Chapter 2: Teme

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It was the next morning, hearing the birds' chirp was the most delightful thing to hear especially when you know you've survived another night. Recalling the other night felt a bit pale, fraud, unreal. I couldn't dab my finger to the pinpoint if that was actually true. "Dobe, your breakfast is sitting on the table. Are you coming out of that bedroom?" The younger Uchiha called out, knocking on the door once. My thought was corrupted, 'He's here?' I was a bit concerned, thinking if he actually done that to me, all I could do was to bite down on my bottom lip.

"Yeah, I'm coming, teme'ttebayo!" I hopped off the bed, getting a freshly pair of boxers and slid my kimono on. Dashing out, I bumped into him with unbelievable force. We both collided down the steps, falling over dramatically. 'So this is how my life will soon end?' A quick thought bounced off the top of my mind.

The two of us met the bottom of the stairs, quickly jumping off of him, dusting myself. I looked down at him, his eyes were closed, yet he was still breathing and I fell to my knees. Opening one of his eyelids, examining and scanning areas to see what happened. Sensing he was in a coma. "I'm so gonna' get it...all he wanted to do was serve breakfast. Shoot'ttebayo!" Rising myself up from the floor, picking him up with me, and went into the room to gently set him on the bed.

Pulling a bit of my hair in severe frustration. 'This is definitely my fault this time, shit.' The bits of blonde strands knotted in my fingers, twisting, as they fell to the floor.

I'm sure he'd be in the coma for a good two hours or so. Till then, I settled my place right beside him, in comfort, resting my hands over his stomach area.

I felt so bad, but then, I felt so relieved. The stress of not wanting to damage my best friend just once, yet, I'm the one who's always damaged firstly before anything. 'Sorry but not sorry' was the scenario to everything especially this one but the standards of me not telling him will only cause recklessness.

I was pretty tired by noon, he still hasn't awoken, as I lied my head against his shoulders.

By the minutes running by I was in deep sleep.

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Why was it only the bright lights that could tell time, at the right springing moment of my best friends fall. I felt fingers crawl all over me, pinching the outer lining of my silkening flesh. Watching the sunset fall so soon, seeing the fingers underneath my shirt, tingling the sensitive areas throughout my body.

Airing the sensations, brutally catching the spirits bringing themselves into life, turning into mankind. Kindness breathed through my eardrums, soothing wisdom caught the angel up above and slammed it forcibly against my airway to breath.

"Wake up, dobe." I felt myself shaking into one to two directions. I had to breathe normally, waking up corruptively in the mind, watching my fingers brush against the lined feathered blankets. Am I dreaming? I seen the raven; he looked awfully confused, and sighed. I doused my vision into his eye level, sitting up by that moment and cocked my head both directions. "Sasuke'ttebayo, are you really in my room at noon?" I slightly laid back down, hearing a light mutter. "Yes, your door was unlocked so I assumed you were awake." Mumbling was all I could hear.

Was I drunk? Or is this really happening? Actual real life presumptions? I can't tell if this is real? My head is beginning drowse off, the world was spinning around me, the cultural division has just been corrupted, it's surrounding me with devils and angels.

My head went another way, bruised, and turned to face another being. Was I just punched across the face? I could barely feel anything, it felt like a dream-like punch than an actual punch across the face. Feeling the lack capabilities of what others' could feel was quite embarrassing. I honestly don't know what's going on, no clue, not a compressive realistic answer.

I needed to get out of this delusional outbreak to get back to the real world. Seeing faces I haven't met before was awkward, but terms of discretion in your mind can't make people up, lowering my hand to my face to gently place it. I fell to my knees, visually un-seeking no act taking place. I felt the same chakra stand right in front of me, taking their hands out of their pockets and began beating me out of my misery. "Dobe, usuratonkachi." The Uchiha shoved me to the floor without mercy, lying his body over me, hovered. "Nani?" The only real defined word I could cooperatively operate with. Considerably I could highly doubt he'd tell me what, or what's happening.

He hasn't said a word, yet, he soothingly rubbed down my spine. I shivered, the abnormal aggression had flown into both of us, paralyzed un-coincidental fore-spoken. He's reached the centre of my clothing wear, slowly taking them off, and the reluctance of a small object began strolling it's way down my chest. The object was slimy, a warm feeling also has it's own features. I wasn't quite sure how to feel, we just recently fought and to a sudden outbreak of love and lust?

My head went sideways once again, seeing the male right above of me with a smirk that was slanted. 'He punched me across the face again.' I thought, shoving him off of me successfully and dogged him to the other side. 'This couldn't be real, he would've already threw me off. He would've suddenly changed positions. I wanna wake up'ttebayo.' A utter thought excess most of memorization, standing up off of him while the body dispersed into a log. Knew it. As I fell flat on the ground, feeling teeth latch against my neck harshly and gripped rather force on my skin. A large amount of tension threw both of us down, well my body would definitely go down firstly. '...shit, I have to do something.' I clinched my fists, urging my strength up from the raven male that had me pinned, and suddenly the floors were gone.

My mind exploded, twitching in my sleep, a loud alarm was pounding against my dwelled unfocused ears. But perhaps I was awake, solidly proposed, slamming my fist into the alarm quickly as it broke into a million pieces. "We'll shit, that's broken." I murmured, getting up finally, and stretched. Going into the kitchen to make freshly cooked ramen, once it was finished. I sat at the table, feeling tiny shock waves go through my head, ignoring them. I continued to eat, not really caring as much anymore.

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Oi, how you like it?
Long and good?
Enjoy. (:

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