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School was getting easier, except for one factor. Drew. She tormented me, hated me. I opened my locker the Monday of my second week, and a note fell out.

Dear the lovely Anniebell.
I know you only got the role because you're famous. You're a little attention seeking bitch and Percy would never fall for a hoe like you.

Your's sincerely, Drew.

I gulped down my tears. I didn't remember school being this hard. 

I ripped the paper in half and threw the pieces to the ground and walked off to class. I was determines to not make a big deal out of this. 

"Hey Annabeth." Hazel said, when I walked into our class.

"Hi." I said absent mindedly. 

"Are you alright?" Piper questioned.

I nodded. I didn't need them to know of my struggles. I sure everyone had people who didn't quite like them. Class was boring, but luckily for us, we got to leave five minutes early, for no reason other then our teacher thinking that we needed a 'mental break' if we were dyslexic or ADHD.

We roamed the halls for a while, until the bell rang and we went to the cafeteria. After getting our food, we looked around for a table; Thalia's was full.

"Hey Annabeth!"

I turned to who called my name. Percy, Jason, Leo, and Frank were sitting on one end of a table. They beckoned us to go sit there.

"Lets sit with them, guys." I nodded to their direction and Piper and Hazel did a nervous giggle before walking towards them.

"Daddy's calling." 

I didn't realise who whispered into my ear before Drew was long gone. I gulped and held my head high as I walked to the table anyways, despite having every thought telling me to just give in already.

Percy looked at me curiously when I sat down but I masked my sadness and smiled. "We have rehearsal this afternoon." I said excitedly.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure they'll have your production run through the first couple songs like they did with ours." Piper told Percy.

Percy laughed, "Seriously though. You and Annabeth sound professional. Like, super good."

I blushed ever so slightly, and thanked him. 

Piper kicked me under the table, and I looked at her curiously. Using only my eyes, I asked her, what do you want?

Look at Hazel and Frank! 

I did, and kicked her under the table excitedly. Their hands were centimeters away from each other, and they were making small talk together, but gazing into each other's eyes.

Piper and I exchanged glances, before realising that Percy, Jason, and Leo were staring at us as if we had some sort of issue.

"Umm..." Jason said.

Leo slammed his hands down on the table, "I think I'm speaking for all three of us when I ask, how in the name of Lafayette, can you to speak without speaking?!"

Piper and I exchanged glances again and just burst out laughing. This got Hazel's and Frank's attention, and Hazel gave us enquiring looks. Just based on our faces, she knew what we meant.

"No no no no!" Hazel said, waving her hands around. "No no-"

"Yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!" Piper and I giggled back to her.

When we all calmed down, the boys were just looking at us, all of their heads tilted slightly to the right. "Huuhh?" They all said together.


This afternoon, in rehearsal, as Piper guessed, Apollo had the other production run through a couple of songs to get the feel of it.

"Wonderful, ladies and gentlemen." He cried. "Now, yesterday we perfected the last two songs, we're going to start from the beginning. The first song. But, for a quick exercise, we're going to switch up the casts a bit. After all, who you're working with is always a good mix up."

He swapped it so Piper and Jason were in Percy's original production,  but Percy was in mine.

First up was us. We started with the first song, with Chris singing Burr, for the most, but we all had our own parts. No-one was really singing properly as we were marking the choreography, though it was hard without props.

We were going on and off stage, dancing one second, striking a pose another, it was really a whole experience.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!" Apollo cried after our fifth run-through of Alexander Hamilton to My Shot. "Now, the only pointers I have, is that the end of My Shot needs to be as extravagated as humanely possible. Do whatever you need to do, but yeah. Now can we swap performers...?"

I walked off stage and collapsed onto one of the seats. I hadn't gotten a wink of sleep all weekend, and the practices were tiering me out. I slowly felt my eyes drooping and it landed on I think Piper's shoulder. I wanted to sit up but all my energy had left me, and I felt myself drifting off.

When I awoke something felt strange.


I realised at this very second that I had been sleeping on Percy Jackson's shoulder, not Piper's. I tried to keep my cool, but found it extremely hard to when I also realised that his arm when draped across my back.

I tried my best to make it look convincing when I yawned and sat up. Percy smirked at me, "You going falling asleep on me every rehearsal Wise Girl?"

I laughed, "Shut up. And what's Wise Girl?"

"You seem smart. Well, you are smart. You're a Wise Girl." He concluded, smirking even more.

"Then you're a Seaweed Brain!" I retorted.

"Owl Face."

"Kelp Head!"

Percy couldn't seem to think of any more 'insults', so he raised his hands in defeat. "Fine, you won this time," He smiled mischievously, "Wise Girl." He added at the end.

"We'll see about that... Seaweed Brain!"