Chapter 4: Dirty

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I wanted my body to be exposed to the world, the reaching of the shakiness from my arm length to finally grasp the ceiling fan and stop time. It elapsed, before it finally collapsed, and fell to the floor. "Oh shit." I jumped backwards, watching the glass shatter in small molecular pieces, gulping slightly. I forgot my father was out on a mission and my mother was sleeping in her room. It's been quite awhile since I've seen mother.

I heard the door finally open up, revealing my red-headed mother, screeching her claws against the walls, agitated it seemed maybe even annoyance in her blooded eyes.


"Naruto, pick this shit up off of the floor right now or I'll will'ttebane..."

"Will what mom?"

"Never mind'ttebane."

My mother went over to get a broom and a simple black dust pan from the closet, beginning to sweep the glass up off of the floor with a stoically emotionless expression it looked like. I wanted to question her but it'll only upset her quickly and probably regret even asking.

"Mother. I'm sorry. I was being clumsy." I said dead panned, and watched her stoically expression become a rammed in smile.

"Kushina-chan, I'm home." My father called out, walking into my room.

Somehow, Maybe he sensed my mother was in here right away. Wrapping his arms around my mother's stomach from behind and kissed her neck down.

"Honey, not in front of Naruto'ttebane!" She whopped him with the dust pan while gently pushing the Yondaime away from her as she pouted constantly

. "Oh yeah, I forget he was in here. Oi, Naruto." He called out.

'Oh brother' as I slummed into the walls and softly sighed. "Oi, papa." I said with a soft, calm toned, and crossed some of my arms.

"Let's go into our room, honey'ttebane." As the red-head grinned widely, dropping her materials towards the floor, and grabbed his hand to go in their bedroom.

I sat on the bed, forgetting their room was right next to me, but I couldn't help but be somewhat nosy on why my mother grinned ever-so widely. I slumped over to the walls, placing my ear gently against the wall, and heard them only talking. 'Talking about nothing?' Clothes dropped on the other side, hearing the bed creaked as if two people got on each other, the bed shook up and down. I heard nothing but complete silence, but I did hear a pant, a woman pant. 'What's mom breathing so heavily for?' I asked myself, pushing my ear closer into it.

"A....ah" a woman's voice once again, heavily and softly a moan was heard, scratching down skin and bounced theirselves against the sweaty flesh.

"Bounce on it harder, it's pleading."

"Right honey'ttebane."

The continuation of back and forth bed creaking, soft pants, and becoming more efficiently louder.

"Oh Minato-ttebane, it's so thick." She cried out in pleasure, pressing her hands against the Yondaime's chest, and bounced even harder quite decently.

My mind was completely out of it; I wasn't sure to be turned on by my parents fucking each other, or a pervert just listening to them recklessly. I was feeling both, it was their business, and I don't want intrude on it. It wasn't a doubt they weren't having hard-core intercourse when they know they're son is still awake. Just listening is a turn-on, I literally don't have to see it to be aroused. My mother's voice was like a angel falling from the stars, and softly it reminded me of something you want to listen too.

I pulled my ears off of the wall, looking down to seeing a boner stick out of my own pants, poking it gently and I groaned just touching it.

The moans began to spark up in excitement; they totally forgot I was in the room right beside them. My mother was remorsefully devoting herself and calling my father's name.

Though it stopped for a few moments, hearing someone's head bob on one another. She was giving my dad a blow-job obviously, the gagging caught my attention, as I began to press my ears against the walls once more. The groaning coming from my father was the first I've heard since they've started. He was extremely quiet during sex, gladly, I really don't want to hear a grown man pant or moan out. That's just slightly weird, in my opinion.

"Mina~ fuck my little pussy from behind" I heard the bed move, someone was slanting over against it, as the other went and bucked his hips into her once more. "Oh~" she moaned out louder, gripping the bedsheets, and spread her legs out even farther. "Fuck me senseless, honey~" she panted out, exceeding her climax, as their hips went slightly harder into my mother.

I'm sure there was cum on the bed, all over the place, and they'd definitely lock the door to clean up afterwards.

It's been three hours since they went at it. 'I could hardly imagine my dad lasting this long.' I thought then removed my ears away from the wall, sitting back on my bed, pulling my trousers off and began stroking my own arousal up and down. 'What if they stop to just see what I'm doing?' I gulped at the question itself, shrugging, but continued to stroke my groin.

Laying back against my bed, on my back, and looked up at the ceiling once again that I was just doing recently this morning before I got highly distracted and broke the fan.

'Mm. I wonder if mom is stressed so she needs to be laid every time she gets frustrated at my actions? Just a assumption though. My papa seemed to be home every moment I did something wrong too.' I thought, bringing my one of my free hands to my lips. 'Probably. It was right when she tried to threaten me...papa came in the door...and here they are fucking right beside my room for quite some time now.'

As I heard the other door open up quickly. Hurriedly I pulled my pants up just in case they thought I was jacking off to their sex. Just as thought, my mom busted my door down.

Jeez was her hair a mess, the make up looked smeared off by sticky cum, her clothing hung off herself, and most importantly she barely had clothes on to begin with.

"Yes ma'?" I sat up from the bed to glaze into her vicious and monstrous yet beautiful green aura eyes. She pounced against me, throwing her hands to wrap around my throat. "I sensed you the whole time listening to us, you dirty child'ttebane!" She shouted, growling. I gulped pretty damn hard, by that time it was severely hard to swallow, while prying my hands around her wrist to let my airway free and to hopefully breathe.

My father charged into my room in a surprising time, as he pulled her up so gentlemen-like, and placed her onto his shoulders, sighing deeply. "You know how your mother is, Naruto." He implied to the judgment of her actions. I nodded, sitting up from the position. "Gomen! It won't happen again, papa!" I slid a arm over my forehead to represent it wouldn't, but I can't be absolutely positive. Never promised him. Never promised her.

The red headed female thrashed around on the blonde's shoulders, kicking harshly at his chest and pounded absurdly against his back. "Let me go!? I'm going to hurt him!?" While shouting, a few winces approached his body, the hits definitely compacted him, though he shrugged and walked out with the violent woman on his shoulder blades. "Just don't do it again, ya' hear?" He looked back at me with a tilted eyebrow raised up, and I slowly nodded. "Sure, I guess papa." As he went forward to go in the living room. I ran up from my bed, shutting the door quickly, and locked it up. 'Phew. I really don't want her hurting me. I'm dead if paps goes out on a mission.' I thought, feeling my heart beat out of my chest, breathing heavily, and I slowly walked back to my bed to huddle up to my own-self. I folded my arms around my legs to guide my support for my arms to rest around them.

Gently closing my eyes, turning to seeing not a window on my wall, but a blank white, Uzumaki crested wall. I stared at it for a few moments before I fell silently and soundlessly asleep.


How was it?
I finally got time to do this now.~
Long and good.

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