Romance in Italy - 1

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This is my first story on Wattpad. So I would appreciate it if you take time to read it and comment! :)

This is a student/teacher love story. I've read a couple of these on Wattpad and I wanted to write one myself.

Soo...whoever stumbled upon this story...I hope you enjoy it!


Twirling my blue pen between my thumb and middle finger, I stared out the window with a sense of longing. It was a beautiful day; puffy clouds, shining rays from the sun, birds chirping, and a lazy breeze that would be ruffling my hair if I was out there.

But I wasn't.

Instead, I was stuck in this Chemistry course, taking notes on the components of Zinc. I sighed heavily and focused my attention back to Mr. Blake, standing in front of the black board, scribbling formulas and explaining how to notice the different between Sodium and Potassium. I rolled my eyes. I wouldn't be here at all but unfortunately, this course is required in medical training. I've been sitting in the same seat for the last four months and I swear, nothing exciting has or will ever happen.

The only thing keeping me trapped like a caged animal is Mr. Blake, major hottie.

And also the fact that I have to take this class. But that part didn't matter.

I darted my eyes to the board then raised my hand in annoyance.

 "What is it, Ms. Lancely?" He asked with an air of irritation.

"The answer to that equation should equal 9 over three pi." I said with a little shrug.

He looked at me doubtfully. "Is that so?"

"Yes." I said with more force than necessary. See, here's what sucked. They underestimate how smart I am. They stuck me in this class and I breeze through it without a problem. Now, why couldn't the ease apply to my other classes also?

"In order for that answer to surface, I would have to flip the signs and multiply the coefficients-" He trailed off, surveying his work. "Which, I did not do." He smiled and corrected the equation good-naturally. "Thank you, Grace."

I flashed a small smile. This is a small feat. The bell rung and he glanced at the textbook opened to a marked page on his desk. "Do problem ten through twenty. Grace, I would like to speak to you after class, please." He nodded at the other students. "Dismissed."

I sighed and as my best friend, Danielle, walked pass me, she winked and whispered seductively, "Ooh. I wonder what he would like to 'speak' to you about."

I grinned and smacked her shoulder. "Shut up. Get outta here."

"I want deets, girl." She winked again and bustled out the door, checking out our teacher one last time before disappearing out the door.

I walked slowly up to his desk and stand in front of it awkwardly. "Yes?"

"Have you consider transferring to a higher level Chemistry?" He asked, looking at me intently.

My breathing hitched. "I-I really didn't mean to correct you. I mean, just because I caught that little error. It doesn't mean you have to transfer me out of-"

He chuckled lowly. "No, I'm glad you caught the mistake. It tells me you've been paying attention and you belong in a class with a higher level. That is, if you're interesting."

"I don't know." I admitted. "I have friends here and I-"

"I understand." He nodded. "Though I wish you'd reconsider. This class, I fear, is too slow-paced for you."

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