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knowledge is to a scholar
what television is to me
the greatest thing to fill the time
reveal things which can't be seen

it fills my heart
both with dread and happiness
feeling more for a screen
than I do for life

it shadows my head
always lurking
never leaving my mind
not for a moment

the closest I'll get
to ever my favorite people
is listening, watching
lines on a screen

I wish to be there
wish to experience
the love they show each other
the life they live with each other

but the closer I get
the further they feel
the people I'll never meet
the ones I'll never speak with

I miss them dearly
as one would miss a food they've never had
as one would miss a show with a reboot
as one would miss their family

I wish for them
a wish that bears no fruit
and I accept I'll never meet
my on-screen, chosen family

by: gotohelltoburnwithme

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