Romance in Italy - 7

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He's not talking to me! The rational part of my mind freaked and used every tactic possible for me to reconcile with him. The smug and somewhat victorious part of my mind urged me to silently basked in the warmth of having caught him on guard. After those two words rolled out of my mouth, I could practically see his eyes disconnecting from their sockets. He had some trouble trying not to stutter and finally settled for a glare and haughty smile that clearly sends the message that I was absolutely delusional. And maybe, maybe he was right. Why would he be jealous of me? It makes no sense whatsoever.

So, I conceded with just keeping my mouth shut and smirking at him whenever we caught each others' eyes. Nonetheless, the feeling that I'd put him in an uncomfortable situation was everlasting.

The taxi driver drove us back to the hotel and I lumbered up the stairs, ignoring his calls for me to stay still. I was a bit miffed. If he was going to give me the silent treatment then I should be able to retaliate with some silent treatment myself. I mean, he didn't talk to me the entire ride to the hotel and girls doesn't take any kind of silence well from guys - especially not hot guys. So, as I stalked up the wide, gold trimmed staircases, I purposely tuned him out and walked down the hall to our shared room.

"Hey - you stay here?"

I whirled around, halfway through sticking my key in the keyhold. Max stood there, hands stuffed deep inside his pockets, a surprise smile on his boyish face. He wore the same outside from the first seminar but he swapped tie and vest with a black chord around his neck, dangling on his shirt was a cross.

"Oh, yeah." I jerked my hand off the knob and took a step closer to him, pocketing the key. "You too?"

"Yes. Apparently, we all stay in the same hotel." He looked around, eyes searching for someone. "Where's your friend?"

My eyes snapped back and I plastered a smile on my face when Ashton was nowhere to be seen. Great. Did he ditch me? I will blow Hell over if he's ditching me. "I don't know. He's around here...somehwere." Where was that 'mature chaperone figure' he showed at the seminar today?

"He ditched you?" Max's lips twitched as if fighting a smile.

I blew out the breath I didn't realize I was holding. "Yeah. Where's your friend? I haven't met him."

"He ditched me the second the seminar let out. Not really a surprise. He's a manwhore. Goes after the first girl he laid eyes on. Be lucky it's not you." Max exhaled a sharp laugh and once seeing my shocked face, added, "I'm calling it like I see it."

I quickly composed myself and leaned against the wall, emitting an air of nonchalance when I said, "I'm surprise you can say it so straightfoward."

"I've had to...uh, explain to the girls who's heart been broken by him. I've got lots of practice." He told me.

I nodded thoughtfully. "I see."

"He's a cool dude but if you ever meet him, just be sure you're wearing turtlenecks and loose-fitting jeans."

I raised a brow. "Is that your way of telling me I need to dress better?"

"God, no! The girls with the extremely revealing clothes are the ones he tend to go for." Max explained.

"Thanks for the heads up. I-"

"Grace?" Ashton called, rounding the corner. Once seeing me, his smile faded and his eyes narrowed. I groaned. Two testerones boys can screw up your day faster than you can say crap.

"Seems like he didn't ditch you very long." Max gave me a rueful smile. "Bummer."

"What's going on?" Mr. Blake's voice was friendly but there was also a hint of accusation in it that I immediately dislike.

Romance in ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now