Breakfast - Chapter 19

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"I know, that things have changed.
I know, that our friendship has ended.
But I also know, that you've changed for the worst. So, maybe losing you wasn't the worst."
                                                     - me:)

Author POV

"AY!" Yeosang wakes up to the blanket being dashed over him.

Yeosang grumpily looks up, to see the younger standing up with stress clouded in his eyes.

"What happened Woo?" He now asks worriedly.

Anger then taking over Wooyoung. Wooyoung thought about how Yeosang was acting like they were still friends; none of them wanting to be friends, but both for different reasons.

"Why the hell were you sleeping with me?!"

Yeosang's eyes narrowing together. As he now carries a stern look.

"What? Am I not allowed to sleep in my bed?" He says with anger flowing through his voice but still talking with composure.

"Couldn't you have woken me up then?!"

"Fine then, don't sleep in my bed! Why don't you sleep on the hard floor, huh?!" He said out of impulsiveness.

Both, Wooyoung and Yeosang have been known of having a quick temper/anger issues.
Though Wooyoung is much better at holding in his rage than Yeosang.
When Wooyoung did lose his temper he was known of just exploding like a mad man. While Yeosang did have a much shorter temper than Wooyoung, Yeosang is known for keeping calm when angry but that didn't stop him from the smoke coming out of his ears.

Wooyoung and Yeosang keep on auguring for another 3 minutes until Yeosang ended the fight.

"You know what!" Yeosang shouts.

Yeosang walks towards Wooyoung whilst Wooyoung stands his ground not backing away.

Yeosang pushes Wooyoung towards the ground, taking the younger by surprise.

Yeosang then grabs the rope from under his bed instead of silk and ties his hands to one side of the bed.

"There, now goodnight Wooyoung," Yeosang says then throwing himself onto the bed, falling asleep within a minute as the time was only 1:40 a.m.

Wooyoung stayed awake for another hour until all his anger had left his body; causing his body to go limp against the side of the bed.

"Hey, wake up Woo." San whispers to Wooyoung.


"Here, come on," San says then taking off the ropes.

San grabs the younger's hands and brings him out of that room.

"What are we doing?" Wooyoung questions once he leaves the bedroom of Yeosang.

"Breakfast." San states with a smile.

Wooyoung smiles a sleepy smile back at San.

Wooyoung and San quietly made breakfast for the both of them. Pancakes and sausages.

After they finish cooking, San led him and Wooyoung all the way upstairs. Bringing Wooyoung to a lounge that overlooks the mountains. This gave Wooyoung an idea that they still might be in Seoul, and not some other city.

They both sit down and start eating. Only silence and light chewing were heard. The silence didn't bother them, as both of them were in their own little world.

Until Yeosang had ruined the peace...

"Why the hell is he up here?!" He shouts at San, as he busts through the door.

San just rolls his eyes; sass within them.

"Must he always stay in your room?" San bites back.

"No, but he shouldn't be up here!" Yeosang then flicks a switch that brings down curtains to cover up the windows.

"God, how stupid can you be San..." Yeosang says under his breath.

Yeosang makes his way towards Wooyoung and grabs him by the arm; yanking him with much force.

"Hey! Let him finish his food first!" San shouts but is ignored by the other.

"Fucking stay here and don't get up and leave with San!" Yeosang yells at Wooyoung.

Yeosang bounds his arms, legs, torso, to a wall in his bedroom. He then adds a lock so Wooyoung won't be able to leave without the key.

"Yeosang! What the hell are you doing?!"

It seems that Yeosang had enough, so he went to a desk and pulled out a ball gag. He grabbed Wooyoung's face and attached the gag.

Wooyoung eyes widened at this action.

"Don't make this harder for yourself and I, just stay silent and don't move." He stated.

Wooyoung being a wise person didn't speak or move just like Yeosang had asked.

Yeosang smirked at Wooyoung's attitude. He walks off to his bed and turns on the TV and relaxes whilst Wooyoung is just starring at Yeosang with hatred.

Just so you guys know, I hardly proof read, so please know that there will be mistakes/grammar errors.

Love you guys ❤️❤️❤️

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