Chapter 5: Bashed

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It was already morning, the sun finally raised in the atmosphere, settling in placement of its position.

Though I had no windows in my room to begin with, opening my eyes up, looking over to seeing my door unlock and wide the hell open. 'Well shit.' I jerked myself out of bed, running to the door and slammed it shut to lock it up again. 'I hope no one walked in...I will literally bust this wall down to make a window.' I gritted my teeth harshly, looking around the room, there wasn't a single sign or presence in the area.

Raising an eyebrow, removing my clothing off of my body again, then stepped off of my bed to go take a shower. Something tightly grasped my ankle, causing me to fall against the floor, nakedly, as I turned back and seen my ferocious mother again. "M-mom! I'm naked you..." I thought about the 'pervert' word than anything. She came out from underneath my bed, and tugged me towards her. "Paps..." Dragged to the unpleasant meeting red head. "Your daddy isn't going to save you this time, besides I just want to apologize'ttebane..." As she trailed off, laying back against my bed frame, and fiddled her fingers.

I raised an eyebrow. I honestly don't believe she was telling the truth, but I nodded. "Okay. I forgive you, now get out...I'm about to take a shower." While hissing at her, and she let go of my ankle, as I almost made it to the bathroom. I was corruptively unresponsive when she pounced harshly at me, my body tumbled across the floor, and my nose started bleeding when we both hit the walls in a solid face plant. "P-please mother. I'm sorry, you don't have to get out of control!" I yelled, constantly pushing her away from me, and finally grasped her shoulders to press harshly on her pressure points to put her into immediate sleep. It knocked her out quickly, everything loosened and was released. 'Paps 'ain't gonna' be happy about this one bit'ttebayo." I inhaled and exhaled, holding my blooded nose that dripped down my nostrils.

I think I heard the door open, 'Dammit, I jinxed myself. I shouldn't have thought of that.' Before taking my mother's body, running with her feet in my hands, into their room, and tried opening up the door. 'Shit! They locked it.' Growling, and irritation only flooded my mind and I didn't know where else to put my red headed mother, whom was passed out in my clutched hands.

The Yondaime clarified his presence, heading upstairs, soothingly his fingers polished on the stair rails and strolled all the way up until he met the second floor of the house.

I heard the foot steps get even closer, breathing down all over my shoulders, which was breathlessly hot, while feeling and hearing their fist clench and being pumped. "Paps! She passed out in my room. I swear I didn't do anything to momma'!" I simply lied, brushing the dry blood off my paled nose, turning around to seeing the other blonde in front of him. "Oh. I thought you did the unspeakable with your mother, Naruto." He replied bluntly and took the maiden Uzumaki from my hands. Unlocking their door, sliding it open, and shut it again. I waltzed back into my room, opening the door, shutting it and locked all the locks placed on my door. 'Im afraid of momma'. She's still trying to get me for sneaking up on her while they had intercourse just the night before. Though it wasn't sneaking up on, simply hearing the whole thing.

I went into my bathroom, looking in the mirror. Golly, was my nose busted up, I think it was broken. As I reached over for cotton balls, rubbing alcohol, and pressed it against my broke nose. I winced slightly at the burning liquid that was healing and scrubbing the dry mucked blood. Taking the used cotton material, placing it gently in the trash next to the toilet, and twisted the cap on the bottle closed and placed the bottle into my cabinet again. Then returning back into my room, slumping over, tiredly, and exhaustedly wasted it felt like.

I crawled into bed, placing the covers right on-top of my body, huddling and caving myself in. Grabbing the pillow, settling it between my body, while wrapping arms around it, and sooner fell asleep.


It's only been two hours, the Yondaime got out of bed, putting his sleepy beauty in a comfortable position, and walked out. He nitpicked at all of the locks on my door, unsuccessfully he didn't know the one right on top and above my door -only momma' knew because she put the locks all over my door during the summer. The male just teleported inside of my room, watching me sleep so peacefully though I didn't know.

Minato got himself undressed, as he weaved hand signs to seal the door shut unless any intruders barged in. I didn't notice what was going on, still snuggled up against my worn out pillow, and kept snoring loudly.

"I know you fucked your mother and now you'll get yours." He whispered lowly, crawling onto my bed, slithering himself under the covers to straddle my legs.

I awoken so suddenly, looking down to seeing my father straddle my legs. I simply kicked at his face to get off. "Get out! Get out! Get out!" I shouted at him but he denied and kept doing so. "I know you and Kushina did some of things while I was gone." There was a sharp snarl in his voice.

I turned over on my back, kicking another foot at his face, finally he released my legs. "Me and momma' never did anything while you were gone!" I spat. "I'd never touch her, that's gross!" Huddling my position in the bed against the backboard, arms across my knees, and looked down. My father looked at me as if I were lying to him. "Yes, you did... I know you did. I know you did!" He spat at me, crawling to where I was, pulling my arms away from my knees.

"What do you want now?! Can't you see I haven't done anything, that's my momma'?!" I spat, forcibly wrapping my arms around my knees once more, denying everything. My father just couldn't believe I was telling the truth. "Even if I did, you aren't going to do shit about it. I don't care if your the Hokage or my paps, you won't do shit about it." I mocked his whole career and he got all pissed off about it real fast too.

He roughly pounced at my body, I fell down against the softened mattress. "Oi!" I called out, as he punched me across the face, and began to wrap his hands around my neck, choking me until I could no longer breathe. I passed out, the lack of oxygen could not process throughout my body, laying there stoically miserable.

The wavering suns surrounded my thoughts, brushing passed my future of ever becoming a Hokage like my father. I was a beaten up, a fucked up, nonetheless a damn drop-out. I'm a failure at everything I do and my parents are perfect. I'm exactly fourteen years old turning fifteen in two months, and I talk to my parents like they never taken care of me properly.

But I have this imaginary bomb inside me, it's waiting to explode shortly, as I threw my hands up in hallucination. I wasn't really doing it but it felt so surreal in my mind.

I don't know how else to take this.

Am I going to die?

What was I?

Where's Sasuke?


Hello readers.
Just finished it.
Long and readable.

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