope.

'Of course I'll marry you, you idiot.' I finally said after a few minutes of silence. I didn't want anything more than marrying the love of my life but it took me a lot to say this because of the mistakes of the past. But I had to let that go and start with a fresh page.

Harry squeezed my hand then quickly stood up and ran up the stairs. The movement was so sudden and I didn't know why he did it, like he just proposed to me then runs away? I swear...what is going on in this boy's mind? I stood up and followed him. I found him in the bedroom, searching with a heave for something in his drawer.

'Where the hell is it?' He mumbled to himself, scrunching his nose, brushing his hair out of his face. Not gonna lie, he looked kinda cute like this.

'Where is what?' He turned around so fast he knocked off the lamp and some books from his nightstand.

'Um...give me a minute Lou.' He turned back searching even faster. 'Goddamnit' he whispered to himself 'I remember putting it here. Ah, yes!' He said cheering with a satisfied smile on his face.

He walked over to me, holding something behind his back.

'I uh...bought this almost 3 years ago. I wanted to give it to you sooner but then things happened and...' He started staring at the ground and was quiet for a few seconds. I touched his chin and gently lifted his head up and shook my head, showing him that we shouldn't talk about that and he should continue with whatever he was gonna say. 'But I guess the right time finally came.' He blurted out all at once.

Yes, you got it right, I was shocked by the speed of it because he usually speaks slowly. He lifted up a small black velvet box and opened it. It had a red inside and there was a gold ring sitting in the middle. It was simple but gorgeous, and as I looked at it more I saw the word "oops" engraved on the inside. Harry looked into my eyes, dreading about what I was gonna say, whether I was gonna appreciate it or think it's too cheesy to give me an engagement ring. I just grabbed the ring and pulled it on my right middle finger. He smiled at my decision. He knew exactly why I put the ring there, it had kind of a symbolism for us. If we ever gave each other a ring, we always put it there to not make it obvious that it's something to do with the person we love.

'Well, what do you think?' He looked me in the eyes while asking, voice was with doubt.

'I love it.' I stepped closer and gave him a quick peck on his lips 'but not as much as I love you' I whispered in his ear and then went and gave another kiss on his lips 'let's get you one too, shall we?' I held my hand out next to me for him to grab but all I got was a confused look.

'I will have one at the wedding Lou, I don't need one now.'

'Oh but you do. Remember when I proposed to you and then you threw the ring at me when we broke up? You deserve another ring Harry, and one that's just as beautiful as this one is.' He shook his head, kind of in disbelief but I could tell he actually liked the idea. So he finally grabbed my hand and we went downstairs and into the garage. This time he decided to drive since he knows more about the jewellery stores here in LA.

As in the good old days, I just shoved my legs up on the dash, getting an angry look from Harry but I just stuck my tongue out and kept my legs exactly where they were. He just sighed shaking his head then started the car. I pulled my phone out of my pocket then connected it to the bluetooth of his car and put on some music because I knew very well the radio was gonna play tons of One Direction and I don't think any of us would want to listen to ourselves right now. Our music taste is quite different, it took me a while to figure out what I was actually gonna put on. But then it hit me. Me and Harry made a playlist ages ago with songs we both like, I figured it still has to be only my Spotify. I was right, so with a smile of the winners, I put it on.

'Is it that playlist?' Harry said as he recognised the first song, emphasising the end.

'Yes.' I chuckled, him smiling at me.

We spent the car ride sitting quietly, but we were both buzzing about where we were about to go. We just hummed and sometimes sang along to the songs but didn't say a word. As usual, he was only driving with one hand, resting his other one on my thigh. I didn't think it was the safest option but I didn't complain, I enjoyed riding this way.

He stopped the car in front of a very small shop but it looked really fancy though.

'They know me here Louis, so there probably won't be any media coverage about us unless someone else sees us.'

Oh yeah. The media. I didn't even think about the fact that even though we just denied our relationship, the reporters and fans probably will not believe us and going to a jewellery store buying rings does not really line up with our lies, so Harry comforting me that it'll be alright was very necessary. He opened the door for us and we stepped in the store, where we were welcomed by the friendly smiles of the cashiers.

'Hi!' Harry greeted them like old friends 'this guy here-' said while pointing at me '-wants to buy an engagement ring.'


if you liked the chapter please give me some feedback! ily all

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