Chapter 8: Moods

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My father's hands soothed against my hair, drizzling the soaps and suds down my bashed body. Although I hated him, I had to love him. I don't know why I thought like this, it weirded me out but I shrugged it off like always. I swung my arms around my father's neck, pecking my lips against his. But he stopped me. "Why?" I asked, hastily tempted to do it again. I didn't know what else to do but want to do it again.

My father looked down at me with sorrowful and dreadful eyes. "Why want more of me when I hurt you enough..." He trails off. I only shrugged. "So. No matter what you do to me, what you say to me, or what happens between us....I'll always forgive you, in the end." As my arms hung loose off from his shoulders and placed a kiss onto my father's lips without hesitation needed. Obviously he gave me small pecks of the awkwardness and the situation that just went down earlier.

Then I pulled away from him, lowering myself until I sat down in the water that was flowing above my legs. "Daddy, Can you wash me?" As I looked up to the sprinkling water hit my face and down. He nodded, persisting his way below also, sitting down on his bottom. My head slightly looked down to seeing the water being splashed, as he grabbed the shampoo from the bathtub tops and poured the liquid substance into his hands. Then he started to scrub all around the dirtiness of my body and hair. He looked so guilty for doing such a thing to me. His free hand grabbed a small cup, filling it up with water, as the liquids dunked all over my body and hair. My body automatically came closer to him, relaxing my position and my sore bottom that stung extremely.

Then once he was done scrubbing the conditioner from my hair, and rinsed it off. He snatched the scrubber from the nozzle and poured body-wash in the mid-section. Contracting his skin against it to make bubbles swarm around the rag. Pressing it softly against my skin, breathing heavily from the steam coming from up above, the sprinkles of water hitting the surface of my skin. It felt so good. I felt like me and my father went from a rough start to a good ending. I'd doubt he'd ever try that again, but if he does. I don't know, just something in my skin quivered hoping it won't ever happen like before.

The muscles in my joints flexed, tensing up slightly to feeling the rag touch against my fragile nipples. I couldn't help but continue to try and relax against his touch like I use to. My legs parted more, clinging onto his waist. "What's wrong?" The Namikaze looked me directly in the eyes. My eyes went another direction, stiffening in posture, and fiddled around with my thin fingers. "Just trying to get use to your touches again," while my voice cracked, breathing heavily again, and placed my head down to look at the reflection of my bruised and dreadful face. "I'm sor--" I cut him off to soon. "Daddy. Please. Just forget" as I clung to him quickly, resting my teary face in his chest and held him all so close to my blooded body. He knew I didn't want the comfort right now so he placed his hands off of me and moved them beside him.

After a good ten minutes of my sobbing, pulling away from him, and turned my body to look at the wall other than him. "Just wash my-my body. I can clean myself when you leave-leave." Sniffling, and rubbed my forearm against my nose. I felt him nod and proceeded to do so.

'Where's Kushina?' Kurama asked, laying his body against the solid flooring. 'Fuck mom. Who doesn't hear shit when stuff is happening in one room? Like what the fuck...! She angers me so much! I'm pretty fucking sure she heard my yelps and screams! I begged for mercy! I begged!' Feeling myself tear up quickly again, gulping harshly. 'Your right about that.' He retorted as folded in his arms. 'I wasn't going to help you either but I thought doing that to him would at least get him off of you.' He says and I nod. Naïve as I was. I never knew what to do in a situation like that besides submissively give my body up like I did.

Twitching at the scrubbing, it killed me. It killed me bad. It stung like a whore-bitch. The way he grabbed and threw my body around. I can't believe I'm in the same bathroom and tub as him. If anybody, I'm sure they'd kill and murder their parents for good. But me, I was different and didn't know any better. Though it would make sense for them to die.

No savior.

I twirled my fingers in the water, make small and watery whirlpools. 'Even I were to kill them Kurama. I'd have no roof to live under, no food, nothing.' I stated out the obvious, and he nodded silently.

Placing my judgment to the other touch of his fingers trailing my back. I groaned in pain, placing my hands against the siding of the tub and supported myself up again. 'I feel weak, and he might even take advantage of that.' I told myself. The glaring and multiple movement of my gestures seemed to have pissed him off lightly. 'Kami, why must it be me' the only wording for this whole situation, it guaranteed a exact phrase to float inside of me, once again.

The Namikaze removed the rag away from my stoic body, putting it in the water as he washed the suds away from the cloth. Then turned to unplug the drainage for the water to leave. He got up to lock and twist the faucet off.

Honestly I was to sore to even move my body from where I was. Still despite the bitter pain inside of me. I managed to stand up from the tub, crying mentally, and lifted a sore leg to move out. "Need help?" He asked. And I nodded a negative to him. "I don't want you touching me, at all." A light kick of adrenaline passed my lips, deeply and sternly to make sure he stays in his lane. The coldness in my voice was absolutely perfect. Snatching a towel from the cabinets as I walked out and wrapped it around my waist to head upstairs in my room again.

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Trying to update as soon as I can.
Woot Naruto~

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