Chapter 9: Drunken

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It's been three weeks now. Peace and quiet inside of my room, door locked. The only secure place in the house. My knees huddled up against my chest, gritting my teeth from the fear and anxiety running through my head. I haven't sleep for anything. I might even have insomnia by now. Glaring at the locks on my door made me feel so better.

My body was lacking energy, food, thirst, and finally sleep. The incident kept replaying in my head, mentally scarred me for life.

A knock at the door was heard. I gulped harshly, though luckily my body had healed over the time. "Get away from my door whoever the fuck you are" I spatted. A moment of silence behind the door. I had to check so I laid against the floor and checked if the shadows were gone.


Bringing myself up so tiredly and weakly get up. Looking out of the Uzumaki crested wall, blinking slightly. Actually for the past week, the only thing on my mind was suicide. I wanted to damage myself, wanted to end my life, and end the torture replaying in my fucking mind. It traumatized me dearly, but I never did. It wasn't worth it, at all.

The feet crept towards my door again, knocking on it again, and slammed against it. 'Oh fuck' I thought, and dodged to hide under the bed. They busted my door down. "Na-Naru" they sounded so intoxicated, stumbling all over the place. Making sure my body fit under my bed.

"Co-come the fu-fuck out of you-your hiding place, Naru-Naru" the unknown voice said twice, warning me to beat me if I didn't. I just couldn't come out, no way am I going to obey this time. I closed my eyes tight, hoping they'd walk out and leave me the fuck alone.

'Damn I should've ran out of the goddamn room..but they'll teleport and capture me easily.' Putting the negative into play, and looked down at the floor, silent as can be.

"Better come out-out...or I'll hurt you bad" they warned. I shrugged, and stayed quiet still. 'Tsk? An ass whooping? Had worse.' I thought and licked my lips dry. Then heard another pair of feet walk into my room, stumbling across the floors. 'Oh no. Who the fuck is this person?' I thought, wanting to be curious. If I do, it'll just cause more than enough to point out where my location was.

My stomach growled, eyes widening and pressed it more against the floors so they wouldn't hear it. The two figures heard it, walking around the room, stumbling and went to check everywhere. "Naru~ Come out-out and play with daddy-daddy and his best friend-friend" he hiccuped. 'Dad? And whom else?' My eyes twitched. And still they haven't found my location so I was fine for now. 'You should've kept a good balance of nutrition and maybe things wouldn't suck like this. Weak and pathetic.' Kurama said, rolling his eyes slightly. 'Shut up you dumb fucking fox!' I thought, yelling at him. He shrugged.

I haven't moved a single bone in my body. Then I heard another set of feet enter my room, more intoxicated than both of the bastards already in my room. "Naruto-Naruto, obey me right this instant-instant" he blurted out even drunker. Still keeping my mouth and body movement quiet. I wanted to cuss them out but it wouldn't be worth it. 'Three people? What the fuck is he planning. Man I'm scared about coming out now.' I thought to only myself this time.

"Maybe he wants us to play his game. Wanna look 'fur him?" One suggested. His voice was deep as shit. Then that one went to his bottom to crawl around the place. 'He's definitely going to find me first, shit.' My brain had fluttered, my stomach twisted in knots, everything went to shit. Then the others went around my room again to start looking. "What color is he?" Then I heard a punch across the face, it echoed violently. "He's white-white! What color do I look-look to you-you and my wife-wife?" The Namikaze spat and questioned.

I knew that was my dad, he stutters awfully a lot when he's drunk off his feet. But he's strong. Really strong. I think I'm intimated by his rage. 'I really wanna run out and run away' I thought, feeling my heart race, twice as fast.

I felt hands on my feet, quickly acting to remove my socks so they'd grab that instead of dragging me out. 'Kami!?' Then they stood up with socks and threw them aside. "Maybe he's under the bed? We haven't checked there yet." One said and my eyes widened. 'FUCK!?' My heart pounded right out of my chest, gasping for breath and air and oxygen. "Closets first then the bed." The other drunken replied to his suggestion. "Yeah-yeah, we can do-do that" my father said. And my head turned to seeing them all head into my closets.

Quickly my mind fluttered, scooting out from the free side. 'Gotta' act fast.' Then my string rang around the bed frames, mentally I panicked and physically tried not making noise to realize my presence seen. I unloosened the string metal bars and ran out of the room. I didn't turn back for anything. My heart racing was unbelievably hard to keep up with.

It was so hard that I fell downstairs, stumbling over feet and stairs. Finally making it to the last step. Now it was harsh to stand up from the stairway. Though I didn't give up. I forced my weakened body to stand and run into the kitchen. Weaving hand signs. "Kage Bunshin" I weakly said though my chakra was low and I couldn't summon a clone.

Shit now I was out of luck on this one. Then looked around to find another hiding spot and carried away into the pantry and hid there for the moment.
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Hellur ~
Woot Naruto once again!

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