Romance in Italy - 2

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Here's chapter two!


I dropped my bag on the floor by the front door and threw my keys on the counter. Taking a quick look around the living room - and finding it surprisingly empty - I shrugged and called, "Mom?" Nothing. I frowned. She was usually home by the time school lets out. I wandered around the house aimlessly, without a purpose, checking the first and second landing and so far as to peek in all the rooms.

I found my older brother in his room, making out with some chick from the community college. I rolled my eyes and slammed the door shut, making my presence known and hopefully, they get the message and don't make so much noise. I can't sleep if I close my eyes and hear moaning and grunts.

I took the stairs two at a time and pour myself a cup of milk, downing it in matter of seconds before Matt comes down, shirtless, hair disheveled, wearing only his duckies boxer and scratching the back of his head nervously. "You saw that?"

I put the glass in the sink and leaned against the counter, arching an eyebrow, "I didn't need to. I heard it."

He blushed and cleared his throat, "Ah, sorry. If I had known you'd be home early, I would've have taken it elsewhere."

"Yeah, well, next time, fuck her at her place. I don't need Mom coming home to find dirty sheets, kay?" I said, half-serious and half-joking.

"I'll remember that." He chuckled, ruffling my hair which I immediately fixed. "How was school? Is Caleb and Dani still drooling over that Blake guy?"

My cheeks stained red as he mentioned Mr. Blake, making the scene in the cafeteria flooding back into my memory. I slide the ponytail holder and wrapped it around my wrist, hiding my cheeks and half my face, hoping he hadn't seen the blush creeping its way up my neck and pooling at my cheeks.

Too late though, he saw and grinned, "Are you drooling over that guy?"

"Shouldn't you be upstairs, tending to...your friend?" I asked, trying to change the subject. "Speaking of, who is that girl?"

"Kayla." He sighed, turning back around and began making his way up the staircase.

"What about those two other girls you bought home?" I yelled, loud enough for Kayla to hear.

"Shut up. Now." He hissed, running up the rest of the steps.

I rolled my eyes, grabbed my bag from the door and took out my Chemistry homework, glancing wistfully at the packet sitting at the bottom of my bag. Would my mother actually let me go? I mean, I scanned the information on the car ride home and we'll be at the seminar for a month. Mom would certainly be suspicious if I was at another country with my Chemistry teacher for a whole damn month. Who wouldn't be?

I sighed. Might as well finish my homework before I think about something that might never happen. Halfway through Trig, I heard the crunching of gravels as my mom's Mercedes rolled lazily into the garage. I looked upward. Matt and Kayla is still getting it on. And if I don't give them a heads up, well, he'll never be able to leave the house. Ever. These secret meetings of his is hidden from my parents. "Hey!"

The noise stopped and Matt's reply came back, muffled, "What?"

"You got like, ten seconds to sneak Kayla out of your room." I answered, clearing the kitchen table of my books.

"What, why?" He asked, more alarmed.

What were they doing up there?

"Mom's home."

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