Chapter 25

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That night me and sweet pea stayed together watching movies and cuddling. It was calm. We fell asleep holding each other.
I wake up from someone knocking on the door. I look over and see that sweet pea is still asleep. I only had my hoodie on and my underwear, the hoodie was big enough that it covered my butt. I get out of bed. I quickly brush my teeth and throw my hair up into a messy high bun. I put on some thigh high socks and walk out of the room. I go to answer the door and see that it's Fiona.
"Oh um hi" She said. I let her in.
"Sweet pea is still sleeping. I can wa-" I said.
"Actually I came here to talk to you. If that's ok. I understand if you don't want to talk to me" she said. Why would she want to talk to me?
"Oh yeah. Of course" I said back.
"Uh would you like anything to drink" I asked her.
"Oh no but thank you" she said back. I smile at her and grab a bottle of water. We sit down on the couch and I lift my legs up so they are to my chest.
"I came here to say sorry for how I acted when I first met you. I was confused, mad, and sad because of what happened to my parents. I was a total bitch to you because I thought that you were just using my brother like the other girls he dated" she said. I look up at her and I could tell she meant it. She kinda looked a lot like sweet pea. Her hair was the same color, long and wavy. Her facial structure was sharp. She has beautiful long eyelashes but very dark bags under her eyes like she hasn't slept in days.
"It's fine. I wasn't thinking straight also because my brother getting shot and everything with jug" I said.
"No I didn't have any right to say the thing's I said to you. Sweet pea has told me so much about you yesterday and about your past. If i've known the stuff I know now I wouldn't have said all those thing. I could tell that you are different from all the others girls that he has dated. He told me all these amazing things about you and how in love he is with you. Fangs told me that he never saw sweet pea so happy with someone and how you can calm him down when something happens. I know my brother has bad anger issues but now it seems like he doesn't even have them anymore. You have changed my brother and made him better. He deserves to be happy after all the things that has happened to him" She said. I smile.
"Baby" I heard sweet pea groan. I giggle.
"I will be right back" I said to Fiona. she nods her head and I get up and walk into the door.
"Good morning handsome" I said while getting on the bed. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his chest. I giggle and kiss his chin.
"bebe your sister is here" I whispered. He groans.
"Fiona" sweet pea yelled. I giggle and bury my head into his neck.
"What" She yelled back while walking into the room.
"Oh I thought she was lying" He said back. I giggle.
"Wow why would I lie about something like that" I said while sitting up and getting off of him.

"Wait no come back" he said. He opens his arms.
"No" I said back.
"Fine. have it your way" he said back. He then grabs onto me and pulls me down and starts to tickle me. I start to laugh.
"Sweet pea stop" I said. I try to push him off of me but he's to strong.
"Ok i'm sorry baby. pleasssee stopp" I yelled.
"What is- oh" I heard fangs say while walking into the room.
"She wouldn't cuddle him" Fiona said back.
"Please baby" I whispered. He stops and looks at me. I open my eyes to see him. I smile and he kisses me. I smile against his lips. He then pulls away and rolls over. I sit up and jump on top of him. He chuckles.
"I'm hungry" I yelled while throwing myself back onto the bed.
"Lets go to pops" Fangs said.
"What time even is it" I asked.
"11" Fiona said. I sit up and look at her.
"You could've came earlier. Dude what even is the date" I asked.
"september 21st" Fiona said back. I nod my head and look back at sweet pea.
"Get up" I yelled. He looks at me and I smile.
"We will be waiting outside and take a shower" Fangs said. I glare at him and they leave closing the door behind them. I look back over to sweet pea. I get up out of bed and walk into the restroom. He follows me. I start the water and he's brushing his teeth. I wrap my arms around his waist and I lay my head on his back.
"So you and my sister made up" he asked.
"Yeah, we said sorry to each other" I said. I let go of him then I take off my clothes. I look up at him and see that he is scanning my body. I walk closer to him. My hand goes to his chest and trails down to his waist. I kiss him then I walk into the shower. A few seconds he comes in also. I turn to look at him and he wraps his arms around my waist. We are both under the water and he goes down to kiss me. I wrap my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. Once we pull away he pins be against the wall. His hand wraps around my neck and he smirks.
"Is there something you need" I asked. He goes down to my ear and lightly kisses my neck.
"You" he whispered. My face turns warm. He pulls away and looks at me. His hands trail down and lifts me up. My legs wrap around his waist and my arms are around his neck.
"Baby our siblings are outside the room" i whispered.
"I don't care.. I need you and we haven't finished what we started the other day" he whispered back. I smirk and he goes to kiss my neck. He sucks leaving hickeys.
"Ah sweets" I moaned. My hand goes up to my mouth to try not to make any noise and he chuckles. His hands trail up my waist.
"Baby" I whispered. He looks at me. I smirk at him and connect our lips. He then slips if inside of me. I moan into his mouth. I pull away and he buries his faces into my neck. He would kiss my shoulder and leave hickeys. He lifted me up and down thrusting into me.
"Fuck" he groaned. I lean my head on his shoulder.
"Uh pea..omg" I whimpered. He kept thrusting into me. He looks at me and he kisses me. I moan against his mouth and I pull away. I lean my head back onto the wall. I cover my mouth to not make any noise. He then hits my g-spot
"Daddy" I moaned. I look at him and he smirks.
"Oh does that feel good princess" he groans. He thrusted into me harder.
"Hm are you going to cum on my cock" he whispered.
"Y-yes" I whimpered.
"Come on then. Be my good girl and cum on my cock" he whispered. I bury my head into his neck and I kiss his neck. I suck on his neck leaving hickeys. He groans.
"Baby I'm close" I whispered. He groans and goes a little faster. I was at my climax. I clench around his and I release. He keeps thrusting into me and he also comes. I roll my eyes and moan. He covers my mouth by sticking his thumb into my mouth. I look at him and he's smirking. He pulls out of me then sticks 2 fingers into me. I whimper. He then pulls them out and brings them up to my mouth. I open my mouth and he sticks them inside. I swirl my tongue around his fingers and he slowly pulls them out. He smirks then kisses me.
"I think we should take a shower now" i whispered.
"Yeah" he said back. I giggle and he puts me down. I felt sore. I lean against the wall and he looks at me and chuckles.
"This is not funny" I said. He grabs my hips and pulls me close to him.
"I got you" he whispered. I starts to wash my hair then my body.
Once we were done we got out and got ready.
When we were done we walk out the room. I see fangs on his phone and Fiona watching tv.
"Wow you look pretty" Fiona said. I smile at her.
"Thank you" I said.
"You guys took forever. I'm starving" fangs said while getting up.
"Oh shut up" I said back.
"I have to go back to Tonis for my bike" I said.
"Right" fangs said back. I look at sweet pea.
"Come on" fangs said while walking out. I giggle. We all walk out.
"I'll go with Lil" Fiona said. I smile at her.
"Meet us there" fangs said. I walk up to sweet pea and lightly kiss him.
"Imma miss you riding with me" he said.
"Who said I won't still ride with you" I whispered and giggled. I pull away and walk to Fiona.
"Let's go" I said to her. We start to walk off and I wrap my arm around her shoulders.
"I'll race ya" I said. We look at each other and giggle.
"Ready" she yelled.
"Set" I said.
"Gooo" we yelled at the same time. We then start to run. At first she was a little bit in front of me but I caught up to her and I won. We get to the trailer and I grab my keys out of my pocket.
"The last time I saw you, you weren't a serpent" she said.
"Ah yes.. the wonderful time where your brother had to punch me in the face" I said. I look at her.
"The look of his face once he did it... wonderful.. he looks so soft and worried" I giggled. I hop onto my bike and look at her.
"Well are you going to get on or are you just going to stand there" I said. She then gets on and we leave to pops.

We get there and see that sweet pea and fangs are already there. She gets off my bike and I do to. I walk over to sweet pea and he kisses me. I kiss him back and we pull away.
"Come on i'm hungry" I said. Our fingers intertwine and we walk into pops.
We order and sit down. Fangs sit by fiona and we and sweet pea sit together. I am by the window and so is fiona. I lay my head on the window and close my eyes. Sweet pea reaches for my hand and I look at him.
"Hm" I groaned. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and I lean my head on his shoulder. It felt nice. Fangs and Sweet pea were talking.
"Hey guys" I heard someone say. I turn and see Veronica and Betty. I pull away from sweet pea.
"Hey girls" I said with a smile.
"Who's this" Veronica said while looking at Fiona.
"Oh that's Fiona, Sweet peas sister" I said back.
"Hi" She said to them.

"Anyways what are you guys doing here" I asked.
"Oh we are meeting Archie and Jug here" Betty said. I look at Fiona.
"Um betty did you and jughead get back together" I asked. Betty looks at me confused.
"I thought you knew.. For about 2 weeks or so" She said back. My face is blank. Oh no.
"Hey guys" I heard Archie say. I look over and see them. JugHead is looking at Fiona.
"Is something wrong" Betty asked JugHead. He looks at her. I look at Fiona and give her a confused look.
"Lilith can I talk to you" JugHead said.
"You know I really don't want to get up right now... I uh am kinda hurting" I said. Sweet pea chuckles.
"Just say what you got to say JugHead" Archie said.
"What is she going here" he said while looking at Fiona.
"She's sweets peas sister, why wouldn't she be here" I asked.
"After what she did" he said.
"What did she do" Betty asked.
"Nothing" I said while looking at Betty in a stay out of it face.
"Jug I forgave her, she was in a bad place because of her parents and I was also in a bad place because of fangs. We forgave each other for how we acted" I said.
"Ok but still. You beat me up because of her" he said.
"You did what" Betty said. I look at her.
"It was your dumb decision to be with her.. and you did kinda deserve it" I said.
"Wait be with her" Betty said. We all look at her.
"Not like that Betty" I said back.
"I made my decision. I'm becoming best friends with my boyfriends sister and that's final. You can't change what I choose" I said. I look at Fiona and she smiles at me.
"I'm sorry for what I did. You don't have to forgive me JugHead" she said.
"Don't talk to him" Betty said. I look at her.
"First of all Betty you don't know what the hell is happening and she was apologizing to him and she said that he doesn't have to forgive her" I said. She just looks at me.
"Jug you don't have to forgive her if you don't want to but when she comes around me and sweets then don't think we would act different. You are my brother and I will always choose you but she is apart of my family now. Just like josh. At first I wanted to punch the shit out of josh but I didn't. Also just like Betty, you are dating her and I will respect all the decisions you make with her and her family so you should do the same with the decisions I make with sweet pea and his family" I said.
"Fine" jug said. We just look at each other.
"So now that is over with" fangs said. I look at him.
"Hey I don't care what decisions you make with sweet pea but just don't get pregnant.. at least not now, maybe like in 5 years" he said. I giggle and look at sweet pea.
"Yeah we wouldn't be able to take care of a kid right now. We are way too fucked up for that" I said.
"You know with Lilith fighting like every girl trying to get with me and-" sweet pea said and I hit his shoulder.
"Shut up.. you do the same thing" i said. JugHead,Archie,Betty, and Veronica sit down at the booth behind fangs and Fiona.
"But that baby will be so cute" Fiona said.
"Well if it looks like lil then yeah but if it looks like pea then no.. not at all" she said.
"Hey" sweet pea said. I giggle.
"Oh come on, the baby will look so much better if it looks like sweet pea" fangs said. I glare at him and Fiona laughs.
I look at sweet pea.
"It would look cute anyway" he whispered.
"Yeah I know" I said back. Sweet pea places his hand on my thigh and I place mine right on top of his. I look up at him and he kisses my forehead.

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