Chapter 11: Banged

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I swallowed it all, feeling my legs being parted away from each other. And Kaito slid his fingers across my lips, sensationally. "God kid, you have such a perfect complexion. I'm trying so hard not to excite myself but god your fucking teasing me by looks. And I want to destroy it." He told me, licking his own lips dry and I gulped, twitching.

I yelped loudly and painfully when the others length entered inside of my anal region. My toes already curling, head fully arched back, and clenched my fists. I heard the elder male grunt lowly, beginning to move inside of me. "Mm. I can't wait till I have my run. You'll beg for mercy calling my name, Naru-chan~" the one on-top of me cooed into my ears in a slight purr. "And-and I'm sure your-your son-son is fucking-fucking proud of you-you.." My body moving back and forth. "Oh, he is. My little Flex-God~ maybe I should invite him too." He suggests and turns back to Minato. "Call my son for me." He demanded him and my father did as he was told.

In the sharp minutes of groaning aloud, trying to get use to the other's length was terrible. His son teleported himself inside the home. "Shin-chan, aren't you proud of me for fucking a defenseless boy like Naru-chan~?" Kaito coos and Shin looks down at me with a slight eyebrow arched. Then proceeded a nod. "Well, when you have your free run on him. It's my turn just because." He snarls, and folds in his arms.

My father squealing of excitement. "Son, aren't Uchiha's the finest looking~" he cheers once more with claps. Then Kaito removed his pants and boxers. Scooting backwards on my shaft to sit on it. "Ooo~ Already hard" as he began bouncing harshly on it. I screamed in pain, gripping against the couch while Shin glared at my innocence. Walking over, unzipping his pants and stuffed his member inside of my mouth. "Shut up and suck it, Uzumaki-whore." He told me. I did as I was told, as he grabbed locks of my hair and yanked me to deep throat his member.

Kaito rolled his hands up my stomach, looking at the seal on my stomach. "Ah~ A beast too. Mm, he can definitely handle this." He said, moaning lowly. And grasped his son's collar and kissed him deeply, parting lips to even deepen it.

Asu slamming everything he had into me, wincing, wildly I was traumatized. I wanted to die right now. I've had enough of this sick bull shit. His son isn't even fucking drunk! What the fuck is wrong with these sick bastards. And hear I am sucking dick, getting majorly pounded by this guy and my dick being harshly slammed with his tight shit hole.

Then his groin was pulled out out of my mouth. 'What the fuck is he doing now.' I thought, looking at the trailing boy walk across the living room. Kaito looked back at his son walk off then shrugged. Glancing down at my body, and got off of me. "Naru-chan. Could you suck my Uchiha-stick for me~?" He asks me this and I give a simple nod of an negative. "Nope. Have your fucking son suck you off." Then my head turned to face the cushion, wincing at the harsh slamming.

He frowned, swiftly flipping himself around and pushed the elder out of me. My eyes watered, crying when it slipped out. "Then I'll just have it my way. I even asked you politely." Then lifted my whole body upwards, placing his member deeply inside me. I screamed for mercy. 'He was right' I thought and gripped against the couch again. "Should've just sucked my Uchiha-stick and that would've been it for the night" he says, slamming his hips against my bruised bosom, wrecking of flowing tears down my face. "Oh kami!? Get that shit ou-out of me!?" I exclaimed, hyperventilating at a fastened pace. My back arched up, feeling more of his inch being allowed inside of my organ. Kaito snugged me a sneered smile. "Can't, your face is hard to resist and now I can't stop, Naru-chan~" he coos again and pounds quickly inside of me. Asu went over to me, locking his lips with mine, and grabbed a hold of my shaft to jerk it harshly. He forced his tongue in my mouth, then Kaito pushed both my hands to a pin.

Muffling to grasp air. 'Where did that boy go?' I thought, opening my mouth finally for the other to allow his tongue to explore my cavern. Then I felt alcohol being spilled in my mouth, choking up on it, while he pulled away and shut my mouth. "Swallow" was all he said and I did what he said to so.

Panting breathlessly, exceeding my limit this time. "I'm about" clarifying the judgment of my well-being passing out on all of them. They continued to whatever they wanted.


I awoken disastrous and body being up this time. They all disappeared. All of them were gone. My father was passed out on the table still. I couldn't move one bit, not a single chance could I. "Oh my..god" I coughed out, looking down at my body, skeet, blood, torn anal, scars left behind, damaged. Luckily no limbs have been dispatched from my body.

I was passed that limit to looking like shit.

My fathers eyes shot open, sitting up from the table and looked at me. "Wow. What the hell happen to you." He scratched at the back of his head, with widened eyes. "..." I couldn't even talk at the moment. I glared at him. Feeling my wounds and everything being repaired by Kyuubi since last night. 'Sorry. Your father would've sealed me yesterday and those bastards would've taken me to.' He told me and I nodded simply.

Damaged. Broken. Swelled. Hospitalized. Hate/Hate sex. And whatever else he told me last night really is what I'm feeling but worse.

Admin says no children. I publicly mean no children.
Enjoy. *Gulps*

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