Helping Hand - Chapter 28

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"Wooyoung! Fuck..." San opens the door to where Wooyoung is. He sees Wooyoung laying on the floor with blood lightly covering the surroundings.

San rushes to Wooyoung and plops himself to the ground. He moves Wooyoung's body around trying to figure out where all this blood is coming from.

He didn't notice that the boy was sleeping; he woke him up.

"S-San?" Wooyoung opens his blurry eyes.

"I saw Yeosang walking out of here, what'd he do?" He questioned.

Wooyoung gulps and simply gives a summary in three words.

"He hurt me." He looks up at San.

San stares at Wooyoung for a second and then gets a look in his eyes, seeming like he already knew that would happen.

"That shithead!" San says with anger weaving through his voice.

"Aye, let's~ get you to my room and-" San says so as he scans the room randomly trying to figure out how to get Wooyoung out.

"Ah here!" He goes behind Wooyoung and presses a few buttons. The chains become undone and set Wooyoung free.

Wooyoung stands up with shaking legs and grabs onto San's arm for balance.

Instead, San picks Wooyoung up and lays him on his shoulder.

"Ow," Wooyoung whines.

San makes his way to his room and sets Wooyoung onto his bed.

"Stay, don't move you're gonna hurt yourself."

Wooyoung nods.

San comes back with a medical kit. He sits next to Wooyoung and starts working on him.

He pours alcohol onto a cotton pad and lays it on the younger's wound. He hissed from the stinging pain.

"Okay, okay, that's enough! No more." Wooyoung cries out.

"Don't be stubborn, just deal with it a bit more."

Wooyoung tries pushing San's hand away but is returned with San pushing the pad onto his neck even more.

Wooyoung yelps.

"There all done with that."

San then takes a paper towel and wipes any blood that's left. He then patches up Wooyoung.

"Thank you,"


"Wooyoung, can I ask you something?"

I honestly hate this part of me, I get off of schedule very easily and I lose interest fast. Now don't worry I will try my best to finish this story, but it might take till the end of this summer, maybe.

If you started reading this book when I first made it, you would know that I posted once or twice a week. And recently I started posting every other week. I wish to do that schedule again but it's so hard, even though I'm not too busy. Sorry about the rant, anyways love you guys💕

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