Chapter 3: Beast

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The three years have passed, the dreams are slowly becoming reality, and it's been killing me internally. The door went flying open on it's own, recognizing a familiar scent, the scent scribbled into my veins and felt the strength of this jounin. "Teme, go away'ttebayo." I shouted, slickly he gently placed his hands around my mouth, covering them shut with unfamiliar plastic wrapping and sealed it shut against my paled, dry lips. 'What the hell is going on?' I tried looking from left to right but my head stayed in place.

The Uchiha pulled me closer to him, beginning to rip the clothing that was covering my body so it wouldn't be exposed. Now that my clothing was ripped, damaged; he lightly nibbles at my flesh. "Please, stop. I don't want this'ttebayo." I murmured. Honestly I did like this predicament, but since I could savagely submit myself towards him if he keeps doing this.

Rather-fore, I came up, biting down on his neck, feeling the temperature in my body rise rapidly. Puncturing my teeth into pure flesh, irresistibly I couldn't sustain the control over myself anymore; the monster had already taken the advantage of my self being.

"Sasuke" murmured, maybe even the last time I will ever say his name, no doubt I might end up hurting him this time.

The nine-tails cloak hovered over my body, yet, I tried getting a hold of myself. I'm trying to stop this, control it, take advantage of it, and securely keep it where it's designated. Throwing my claws against the flooring, the ends of my teeth grew immensely, the animal was coming out of me while the gravitational outlook of five combusting tails evacuated outward. "F-fuck..." I growled out, licking the front of my canines, on my fours and ready to attack beneficially. The other raven male watched my transformation, grabbing his scythe from the back of his pouch, sliding two fingers down the blade before giving me eye contact again. "Naruto, you're such a nuisance." He stated, while feeling my blood pressure heightened quickly.

"Shut the fuck up."

"Hmp. As if you could do that."

Pumping his fists together and punched my head downwards while then grasping some of my hair. My cloak disappeared quickly, without noticing, it sunk down into my pores. "Let me g-go..." Trailing off in the sentence, pouting, and now my body was floating in the air. "Eh, no. You tried killing me, you think I'll let you get away with that?" He raised a brow, letting go of my hair, and grabbed me by my throat. Panicking, prying both of my hands over his wrists that held my support up. "Mm. You were so cute, dobe. Now you just look and act reckless." He commented, leading his head close to my neck, taking in my scent before he pulled away. "I hate you." I blurted out, tightening my grip on his wrists. My canines grew out once more, growling, but my outer chakra didn't excess my pores. "How can you hate me?" The darker threads of strands flew down his face, invisible to see how he looked. "Get the hell off of me, you shit'ttebayo." Snarling, while my nails grew an inch longer to grip and damage my prey instantly. "I'll tear you to shreds." I growled deeper, while my demon within me took over.

The Jinchuuriki violently, outrageously pinned the raven up against the wall, without a expression shown that succeeded his will. "Oi, I've been feeling terrible for not helping my person out for the past years because of you.~" The beast licked his lips, pressing, and leaned his body up against the raven male. "Besides, watching you fuck my person senseless really is arousing if you think about it." The Nine-Tails commented, roughly he doused his teeth into the boy. The other grunted in merciful pain, pinned, and couldn't do much to help himself at the pleading moment of time. He pryers his hands against the Kyubi's wrist, arching his head backwards, groaning. "Well, it doesn't take long for you to moan. Just say my name once. I've been dying to get my hands on you." He scoffed, sooner both of the males fell to the floor, continuing to bite at his neck. "N-no." The Uchiha blurted out, wincing at the endurance of the pain in his neck that quickly bleed down his flesh.

"I guess I'll have to make you."

"Do it then, you piece of shit."

The beast strangled the male, ripping his shirt off of his body, tossing the shredded material on the side of them, brushing his teeth over his neck again, and lick down to where his hard nipples were hardening quickly. "Get off of me, fiend." The avenger snarled, yet, he couldn't help but moan softly. "Mm. I think not." A mischievous expression shown across his lips, lowering himself, and pulled his pants off of him and tossed them too. He began stroking his shaft quickly, up and down it went, squeezing the head with his pointed fingernails. "What a big length you have." He complimented, lowering his mouth to begin sucking harshly, using his other hand to press onto his testicles.

The tongue tightly twirled around his head, sucking to make noises in between, and the Uchiha moaned even louder. Sooner the beast stuffed the groin down his throat. The feeling was more of a relief to his anger to reduce stress from developing afterwards. "The names Kurama, by the way." He choked up, swallowing more of the boy's member, until he felt pre-cum chime down his throat. Gagging softly, he pulled himself up from the hard, throbbing sensation, and spat the pre-cum out his mouth while cum landed on the flat surface of the teen's stomach.

"You've done this to Naruto's comrades, you seem like a professional at shit like this."

"Yeah. Naruto, on the other hand has not."

Kurama grabbed blotches of the raven's hair, forcing his position to be slanted, and having the teen's buttocks elevate higher. Snarling, the beast pulled his pants down, inserting his junk into the rectum, while he penetrated fast and deep. "Sasuke..." He trailed off, while Sasuke winced at the harsh penetration, yelping, and cried out. His grip against the floor was tight, spreading his legs out to allow more access, while the other bent himself over to excessively kick his member even deeper. "Ahhh~" the other screamed louder in a satisfied moan, toes curled, while the Jinchuuriki climaxed inside soon enough.

Sasuke embarrassingly laid his flat body on the ground, panting softly, arching his head back to let the moans flow out through.

Indiscriminately Kurama pulled the male up on his high knees, relentless he stuffed his hard groin into his rectum again. "Choose carefully. Would you like me to cum inside you, on your face, or your hand?" The Jinchuuriki asked in a scoff as the other winced again at the endorsing pain once more. " face." He panted out, trying to grip his hands against the floors. Kurama nodded, quickly paced himself inside of the raven, pounding in sensation that built inside of his prostate. 'This Uchiha is getting what he deserves. This'll be the last time he harasses Naruto.' He thrashed his nails into the younger's waist, harshly pushing his body down, and neatly pounced again.

" Kurama...!" He faintly moaned out, gripping against his hair strands, before the other pulled out and placed his seeds on his face. Sasuke sat up from the floor, seeing it slide down his face.

A couple hours later the corruption and torture stopped, the Jinchuuriki letting the boy have his body back, and the raven Uchiha flee'd out of Uzumaki's residence.


Hm. Sorry it took long.
Busy slightly.
But enjoy.

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