Broken Household - Chapter 1

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"This is your fault, if you hadn't overslept then this would be happening to you!"

Wooyoung had pulled an all-nighter to try and get his homework done. But doing an all-nighter came with some difficulty, he had overslept and missed his bus. His father was absolutely outraged by his behavior.

Wooyoung was dragged away by his collar, his body not missing any sharp conners of his dad's house.


Wooyoung could only sob; his tears hitting the ground.

Cries could be herd through out the whole house. Blood silently hitting the hard floor with every hit. The pain was awful.

. . .

Glass was covering the floor, anywhere you stepped you would be standing on glass.
His dad smashed a glass bottle against Wooyoung's delicate neck. Blood was dripping everywhere it had look like someone had just been murdered.

But apparently Wooyoung's pain wasn't enough to satisfy his cruel father.

So, his father easily picked him up and threw him against the brick wall. His shoulder smashed into the wall like a wrecking ball. He was for sure his should has dislocated.

"AHHHHH!!" Wooyoung screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Oh Wooyoung, you sound so pretty." His father said with his sinister voice.

His father loved every sound that came of his son's mouth, the pain, the fear, it made his father thrilled.

The pain was too much for him to handle. His body begged him to just let go, so he did. He blacked out. . .


Wooyoung had missed his 1st and 2nd class which each were an hour and thirty minutes. Luckily he was able to make it for his 3rd class-


Wooyoung quickly looks behind him and then is meet with the handsome face of his friend

"Yeosang!" Wooyoung happily runs to his friend and hugs him. He wasn't in as much pain as before, only his shoulder is in pain.

"Where were you?! I was so stressed!" Yeosang says in a hurry.

"I'm alright Sangie. There's no need to worry about me." Wooyoung says, still hugging Yeosang.

Sangie. . . Oh god I love it when he calls me that!  Yeosang says in his head.

"Hm let's go to class now." Wooyoung says letting go of Yeosang.

"No!" Yeosang says while pulling Wooyoung's head in the crook of his neck.

"I already missed two classes! I don't wanna miss another one." Wooyoung whines into his best friend's neck.

".....fine..." Yeosang blushes; he can feel Wooyoung's lips move on his neck.

Wooyoung drags his friend to their class that they share.

Once they get to their English class. Wooyoung sits in the back followed by Yeosang slowly trailing behind him.

After 10 minutes of class there was still no teacher. Until, the principle came in...

"Class!" The principle yells to the whole class.

Once the principle got all eyes on her she started talking again.

"I have some news to tell the class...Would you like to hear the good or bad news?"

That statement made eyebrows raise except for one student...

"The good news!" The class yelled in unison.

"This class will be canceled for the rest of this quarter."

Every student roared in excitement, until the principle coughed to get the attention back.

"The bad news is..." she paused for a moment, probably for a dramatic effect.

"...Your English teacher was killed last night."

Students were shocked to say at the least.

It was all silent 'till whispers were heard from the students. All of them asking their friends the same questions "Who killed her?" Even though that was useless since how would anyone of these students know.


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