Chapter 10: Disastrous

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In the pantry, I strained the pants and disregards held upon that. 'What did they want from me. All I know that drunko' dad wanted me again.' I thought to myself. Then heard footsteps come downstairs. 'Where's mommy.' Then sat on my bottom, grabbing energies from each room and realized she was on a mission. '...' Speechlessly.

Then looked back at the snacks, hungrily. I wanted to snack but right now wasn't the best timing. They were coming and opening stuff would only make my location known. So I stayed in one spot, hushed myself for once in my life. Carelessly huddling my knees against my chest, against the walls, darkened surroundings. 'Should I just come out and pay the consequences or stay here until they eventually sober up?' I asked Kurama. He gave the obvious answer. Telling me to stay in here until they eventually sober up. Nodding.

The foots wandered right into the kitchen, some went to the refrigerator to get even drunker. Then acted to get on my knees to see whom would go into the pantry. 'This is the worst spot ever.' Complaining and whining. While placing both of my hands towards my face, cupping them from crying and sobbing.

Honestly one of the paired feet came right towards the direction of the pantry door. 'Fuck!?' I thought, gulping harshly once again. Looking up to seeing the door twist open. Revealing their face to me, the long black hair, silky and perfectly combed out. The spiky ends. The black dull eyes, the crinkles in the face, the structure. Beautiful, though I couldn't memorize on their beauty. '...An Uchiha...' Eyes widening. And I knew I had to act fast, pouncing right on-top of him, shutting his mouth with my small hands. Forcing it on him, but weakly exhausted just by the pounce. A loud thump was heard when he fell.

The two turned to face me. "Well-well. Looks' who's finally came-came out of hiding." My father stated out so hysterical. Feeling the other males I was on-top of grasped my wrists tightly. 'What a dumb move, Naruto. He was so drunk he didn't even see you, until you pounced at him.' Kurama told me and I heavily panicked. 'FUCK?! Really!? Why didn't you fucking warn me you dumb fox!?' While exclaiming. Then I was dragged by the elder Uchiha, upwards. "How adorable. I can't wait to stuff you." He said and my heart raced tremendously fast. I hyperventilated quickly. "St-stuff?" I asked, definitely smelt the alcohol in his breath, it slithered in my nostrils, suffocating on the scent. Then the other was an Uchiha also, though he was much shorter, frizzed and tousled hair. I didn't know who these people were at all. "Minato. Shall we do it here or someplace else?" The one holding me asked, as the other came and examined me up and down. "Get-get the fuck away from me!" I spat in his face, then spat in the elders. "Let me fucking go you bastard Uchiha-shit!" The two blinked, wiping the spit from their faces until it splat to the floor.

"..." They were both silent for a moment until the other grabbed a hold of my legs. The elder slammed my weakened body against the tables. A loud thud echoed throughout the dining room. Bones cracked, maybe even my spine broke. 'Why is everyone stronger whenever they're drunk. THIS IS PAINFUL!?' I thought with a wince splattered across my expression.

"I'll teach you a fucking lesson not to spit in my face, ever again." The elder told me, regardless of even trying to protest. I laid there. My father watched me suffer in pain. "Asu~ Teach him good~" The blonde told him with a spiteful cheer of clapping. "Kaito~ next time well bring your son to fuck my son~" Minato coos.

Manageably I kicked directly into the elder's face, getting up from the table he basically broke by slamming my body. "Fuck out of my face, pests'ttebayo!" I shouted and forced my weakened body to jump towards the living room. 'I won't give up this time' staying positive, zipping my pants up again and fell flat on my face recklessly. The elder held his face in clutch, angered terribly. But the other male wasn't angered at all, walking towards my body. Pulling me up from my fall. "My, my." He says sarcastically, but I couldn't smell the alcohol in his breath whatsoever. I whimpered out. "Please...let me go...leave me alone...scum'ttebayo" panting out breathlessly, while looking towards the floor. "Scum, eh?" The curly haired male laughed a bit, and reexamined my body again. "You look terrible" he says and continues. "Look kid, I was going to let you go but unfortunately you spat in my face and I don't let shit slide like that, then after the fact you called me scum~" he added on. As Kaito pinned my body against the nearby couch. The two other drunks came into the living room.

I bit down on my tongue harshly. "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry?!" While screaming it, trying to get the harsh grip off of my wrist. 'Is he even drunk? He definitely doesn't look like it.' Blinking, but I couldn't get his grip off my wrists.

He sat himself on-top of me, looking down at me, and removed his shirt slowly. "Asu, take the other end, will ya?" He commanded him to do so. And my father sat on the table, watching me about to get screwed by both of these bastards. Gritting my teeth when my pants were ripped off and tossed to the other side. Then he directly looked into my eyes. "No worries. This'll be quick. Bruised? Broken? Damaged? Hospitalized? Swelling? Hate/Hate sex? Definitely will be in process of your upcoming event" He puffed both of his cheeks and made drool come across and down his lips. The drool fell onto my tightened and closed lips. "Open up, or it'll be worse on your part." Kaito told me. Parting some of my lips, feeling his saliva slimmer into my mouth and I swallowed it since he glared hard at me.
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I advice no children to be reading at this point or any point after the fact.
You've been warned simply.
Enjoy, mature advisers. ~

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