Chapter 6: Remember

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Here I am exposed, screaming out in pure pain, gripping against the bedsheets, upwards my hips went. "P-paps! Stop! I don't want this at all!" My mind fluttered back into reality in a heartbeat, his aroused member kept thrashing deeply inside of me, roughly bashing my face into the palm of his hands.

This was recklessly disgusting! Why would why my father fuck me out of his misery, the attitude he caught with me I could never talk back to him, it was horrible. "You say a fucking word to your mother, your ass is mine, until the day you and I die." He snarled, tugging harshly against my hair, penetrably he bucked his hips and jerked himself inside of me over and over. I cried out once again, tears pricking out of the corner of my eyes, crying.

As he jerked backwards out of my anal; he grabbed my hair, and flipped me on my stomach. "Call out to your daddy, tell me you want more you fucking bitch." He growled intensively, roughly he pushed my face into the bed, releasing it to grab out a kunai, and slid it down my back. Blood simmered down my body, hissing at the harsh treatment. This was unbelievable.

I couldn't disobey. I couldn't recklessly talk to him. I couldn't back talk. I couldn't upset him.

My father was so shy, not talkative for nothing, until this day. Today. He showed his true colors in front of me. I never knew he was like this at all. I never knew he'd rape me. I didn't know nothing about my father at all.

I arched my bare back, biting down on the sheets, still crying out mercy. "I...I want m-mo...more..." I trailed off. He slapped the back of my head. "You fucking stutter once again. You shall literally be punished, now say it like you fucking mean it, whore!" He yelled, shouting at most, as he leaned over to bite harshly against my shoulder, the open wound opened up and blood was drawn.

I felt pathetic, absolutely fucking pathetic. I had to show him I 'enjoyed' it when I fucking don't! He pulled out of my region, walking into my bathroom cupboards, and grabbed pill bottles and multiples of them. "Guess I have no choice, Jinchuuriki shit." He recalled, referencing me as everyone else called me back when I was littler.

He popped the bottles open, spilling many pills into the palm of his hand, walking back over to where I was. He shoved them down my throat, forcing me to swallow them, and I did. As he walked back into the bathroom and grabbed a 3 milliliter needle, putting eight doses into the syringe. He slithered back to where I was again, sticking me in the arm, injecting the eight doses of liquid cocaine.

My body began to get dizzy, the pills, the doses in my body making me hallucinate into another dimension. I shut my eyes, passing out sorely bruised.

Three hours later the drugs and doses kicked in extremely well put. My eyes were blurry, my vision was blurred out, and I couldn't feel a thing in my body.

My father that hovered over me. "I'm your husband. Obey me." He told me and I nodded. "Spread your legs darling." My body did what it was told, departing my legs farther apart. "Call me daddy when you moan." I nodded, as he pressed up against my body, feeling his member replace back into my rectum slowly. "...A-ah Daddy~" My eyes were dizzily hung over, half lidded open, moaning in pleasure. My father went a bit faster, grabbing the locks of my spiky hair, tugging on them harshly since I couldn't feel a thing in my body but complete numbness.

My body arched upwards so he could grasp more of my hips, thrusting himself in, tightly tugging more of my hair while I let out gasps and moans. "F...fuck, daddy~" I slurred out coincidentally the drugs still had affect, while he grabbed more pills into his hand and stuffed more down my throat. I swallowed every single one of them, falling asleep on my father while he bashed me harder into the sensitive area of my anal. I hissed silently, gloomily my eyes drooped, placing my head against the pillows and passed out.

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