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I waited at my locker for Piper and Hazel. I frantically checked my watch. 
"Come onnn..." I said, bouncing on my heels. The cast list was going to be posted in one minute. One minute.

Finally, Piper's brown hair popped up from the crowd of students, followed by Hazel.

"There you guys are!" I cried. Piper rushed to her locker and stuffed her books into it.

"Lets go!" Hazel said. We hurried down the halls like three fan-crazed girls. Which in a way, we were.

We were nearly out of the school when I bumped into Percy.

"Woah woah woah!" He said, lightly gripping my wrists so I didn't catapult into the closed school doors.

"You guys heading to the cast list?" Jason asked, all three of us panting. Percy, Frank, and Jason were shaking their heads at us as if we were some kind of lost case.

"Ya huh!" Piper said.

Hazel edged closer to the door, "And if any of you three, decide to tell us what the results are before we look at the cast list ourselves-"

"We'll kill you in your sleep!" I said smiling sweetly at the tree of them. On cue, they each took a step back from us, and Percy dropped my wrist that I didn't realise he was holding.

"Ookay." Jason said, drawing it out.

"We'll see you guys soon." Frank said, and the three of them practically pushed us out of the doors.

"Good luck with the cast list!" Percy cried as we ran across the road.

I raced up the stairs of the theatre, pushing open the doors for Piper and Hazel. There it was. The cast list, right in the center of a random pole.

 The cast list, right in the center of a random pole

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I stared at the sheet in shock. I GOT THE ROLE! I then scanned it for Piper's name, she was in my production! And Hazel got Peggy as well.

"Omg!" Piper cried.

"I cannot believe this!" Hazel cried.

I let out a deep sigh. I felt as if the pressure of the whole week had been taken away. 

"Ooh look!" Hazel said. She walked up to a stand, that had hundreds of copies of the cast list. She took three of them up for the three of us. 

"For you," She said, giving one to me. "Why thank you." I replied, graciously taking it from her. "And for you," She said, bowing to Piper as she handed it to her. Piper curtsied, "Why thank you kind sir."

"We see you guys saw your parts." A voice behind us said.

We turned and saw, Jason, Frank, Percy, and I think his name was Leo Valdez.

Hazel smiled, "I saw you got the part Leo!" She said, and high fived him. 
"Saw the same here!" Leo replied, giving her a brother-like hug.

Piper and I exchanged a look as we both saw the confusion on Frank's face when he saw how close Hazel and Leo were.

"You two know each other?" Piper asked in a much more polite manner than we guessed Frank would.

"Oh yeah," Hazel said, "Leo's, oh I dunno, great great grandfather met my great great aunt's step sister or something. At the end of the day, we're not related, but we're basically family."

Frank smiled then, "Oh okay."

"Congratulations!" I cried, "To all of you! Frank I didn't know you were going for Washington!"

Jason chuckled, "No-one did. He wanted it to be a surprise, and if he didn't get it, then nobody would be disappointed." We laughed at that.

"Well good job on getting it!" Hazel said.

"And Percy!" Piper said, "You got the lead!"

Percy was grinning like crazy, "I still can't believe it."

"Me neither!" All of us said at the same time, then laughed in unison as well.

Hazel looked at the cast list in her hand. "The rehearsals are compulsory for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons, and optional for Saturday and Sunday lunchtimes. As well as the school music rooms being open to anybody to practice."

"Yeah," Frank looked at his sheet as well, "Leo, I saw your girlfriend, Calypso got one of the backup dancers and singers role. That's really good."

Leo smiled. "Yeah thanks. Hey, how come this kid, Tyson, doesn't have a last name?"

"Oh he's my cousin." Percy said, "His legal last name is Jackson, but he just goes by Tyson. No last name."

"Ah okay."

"Hey there's rehearsal tomorrow!" Piper said. "I can't wait!"

Don't come at me for making Leo and Hazel 'related'. Please.

And ask me in the comments if you have any questions for the casting choices.