Chapter 12: Comfort

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It's been a good two to four days later. I could walk finally, instead of being carried by my mother all the time. She seemed upset and I haven't seen my father since. Maybe she kicked him out or something, hell if I know. But I'm hoping she did. This shit is ridiculous. I couldn't believe he watched me or maybe did me up right after all of them left.

I walked into the kitchen, snickering around as usual. Grasping a cup from the countertops and filled it up with water. 'What to do since training is complete with sensei' I thought, and gulped the water down my throats, soothing it slowly by the refreshing taste and cold temperate. Then I waltzed towards the table, sitting my bottom in the seat, pondering thoughts to only myself.

The soundings of the door being twisted open, wide open. I glanced over towards my dad. He walked into the kitchen and I didn't greet him or give him simple eye contact. I kept drinking my water I had filled up for myself. 'I want to murder him so bad right now' while gritting my teeth. He was making breakfast for himself, placing the pot on the stove and started to cook up something to eat.

That was when my mother propped into the kitchen, looking over at me then came right behind my father. "Honey. Did you hear about Naruto's accident a couple days ago? Uchiha's...and you were watching the whole time." She asks him. Then he shook his head. "I've heard of nothing like that. Why would I watch?" He says monotoned, not a wince or flinch towards the situation. He made it seem like it never happened perhaps. "Oh." Was all my mother had to say about the whole discussion.

I gritted my teeth even more, unsatisfied with his view or just his answer in general. "You fucking liar! You were there the whole fucking time! Asu, Shin, and Kaito. All of them! You drunk piece of shit'ttebayo!" As I lifted my glass, and threw it across the kitchen area so it hit him directly in the face. Compacted by glass. I felt so relieved.

Minato shut his eyes to feeling the glass shatter his face. My mother flipped out, and quickly went to retrieve medical bandages and some other medic items. He turned and gazed my way, pulling the glass shattering from his paled face. Speechlessly my stomach began to flutter in anticipation, though I wasn't to let my guard fall over me again. The rage in me was just the beginning.

I stood from the chair, looking over to seeing my mother still grabbing her equipment to heal my father. This gave me more than enough opportunity to finally settle my rage with this bastard. Waltzing over there quickly, and swung -jotting my fist in the back of his neck. He seemed to all let it happen which was surprising.

He fell to his knees, but I felt like he was trying to plan something. My mother came back into the kitchen with the medic supplies, seeing my father on the floor. Quickly she grabbed the back of my collar and threw me out of the kitchen area. "Go to your room'ttebane!" She shouts. And I ran towards my room, shutting the door behind me and locked it all up. My back sliding against the door and finally fell on my bottom. Placing my hands against my face in pure misery. "That's what he was doing, making it seem like it was all my fault'ttebayo." I told myself. Then my claws became abnormally sharp at the ends as I scratched down my face.

I heard something in the my closer shuffling around and moving around like crazy. I stood up from the floor and went to retrieve it. Slowly I opened it up and looked down at the ground. "Kaito-chan, what are you doing in my room still?" Narrowing my eyes at the curly haired freak show, backing away. He stood up from the floor. "I just wanted to apologize" he says. And winded my fist back and threw it across his face. "There. I had to do it. You just had to fucking ruin everything and my abstinence. I'm only fourteen years and you guys shattered everything for me'ttebayo." As I spat in his face, not even caring about anything anymore.

He blinked for a moment, taking in the hit. And grasped my wrists to lure me in the closet. Pinning me against the solid floor. "St-stop! Let me go!" Protesting, wiggling myself free from his harsh grip he had on me. "You did it once again. You should've just accepted and I could've went, but you had to spit directly in my face again. I understood when you punched me too." He says quietly then quickly switched the topic. "But now, I ask you once. Would you suck my Uchiha-stick for me, please?" He argued then he asked me a question at the same time.

I blinked. 'Should I? Should I even trust him?' I thought for a moment. 'It'll get him off of my back, at least.' Momentarily I nodded my head up and down. He unpinned my arms, knowingly I couldn't escape from him. He unzip the flyer from his pants and pulled them straight off.

I gulped harshly, thinking if I made the right or wrong choice at the moment given. "Alright Naru, it's not harden but I'm sure you can make it hard." He says. Then I went on my stomach, hesitantly I licked the surface of the head. Reaching for the base of his shaft, slowly stroking his manhood up and down. He grunted lowly, feeling his length grow suddenly. 'Man. He surely gets hard fast' blinking, then placed his whole groin into my mouth. Filling everything my mouth can actually fill. He separated most of his legs, placing them over my shoulders and I kept sucking and blowing him off.

I wiggled my small hands over his testicles to massage and rub them quite soothingly, while I continued to blow the male off.


In just the matter of a good half an hour going by. Skeet drizzled down my face, dripping from my chin, downwards toward my clothing. And he stood from the floor, pulling his pants up and zipped them shut. Then looked down at me. "What a mouth you have, but I have to go." He says calmly, rolling his fingers throughout my hair and vanished from the house to his own I'm guesstimating.

Calmly I stood up from the floor, walking out of the hot closet and seen teme on my bed. "...Uh?" I questioned with a confused look. He looked terrible also, what I looked like a couple days ago. Gulping and went over to where he was. "" I spoke lowly and got on the bed with him.

Sasuke was sobbing mentally I could tell. I went over to him, softly gently wrapping my sweaty body around his small waist. "I'm here for you. Both of us are struggling but I'll be here for you'ttebayo." I told him and he slowly wrapped his arms around me surprisingly. "Please. I love you." He told me this and I reacted strangely but relieved. As I rubbed the skeet from my lips and kissed him deeply and quite passionately.

"I love you too, teme."

"I always have, dobe."

As they both ran away from each of their homes to be with one another.


Hai. Last chapter of this.
Starting new book. .
Enjoy this priceless weird finale. C,:

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