Leaving pt.2 - Chapter 30

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San has already put everything in the car, now all that is left is himself and Wooyoung. He goes back into his room finding a sleeping Wooyoung hugging a pillow.

Aww, cute. He smiles at the sleeping boy but he realizes out that he's gonna have to wake up this cute fox who's sleeping like he's hibernating.

He pouts but gets back to work, he gently shakes Wooyoung up from his sleep. But it does not work, Wooyoung is still very much asleep. San shakes him a bit harder and achieves in waking the dozing boy.

Wooyoung looks up at San with pouting lips.

"Let me sleep just one more minute-" Wooyoung's eyes widen as he realizes that there is no time to sleep.

"Come on get up," San tells him.

"Y-yeah sorry, let's go," Wooyoung says getting out of bed with the help of San's hand.

San pulls the sleepy boy out of bed. He then racks his hand through his hair, trying to get rid of any stress the younger has.

"You ready Woo?"

"Yeah...yeah, I'm ready, let's go."

"S-san! Look Yeosang's door is open." Wooyoung says pointing at the opened door with a hushed voice.

"Come!" Sans whisper-yells.

Wooyoung tiptoes to San, crossing the empty hallway.

San grabs onto Wooyoung's hand and leads him to the front entrance where the cat is.

"Nero, is that you?" The duo, Woosan, stop in their tracks. San pulls Wooyoung against his body to help prevent Yeosang seeing him.

"Nero? San?" Woosan look at each other with worried eyes. Both of them bitting their lips in hopes of no sounds coming out.

They are left to listen to the dreadful sound of Yeosang pacing around the area. Wooyoung shuts his eyes tightly wanting to be out of here.

Luckily, they hear the sound of footsteps fading away. Both let out a cold breath that they held in.

San then pushes his thighs against Wooyoung, telling him that they need to leave this area right away. Wooyoung gets the hint and walks to the front door, quietly. He successfully makes it with San right behind him. Unfortunately, the door had many locks on it and it also had a face scanning machine but it would be too dark for the camera to pick up on the face.

Wooyoung looks at San and sees him fumbling around with a group of keys. There has to be at least 8 keys. Oh goodness, this is gonna take awhile. Wooyoung says in his head, getting nervous.

Wooyoung starts pacing around still be quiet enough. But San wasn't having it.

"Please be quiet Woo, I don't want to get caught and I'm sure you don't want to get caught either!" San says in a whisper-yell.

In the conner of San's eye, he sees Wooyoung's skin glistening by the tiny bit of light shinning on him; he was sweating. So like a good friend, San pulls him to his side. Luckily Wooyoung is good at getting hints. So Wooyoung smiles at San and hugs his back. He was already by calmed by the body of his friend.

"Got it!" San says yanking Wooyoung outside, not even giving the younger time to process.

San is dragging Wooyoung to his car while holding a cat in the other.

San then pushes Wooyoung into the car, closing the door on him, making Wooyoung slightly fall. While on the other hand, he gently places the cat onto the passenger's seat.

He then rushes to the driver's door and gets in. Both of the two, take a deep breath and collect themselves.

"What the fuck...." both of them breath out.

They both let out a soft airy laugh.

San looks into the mirror expecting to see a excited Wooyoung but sees a tearful face instead.

"Woo, what's wrong?" Nothing until laughs erupts through the car.

"I'm free...I'm free aren't I?" Wooyoung says looking into San's eyes in the mirror.

"I-I, uh, yeah I guess?"

"I'm free...I'm free!" Wooyoung says throwing his body onto San's.

Wooyoung cries small happy tears into San's neck. San simply weaves his fingers through the younger's hair. Both of them hold each other tight.

"Let's get going now, shall we?"

Ugh, I didn't like these last two chapters. I feel like it all went to fast, but oh well. Who knows maybe I'll rewrite them, probably not but maybe. Anyways luv you guys dearly, mwah💋🐗

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