Days Fly by - Chapter 9

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Author POV

Days are flying by fast for the two boys. Especially for Yeosang, his playhouse is almost finished, his excitement is so hard to hold in that it has been making his days go by quickly.

But on the other hand, Wooyoung is worried because he's roommate has gone missing and stress is trampling over him like how Mufasa suddenly died from falling then getting trampled, it's exactly how Wooyoung feels.
Wooyoung is paying the rent on time but is quickly falling behind. Yeosang's plan is working.


Wooyoung POV

"Movie night!" I yell at Yeosang.

"What movie are we watching tonight?"

"Along with the Gods or. . . " I pause.


"50 Shades of Grey. I know! It's inappropriate but I've never seen something... you know... mature." I mumble the last part.

"Really?!" He ask clearly surprise.

"Umm, yeah." I say not really knowing how to respond.

"Let's watch 'Along with the Gods' I don't want you to see such inappropriate things...yet." He says in a low tone but still audible.

"Oh." I say shyly. "I'll go bring some drinks." I say, finding a way out of this situation.

What did he mean be "yet". Should I be nervous? No, of course not he's my my friend he won't do anything that I don't approve of.

I come back with 3 drinks in my hand, 2 for Yeosang and 1 for me. I set down Yeosang's drinks and walk to the end of the shared couch.

"Come sit by me." He demands, not even trying to sound nice.

I quickly make my way to him and sit beside him. About a few minutes in, I start getting cold so I decided to grab a soft warm blanket and lay the blanket on me and Yeosang.
Once, I put the blanket on us, Yeosang's hand found a place to rest on my thigh and his hand rested there for the rest of night. Then, I fell asleep.

Yeosang POV

All of a sudden I feel his head laying on my shoulder. I look over to my side and see that he had fallen asleep while watching the movie. I end the movie and slowly pick him up so he wouldn't wake up form his slumber. I bring him to his bedroom and lay him down, then I lay myself down besides him and slowly fall asleep.

Next chapter will be longer.

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