Chapter 7: Blurries

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What was I exactly?

I'm basically something that will always be used and abused.

Tortured or compressed by rotting my innocence into some kind of delusional state of being.

Loved or not, it seemed so fake, the lies that capture inside my brain.

Drugged or not, it felt so right, it felt so wrong but which was it exactly? Am I actually living the real world? Is this happening to me so soon? Is this the ending of my happiness.

I felt the tears stream more down my face, my core inside of my rectum felt broken, shattered into a million different pieces, as I scream for it to stop. It hurt, it bled, it killed me internally.

Was it the drugs still talking?

What time was it?

How long has he been at it?

I sunk my teeth deeper into the sheets, crying in continuation, wanting my reckless father to stop doing this unbelievable madness. "Father...please...stop" as my hair was gripped, drugged, my body couldn't respond as fast while tightening whatever I had in clutch. "Nah." The older blonde replied ever so blandly, twirling my body to where it faced him, blurriest vision still to be kept in sight.

'Kurama...h-help m-me, this has been the longest you've ignored me...' I utterly spat out, razzing my body to shift another way. '...' The beast stayed quiet, shutting his eyes, healing my body until unspeakably Kyuubi took over him. My original eyes remained shut, clear aqua blue transformed into the a dark plastered red with it's cornea slit.

Kurama opened his eyes, teeth sharpening at the ends, healing his body automatically, and roughly pounced at the father. "Mm. Haven't tasted a Namikaze, yet." As he snapped at him, growling viciously, and sunk his canines against the blonde's neck. The other cried out, and Kurama twitched. "Shut the hell up." He grabbed at his neck, placing him up against the wall, pinned and kunai's stuck through flesh. "I could just eat you alive, already." While the beast bit harshly against his neck, tingling sensation tensed up in his body, rolling his tongue downwards on his bitten, bruised neck.

Minato winced at everything, toes curled in, crying out in pain. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he pleaded his life, begged for mercy. Kurama dipped his lips against the Hokage's, biting harshly, until blood was sooner drawn. "Should I drug you up so you can call me daddy? Should I overdose you so you can die in my arms? Should I do anything at all to you? Maybe I could rape you until you sooner pass out and fucking die. Then rape your halfway dead corpse, eat you alive while I'm at it, and repeatedly rape it until your corpse is deep inside my stomach digesting." He snarled, stammering on the Yondaime's life appealingly. Though Kurama actually thought about it, laughing like a mad man, hinging himself into his original form.

The nine tails swished around the place, laying on his stomach, glaring at the Hokage before parting his lips open to eat the Namikaze alive. Minato flashed, weaving hand signs, and sealed the Kyuubi back into place while having me back to myself.

I was back to where I was, my vision finally came back through, my regained chakra flowered seemingly well throughout my body, running in my veins. While glancing at my father, teeth grit unfortunately, and harshly tackled him with everything I have. I went to punch him across the face, but he stopped and weaved every hit I swung at him. I gulped when he pushed me to the other side of the bed. 'How is he still at it? He was practically beaten down my demon fox? I'm fucked for days. Damn you, Kyuubi.' While in thought, rummaging all over the bed, exposed upmost.

Minato's hands soothed on his neck from the beast's bite earlier, while sooner vanishing from my room.

I hyperventilated quickly, stunned by the incident that was finally over I thought. Placing my hands over my face, humiliated, deadbeat. I yanked at my yellow spiked haired that I repeatedly call myself a "weak", "useless", "unneeded", "pathetic", and "hopeless loser". I kept telling myself these things because I knew damn straight they were real, they were efficient, and finally they were true to the exemption. 'How pathetic am I to even trust father like this?' As my finger was placed against my bottom lip in thought. Carelessly and unfortunately I was able to move my body. Getting up from the bed, heading into my bathroom. Kneeling in front of my toilet, gripping the sides of it, and puked everything known demand in my insides. My voice was no longer vocal after the end of vomiting. I stood from my place, trying to catch up with myself in breathing correctly and properly. I honestly never want to look at a pill bottle after this incident. My hands traveled towards the cabinets, opening them up, and started bashing every single pill bottle my eyesight met. Placing every pill into the toilet, destruction was surely made in the bathroom, carpets torn in shreds, blood drawn from the glass slipping onto flesh.

By the moments finally skipping by, my back fell against the wall, harshly. I couldn't feel a single thing in my body still. I couldn't even tell if I was severely hurt or bleeding anywhere. Roughly skidding my fingers down the dry blood on my chest that slid down my arms. 'I need to shower.' I thought, turning my head to gaze at the curtains that hung off of the railing. 'I bashed that too,' while sighing softly, more like a light whimper escaping my lips. Walking out, and grabbed a hold of my kimono on the floor, tying the obi around my skinny waist.

Walking out successfully without being stopped by any of my parents, gulping just feeling energy behind him. Simply ignoring it as any person would and waltzed downstairs to use that bathroom. I twisted the knob open, rummaging through, at a halt I stopped to seeing my father using the bathroom. Occupied. 'Even though he's my father...I'll still love him for...what he's done to me.' While my shoulders made their circular rotation into a small shrug. 'If he does anything. I'll just let it happen.' I thought, hoping it won't happen, hoping everything that my father won't ever touch me again, give me eye contact because I don't see him as the same dad I use to see him as. It was hard just approaching him like this in the shower. Acceptably, I made my presence known in the bathroom by a cough, and slowly shut the door while locking it.

Stripping the kimono off of my shoulders, untying my obi again, and neatly placed in on the counter. "D-dad...may I-I join?" I gulped harshly, really I didn't want to but somewhat I really did want to after everything. As the shower curtains moved to the sides, seeing his bare chest, nodding silently. 'Rape isn't fun, but sometimes you got to bear with it and shut your mouth.' I thought, slowly my foot stepped inside, forcing myself in the shower along with my dad.

First he turned to gaze at my bruised, and beat up body. He was my dad after all, my arms wrapped around his waist, clinging myself around him. "I-I'm sorry for ever-everything. I won't ev-ever disobey you aga-again d-da-daddy..." My voice trailed off, cracking, and sobbed deeply into his chest. I could no longer keep in my tears inside of me, the anger fought along also, but I would never try and fight my father again. He could easily seal me and my demon fox within me so it's not worth it at all.

My father looked down at me, guilty at charge. Minato sighed, softly, and cradled his arms around me. "I won't ever touch you like that, again. I've just been mentally, and sexually frustrated with" The Namikaze whispered into my ears, it wasn't reasonable for me at all. Why rape your child out of frustration. Go burn down a tree for the fucks I give. Yet, I kept my mouth shut and nodded as the good child I am. "It's okay..." Even though none of that was fine at all. It hurt my ass until it eventually bleed and stuck semen inside me. I was miserably broken, and shred into a million different fucking pieces. Softly gritting my teeth without his suspicious and finally I let go of him.

/////// aaaaa //////

Whelp containing violence and incest...and rape
Long, I know.
Good, maybe not.
Love? I'm not sure what the hell going on. c:

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