Phone Calls - Chapter 14

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"One phone call, that's all it took!"
                                               -Pierce Bronsnan

"Hello this is **** ***** *** school! How can I help you today?"

"Hello, this Mr. Jung I'm the father of Jung Wooyoung."

"Oh hello Mr. Jung! So what did you need?"

"I want to take my kid out of your school."

"Oh, why is that Sir?"

"I've been getting server seizures. And I need my son to be with my 24/7 from now on."

"Oh I'm very sorry to hear that. But alright I'll send the pdf to your computer, so you can fill out the form to drop Wooyoung out."

"Can you actually send the pdf to **** **** **?"

"Yeah, of course! Let me just switch the email addresses."
"Perfect! I sent you the email."

"Thank you so much Mrs."

"Of course, your welcome!"

Hang up. . .


"Hello who is this?"

"Is this the owner of *** **** apartment!"

"Yes, I am."

"The roommate to the renter of room ****
is going to move out."

"Are you talking about Jung Wooyoung?"

"Yes, I am. He will be moving out of the room."

"Who is this? How do you know him?"

"I'm his father."

"So you're his father?

"Yes I am, if you're wondering why I'm asking for Wooyoung to move out it because my health has been out of control and I need my son to be here with me now. Seizures, I have severe seizures now, and I need my son with me now!"

"A-alright Sir! I'll make sure to check your son out of his room."
"But w-what about his stuff in his room?"

"I already took care of it.."

"Alright then! Have a good day Sir!"

Hang up. . .

"Gosh people have gotten so stupid. You guys didn't even check to see if I was really his father. Bunch of dumbasses."

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