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You see, if you ask any theatre kid, dress rehearsals are a lot of things.

Chaotic, fun, crazy, an absolute blast?

All of the above.

And today was no different. 

Here, let me give you a bit of insight on the last dress rehearsal we had until the show tomorrow.

"Conner and Travis! I swear to THE GODS ABOVE IF YOU TOOK MY PENS!"
"Perseus Jackson you get back here RIGHT NOW!"
"Nico and Will, sitting in a tree-"
"No this isn't a competition for who can sing Guns and Ships the fastest!"
"Who the HELL took my costume!"
"Yes Leo you look gorgeous in Angelica's dress, NOW GIVE IT BACK!"
"Why the heck is this crown SO HEAVY!?"

So, it was chaotic, to say the least.

"Now, Annabeth, the question of the day, how'd you not set your dress of fire?" 

I rolled my eyes, "You're the one who's been randomly setting things on fire today Leo, not me."

"And," Piper put in, "You aren't in charge so stop trying to run the rehearsal!"

"I'm not trying to run the rehearsal!" Leo objected, "I am running the rehearsal!"

I threw my hands up in confusion, "And do you mind telling us where Apollo went?"

Leo dismisses me almost immediately, with a wave of his hand a muttering, "irrelevant."

Finally, Piper and Hazel manage to drag Leo off of the stage (with him dramatically kicking and screaming 'release me' at the top of his lungs). To be completely fair, Apollo had basically vanished in thin air, leaving us no choice but to cause the absolute most amount of chaos possible

We were probably waiting for another 10 minutes before Apollo emerged from the wings, waving his hands in an apology. "So sorry!!! We had a bit of a costume emergency!" He cried, hurrying off the stage and into the audience seats, "Now where were we? Take a break! Right."

I laughed to myself, but began preparing to start the song again anyways. 

"Ok! Everyone else off stage and spotlight on! Thank you, and Annabeth face a bit for to the right- yes perfect. And Piper- thankyou-p. Where is Nico, ah ok! And orchestra are we ready? Yep- great, Ms Helike, a' one, two three four, GO!"

"Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf," I sang to Nico- or Phillip, should I say? Nico was a Freshman, who played Phillip Hamilton, Alexander and Eliza's firstborn, who wasn't even alive for more than 15 songs. Still, despite him having such a small role, and him being a freshman this year, he quickly became a cast-favourite, (especially to Will Solace, who played John Laurens and was a Sophmore). According to Nico, they were 'just friends', but Will, who could probably talk to anyone who asked for hours on end just about Nico's eyes, would say differently.

Back to the musical... Can I just say, I did not appreciate having to learn how to beatbox for this. I really didn't.

Jason and Percy had taken glee in teaching me, both having fits of laughed after every time I tried, to the point where I was slapping them across the faces with a shoe Piper had so-kindly handed to me.

Now though, I was grateful for the lessons, since apparently, I wasn't making a complete fool out of myself during Take A Break.

From then on, it progressed pretty smoothly- well, as smoothly as you could hope it to go on for.