Chapter 1: Trapped

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I felt the silky touch of a finger rub paint down my exposed body, it was very soothing, but something even more pleasanter pushed my face to the side. "Naruto, shut your mouth." That cold, dark whisper fell into my ears, and roughly stroked my hair like a small canine. A growl came threw my windpipe; my nose twitched, snickering, and smelled that familiar scent which I've smelt for a longing of my time actually living.

I couldn't get a good glimpse of my prey, but the smell was too familiar, more powerful than the last time we have met. My growl became tense, wanting to snatch pieces of fleshes away but I couldn't. 'I can't even tell if this is reality.' Licking the tops of my lips, thirsty, hungry, and starving.

A harsh slap went flying to my face which caused me to snap one of the chains off of my wrist, flying to the other side of me, in pieces. "If you fucking do that again. You'll fucking die." The teeth in my mouth were rambling around in dense growls. They've sharpened at each point of the ends, gritting them rigorously vicious. The same pale hand was raised again, threatening, and begged for his life gone. "Do it then." There wasn't a stutter in his voice, not once, never.

The male's smirk began to widen, this hand been risen, ready to slap me just to see what I'd do. 'I swear,' a silent mumble, barely heard. A loud thump echoing searched the surfaces of the wall, bouncing off molecularly, and felt the breeze across my face that turned instantly. 'He did it,' a cold harmony fell beneath my flesh, desirably waiting for my animal to react to it, loose of the excess chakra surrounded covered most of my body.

My teeth were shown, sharper and easy to trap...-such ignorant prey. My claws durably grew, contracting tiny visible cloaked ears that gravitationally floated above my nine-tail's chakra. My skin peeled off, growling noises searched my throat to release, and gripped my shirt as it ripped to shreds. 'He doesn't realize what I'm fucking capable of.' I thought, excessive growling, throwing my other hand off the chains without a good force placed into it.

Seeing the male giving a weak but visible smirk; he grabbed my other free hand that wasn't making a move, breaking my wrist where I couldn't function it any longer. 'Shit, it hurt so much...I don't want to feel like I'm in pain.' A stern, emotionless expression fell just beneath my lips, at that moment I broke my ankle chains, and felt the metal scrap against my flesh after the fact.

"Oh, Naruto, I know you are in pain. Just give it up. You're bleeding." Grasping the inch of my neck, slamming me forcibly against the gravel, and lied his body across my back. 'Timing wasn't pleasant,' I thought, the chakra forming around me kept disappearing and headed towards the inside of me once again. "Naruto, why can't you just except the fact I'm stronger and wiser than you." The figure just stood there with a leash in his hands, with a appearing object had just wrapped around my neck again and was yanked backwards.

That feeling of having that wrapped around my neck, quickly swelled, that bruised me easily, and I gulped quite slightly. "Fuck you, teme'ttebayo." I growled, tempting to gauge his ridiculous red eye'd Sharingan out of his face. Reason being is because of how he thinks he's so 'smart', that's straight-on fibbing bull shit that covers over and over the lies.

My blood pressure began to rise again, seemingly to cut off my oxygen every time I blinked, that heightened length of my eyebrow kept getting smaller. 'I'm feeling to doubt myself. He isn't my controller nor could he ever be.' I pressed my fingers against the gravel, digging through quite harshly, it proximately went through.

His fingers traveled to my hair follicles, grabbing tightly, and forced my head forward to the ground. 'Wha,' my thought couldn't complete the sustained reveling amount of compact he made to my head only. I was in a successful face plant, never wanted to show how substantially unequal I was to about strength and power.

Now I felt weak, a mouth that was full of words and hands that were full of doubt.

Was I going to let this slide? Was I useless? Am I weak inside? Did I actually obey him? Could this be something that he should die for?

Grabbing a lock of the ground to push myself up, immensely I found the courage to get up, and take control this time. "You won't get the chance to leave," I hadn't mumbled for nothing, gripping the inch of his collar, fully aware of the surroundings. My fist winded back completely, quickly rushing the full speeded fist straight into his face.

His fall was to the floor, a broken nose was all I seen, he held his stomach. 'I didn't even hit his stomach? The hell?' Thinking through, he stood up from the ground. A weary smile slipped through his lips, walking towards my space, and fell forward against my body. 'Was this a trick? What kind of dilution is this? Faking real.' Releasing both of my hands from my sides, taking their time to settle on the raven's back.

"Dobe...I just wanted to be closer-" he didn't finish his sentence, instead he laid his head against my chest, and slowly wrapped his arms around my waist. Falling quite rapidly to the floor. I went with it, traveling down with him also and both laid there bemused.

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Yo', new book. New story.

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