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I couldn't exactly say I was excited for school the next day, but I didn't eactly have a choice.

I had gone back to my house once, and only to get clothes. My mother hadn't seen me, and I hadn't seen her. There was no way I was going to stay with Helen. I went to go check on the twins nearly everyday after school, leaving before Helen got there to pick them up. They had told me that she had forgotten I had even come back from tour.

I wasn't surprised.

Apparently no more episodes had happened again, but that didn't stop me from worrying every second. Sure, they didn't exactly know me well, but Bobby and Mathew were by little brothers and if anything happened to them it was on me.

I made them promise over and over again that they would call me if anything bad happened.

Now I just wished that I didn't have to face Drew. Or Percy, for that matter.

Hazel had come to visit on Sunday, and I had told her everything, including who wrote the note. She had responded with a sympathetic look, and a warm hug.

Another thing I was grateful for, my friends. Percy was complicated to say the least. He would text me every morning, and every night. We would call often. But it was stressful and carefree at the same time. I was worrying what he would think of me, while also laughing my butt off at some pathetic joke he told me.

Being with Piper and Hazel was just casual and sister-like. They were my best friends I was forever grateful and they was nothing either of them could do to make me love them less.

"Oi!" Piper yelled from inside her bathroom, "I know you're still in bed! Get out! We have school and you are going to go you LITTLE LOSER!"

Ok maybe a a little less.

I nodded, even though Piper couldn't see me. "I'm coming! AND YOU'RE THE LOSER!"

The weather was cooling down, and the Christmas holidays were only a couple weeks away. I changed into jeans, and a shirt that I tied in a knot at the bottom.

The walk to school wasn't long, and before I knew it I was sitting in math, pouring over my book.

After my classes, I headed to the cafeteria for lunch. Hazel, Piper, Leo, Frank, and Percy, sat around our usual table. I sighed and made my way towards them.

I was just about to turn into our table's aisle, when an all-familiar-voice whispered in my ear. It sent chills down my spine and I stopped in my tracks.

"Nice to see you're back at school."

The phrase itself wasn't harmful, in fact, anyone who heard that out of context would have no idea why it made me swallow, and bite the insides of my mouth desperately.

It the was knowledge behind the words. The fact that Drew knew exactly why I had left, and that she could tell anybody whenever.

I still had no idea how she found out, though I had a sneaking suspicion that she lived on my street. Possibly even across from the house, able to see directly into my bedroom. I couldn't believe someone could be so utterly horrible, with a vile enough brain to want to put someone else through this.

I didn't even know what she had against me.

I blinked back to reality, and saw my friends looking at me expectantly. Right.

I walked up and sat in between Hazel and Piper, who both gave me looks that said, Are you ok? and do I need to kill someone?

I think who-said-what is pretty self-explanatory.