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My best friend, Piper McLean and I, were in a taxi, driving up through New York. We were here because we were going to the most exclusive performing arts school, Goode Highschool. It wasn't as if I had never been there before, in fact, Piper and I had both gone there for our freshman year before getting parts in the young Les Miserables production. We hadn't known each other at school, but soon became awesome friends in the two years that we were touring.

Now that the production was over, our parents decided to send us both to Goode again, for our Senior year.

"Here's your stop, miss." The driver said, turning his head around. Piper paid with her credit card and thanked the man.

Here's the things about Piper, she rich. She never took part in musicals or plays for the money, since she never needed it. She said she did it for the experience, and that's a very Piper thing to say.

I did it for both the experience and the money, since my family did need it. What with my dad being away for business trips ninety percent of the time, and my step-mom with my two younger step-brothers we weren't extremely well off.

And I should probably mention that my step-mom hates my guts. She would rather I didn't exist. The less proof that my dad was married before, the better. And my dad is even worse. He just sits around, moping, so scared to stand up to Helen, his wife, and too pathetic to stick around for more than a week every three months.

I don't think he even came to one of my performances for Les Mis.

"Hey Annabeth?" Piper asked, staring at the city as if she hadn't been living here for nearly all of her life.


"When are we starting school again?"

"Next week." I said.
Only one week stuck at home with my step-mom. One week, so small, yet so long.

"You wanna come to a sleepover at my place the night before?"

"I'll have to ask." I replied. Piper has never met my parents, but she knew all about them.

"Ok. Oh here's my place, Jesus Christ they have renovated." Piper exclaimed.

It looked the same to me, the same massive place, looking like it cost 100 million dollars.

"We'll see ya Piper." I cried, waving at her. This was the first time since I was fourteen that I wasn't with Piper.

I still remembered the way to my house though. I walked up the driveway, and didn't both knocking. I knew Helen wouldn't answer anyways.

The house was exactly how I remembered it, except the difference in the toys scattered around the house.

"Hi Annabeth."

I turned to where the voice came from. Mathew was sitting on the couch, his eyes fixed to the screen, playing some video game.

"Um, hi." I replied.

"Mom's not home." Another voice said from the kitchen.

"Nice to know Bobby." I replied again.

I picked up my bags and hauled them up the stairs and into my room. Nothing had changed. And when I say nothing, I mean NOTHING.

I'm pretty sure the sheets were the same as two years ago. I sniffed them. At least they were washed. The air in the room was still, and on top of my dresser and cupboards was dust.

I sighed and pushed my window open. Fresh air.

I tilted my head as I saw a cute boy underneath me, walked with two other boys. He had dark black windswept hair, and his face was out of view. I was suddenly very self conscious about my plane hair and tired eyes.

Luckily, none of them looked up. But unluckily, the boy didn't look up, meaning I didn't catch his face.

I left my window open and pulled the curtains over it, causing me to cough as the dust from the still curtains flew everywhere.

I collapsed onto my bed and fell right asleep.

When I woke up the sun was setting. Ugh, now I most certainly wouldn't get any sleep tonight, if I had slept for all of today.

I slowly climbed out of bed and brushed through my hair with my fingers.

I walked down the stairs and heard the stove on. Something told me Bobby and Mathew would never cook for themselves. Helen was home.

"Hi Annabeth. It's been a while."

I looked to my side and saw the devil itself.

"Hi Helen." I said blandly.

"We're having Mac and cheese dinner. Take some when you want it, but dont bother me." Helen instructed.

I nodded. "Right."

"And go shower or something. You smell disgusting."

I nodded again. "Ok. I'll go now."

I sighed and walked up the stairs again. This was going to be a long week.