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I woke up in Piper's bedroom. The incident with Helen had happened almost a week ago. On the Tuesday afternoon, the day after the incident, Helen had gone to pick up the twins from school, as she usually does. They had told me afterwards that she didn't remember a single thing about that night. I decided to stay with Piper, much to Helen's liking, since the longer I was away, the better. Both Bobby and Mathew were given phones from Piper, who said that if they were ever in trouble, both her and my numbers were on speed dial. 

I sat up and sighed, "What time is it?" I mumbled to myself, forgetting that I was sharing a room with another person.

"Around six thirty." Piper answered cheerily.

I felt like screaming. "Why did I wake up this early?" And I flopped back onto my pillows.

Piper, who was sitting on her vanity chair, spun around and faced me laughing. "Annabeth Chase. School's done. Percy drove you to my place and practically tucked you into bed. He said you're always exhausted after them."

This time I actually screamed. "WHAT!?"

"Chill!" Piper cried. "It's all good. Don't worry about it. You slept for nearly an hour."

"No!" I cried. "The part where Percy putting me in my bed! You let him in!?!"

Piper chuckled, "You gotta admit, it would've been adorable to watch."

"Not true!"
"Yes! Come on Annabeth!"

I smiled slightly and tried to hide my blush from Piper, "I guess it might have been a little."

Piper squealed. "I know right!"

I realised Piper was reapplying her makeup. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Oh my gods Annabeth you really are forgetful!" Piper rolled her eyes dramatically. "Its Friday! Percy and the boys are coming over for a sleepover at seven! Ring any bells?"

I sat up. "Piper you seriously let me lie here and complain about being put to sleep by Percy when he's literally coming over in less than thirty minutes and I look like I just came out of a trashcan?!"

Piper shrugged, "I think you look fine."

I threw one of her one hundred pillows at her. "Liar!" I cried and jumped out of the bed.

"What do I wear? What do I wear? What do I wear? What do I wear?" I muttered continuously while rummaging through both Piper's and mine clothes. 

Are you really best friends if you don't share clothes?

Piper stood up, "I'm just wearing a top and jeans. Come on don't make this harder than it needs to be!"

But I was already phoning Hazel. "Hazel!?" I cried when someone picked up.

"Hey Annabeth!" Hazel cried. "What's up?"

"What are you wearing for the sleepover?" 

"Oh, um, I dunno. I actually haven't decided yet." Hazel seemed to be looking in her closet. "I think this dress. It's really casual."

I sighed in relief, "Ok, I'll wear a dress too. Thanks Hazel!"

Before I even hung up the phone Piper groaned at me, "Annabeth I cannot be the only person not wearing a dress! It'll look weird! Now I have to change!"

We were cutting really close, but by the time out first guest, Hazel, arrived, we were both dressed.

We were cutting really close, but by the time out first guest, Hazel, arrived, we were both dressed

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(Yes I have used this image in another book, but the two events have nothing to do with another.)Hazel gave us both hugs, and gaped at the house. "My gods Piper."

Piper bit her lip, "This was a bad idea." She muttered. 

"It is not!" I protested.

"Come on Pipes," Hazel said, "This doesn't change the way I feel about you."

Piper shook her head, "But what about the others?!"

"Just wait," I said, "They won't even be bothered by it for longer than a couple minutes."

We lead Hazel to Piper's bedroom, and Hazel dropped her bag in the corner, by Piper's instructions.

Piper stood in the middle of her room and spun around, "So this is my den." She said. "Through there is the bathroom, and next to it is the wardrobe. And oveeerrr here," Piper spun around to the other wall. "In there is a kind of chill-zone? I don't really know what to call it."

Hazel walked over and opened the door, gasping. "Woah."

In side was a full lounge area, with a projector and wide screen on one end. On the other was a mini kitchen, with counter space, a mini fridge, a coffee maker, and microwave. 

"Sick." Hazel muttered. Piper walked in and flopped down on the sofa, "Lets order food."

We had the pizza ordered by the time the boys had arrived.

"Hey guys!" Piper said, "Come in! Where's Calypso Leo?"

Leo shrugged, "She couldn't make it. But jesus Pipes! Wow."

Piper look at her toes, "Seriously, it isn't a big deal."

Jason whistled appreciatively, "It's great house though."

I rolled my eyes, "Come, I'll show you Piper's room."

Fast forward about ten minutes, we're eating popcorn in Piper's lounge room. Percy, me, and Hazel sitting on one couch, Jason, Frank, and Leo sitting on another, and Piper crossed legged on the floor tracing patterns on the carpet as we spoke. 

Casually, Percy rested his arm behind me. I was leaning forward, so he wasn't even close to touching my back but that was somehow a set off for everyone.

Leo whistled, "You're making a move Jackson!"

Piper smiled at me, "Oi Lovebirds!" She cried, "One metre away!"

"Oooooh!" Jason and Frank said.

I threw a pillow at Piper and held my face in my hands, trying to hide my blush. Percy dropped his arm, and made a face at Jason, but didn't say anything.

Luckily, Hazel must've felt sorry for me or something, because she groaned, "I think I heard the delivery guy. Can someone come with me to get it?"

I smiled as Frank opened his mouth, but Piper got to Hazel's side first.

When they left the room I didn't even look at Percy, but just stared at Jason and Frank intensely. 

Eventually the two of them became uncomfortable, and asked, "Um, is everything already Annabeth?"

I shrugged, "I'm just trying to calculate based on your stupidity and obliviousness, how long it would take you two to ask Piper and Hazel out."

Percy chuckled from behind me. 

Frank had his eyes open wide, and Jason's mouth was through the floor and touching the floor of tartarus. "Wha- who told you?"

I snickered, "I'm just not as oblivious as you. It's easy to see.... AND NO! Piper and Hazel don't know."

Percy shrugged, "I mean you guys weren't exactly hiding it very well."

Jason laughed evilly, "As if you're the one to talk Jackson! Any minute I could tell-" Percy clamped his hand over Jason's mouth, and when Frank started talking her lifted his foot up and covered Frank's mouth with it.

In the force of pushing Percy off them, they tumbled off the couch as well and they ended up in a tackling fight on the ground.

I sat on the couch, not quite sure what was happening. Before I could yell at them to stop, Piper and Hazel returned, with the pizza.

The three boys begrudgingly separated, coming to a silent agreement. Piper and Hazel looked at them with concerned faces, but sat down. The only think breaking the silence was Leo, who had somehow managed to get a bag of popcorn, and was watching the whole thing unfold from where he was perched on the table.