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During halftime, I may have freaked out because of the kiss and decided to sneak into the audience and watch the rest of the show there?

Now I know I was the one who kissed him and all, but maybe he doesn't like me back? Or it could be so awkward, and what if we don't know what to say?! Or I don't know, something horrible could happen. So yes, I've retreated into the safety of the audience.

The intermission is about twenty minutes long, and I sit in the cast-members section of the theatre, fiddling with my necklace and scanning the audience. I almost couldn't believe how many people turned up. We've got a full house today and had a nearly full house yesterday. The rest of the shows' free tickets are being bought out this very second. I'm pretty sure closing night is fully sold out as well. It's crazy.

The lights began to dim as the five-minute calling rang through the speakers. I sighed and tried to get comfortable in the seats. Just as the curtains opened, and the opening to What'd I miss? played, I spotted a frantic looking Piper running towards me.

I furrowed my eyebrows as she ran whilst ducking, trying not to obscure the view of the people she was running in front of. 
"What is it!?" I tried mouthing, but it must have been too dark for her to read my lips because I didn't get a response.

I stood up and met her halfway, but before I could ask her what was wrong, she yanked me out of the theatre and down the hallway into the entrance backstage. I imagine I looked a lot like someone being kidnapped, but I probably shouldn't get into that.

"Piper what is wrong?!" Again, no response, just her huffing as she ran.
"Piper?!" I tried again, "Oh my gods are you going to kill me? Is that what's happening? I'd just like to remind you that I've been a great friend-"

"Oh shut up Annabeth, no I am not going to kill you."

"Oh so you can talk now?"


"Why are you dragging me backstage?"

"Long story." Piper continued at a full sprint until we were passing dressing room after dressing room after dressing room in a blur. She didn't utter a single word to be again for the rest of the run. All I could do was chase after her as she continued flying down the hallway.

As we came to our dressing room, we slowed to a walk and Piper shoved me into the room, pulling my clothes off and pushing Eliza's dress for act 2 into my arms. 

"Change, now." She instructed as she pulled at my hair and had a hair straightener at the ready.

I spun around, "What!?"

"Annabeth for gods sakes stop moving, I have a heated weapon in my hands."

"I'd hardly call it a weapon." I retorted but remained still as Piper began straightening my hair. I tugged off my clothes and was in the process of trying to get Annabeth's dress on when Hazel charged into the room.

"Guys What'd I miss is over you've only got Cabinet Battle number one left!" Hazel whisper-yelled at us.

My eyes were probably as wide as saucers as a whisper-yelled back, "UNTIL WHAT?!"

Hazel looked a bit confused for a second until she saw I needed help getting into the dress and rushing forward. "Piper, you haven't told her yet?"

Piper made a noise as she focused on keeping my hair even. "Annabeth, Selina was tripped in the intermission and she cracked her head open- yes she's fine but has a bit of a concussion. You're up." Piper shrugged, "There, I told her."

My mouth hung open, "W-what?" 

Hazel muttered something, as she was adjusting the elastics at my waist, about I told Piper to tell you sooner so don't blame me.