Friends - Chapter 16

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??? POV

I start cleaning his bloody hands with a wet towel. The soft white towel now painted with a dark red paint. I get up and throw the dirty towel into the fire place; always get rid of evidence.

All of a sudden I hear a knock on the door, I start making my way to the door and look through the small hole to see who it is.

"Ah come in, come in." I say happily.
I unlock the door and see my friend walk through the door.
"So, what brings you here Sangie? I thought you said you would be here at 7 pm."

"Change of plans." Yeosang says coldly.

I watch closely as my friend, Yeosang, looks down at Wooyoung and smiles at him.

"He's finally here....I've waited so long."

"Mhmm, he is here after many years."


"Oh, I forgot to tell you something." Yeosang says to me.


"There's a black cat in my car, I need you to go and get that cat and bring him back to this room."

"Why do you have a cat in your car?" I ask.

"The cat is Wooyoung's pet, Nero. I want Nero to be with Wooyoung 24/7, Nero probably can make him feel more comfortable at his new house.

I get up and make my way to Yeosang's car. I see Nero in a cage, I pick up the cage and bring him back to Wooyoung's temporary room. I arrive back at Wooyoung's room, Yeosang had already left. I set down the cage and let Nero come out of the cage. Nero quickly gets out of the cage and curls up next to his owner.

Cute. I pull out my phone and take a picture of the cute couple.

I then quietly leave the room.

2:27 a.m.

I wake to an alarm going off; the alarm meaning that someone had tried escape their room.

I rush out of my room and see Yeosang also doing the same thing as me.

"I'll go check the cameras." Yeosang say.


I watch as Yeosang runs over to Jackson's room....I think cell would be a better word to use actually.

I start making my way back to my room knowing that Yeosang will take care of the issue. But I stop when I hear noises coming from Wooyoung's room.

I press my ear against the door and listen closely.

I can clearly hear Wooyoung crying and Nero meowing, I assume he is trying to comfort Wooyoung in some way.

I try to open his door but I come back to my senses. Sigh. I take my hand away from the door nob and start making my way back again to my room.

I would love to help Wooyoung out, I really would. But knowing better Wooyoung would most likely refuse my help and on the other hand Yeosang would beat me up if I came close to Wooyoung without him knowing.

"Sleep well Woo." I say to myself as I fall asleep once again.

Wooyoung POV

Fear and more emotions that I don't even know fill me up.

I cry to myself as I hear an alarm throughout the room.

Nero must've felt my unhappy mood. He keeps on purring and rubbing his soft head against me.

I gently put my hand on him and start petting him, doing this made me much more relax and also made me very much tried.

My eyes slowly close....

??? POV

"So when are you gonna start talking with him?"

"I don't know...but soon just not now."

"What's "soon" for you? 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, perhaps a year?" I question Yeosang.

"A week~?" Yeosang drags out his question.

"Sure." Knowing that he'll probably not have the courage to talk to his love.

"At least have some faith in me." He says to me.

"Sorry man." I get up from the kitchen table and start making another breakfast for Wooyoung.

"What are you doing?" He glances at me.

"Making breakfast for Wooyoung." I say keeping my eyes on the stove.

"Why?" He stands up and walks over to me and looks over my shoulder.

"Why? Do you want him to starve in that room?"

"What?! Of course not!" He says offended.

I just laugh at him.

I take the pot off of the stove, I pour the hot water into a spicy ramen bowl. I saw that Wooyoung likes to eat spicy things especially spicy ramen; I've been the one watching him since Yeosang hid cameras in Wooyoung's old room.

"So, do you want to give him the ramen?" I ask Yeosang.


"Kay Kay then!" I say happily knowing Yeosang wanted to give him the food because he won't be seeing him for awhile since he's a

"Bastard..." He mumbles under his breath then sits back down at the table.

I skip my way towards Wooyoung's bedroom, to make sure Yeosang gets annoyed knowing that he's too shy.

I knock on his door to let him know I'm coming in.

"Hey Woo." I say to him smiling then handing him the bowl.

I can tell he's shocked to see me without a mask.

"So you're the one who kidnaped me?!" He says standing up aggressively.

"No, no, no. I just helped in kidnapping you." I say with a goofy grin.
"Anyways sit back down and loosen up your fists will ya."

He dose as he listens probably knowing not to keep pushing. Smart one.

"He's some ramen for you."

He raises an eyebrow at me and looks at the bowl.

"Did you poison it?" He ask straightforwardly.

"Huh? What no. There's no need in for me poisoning you. But even if I did put poison in it why would I do that when I already have you here, right where you need to be."

I look at him one last time before leaving the room and locking it.

Do you have any ideas of who the mystery person is?
(Hint: One of the ATEEZ members)

1,012 words

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