Chapter 3

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I wake up like at 8:30. I decided to put back on the shirt that I had on last night and get up.

I get up and brushed my teeth and made my bed. I walked out the room and saw Toni and JugHead sitting down on the couch.

"Good morning" Toni said to me.

"Morning" I said right back. That's when someone knocked at the door. I walk over to get it and there is pea and fangs. I walked away and they came in.

I went to get water and I came back. They were all talking and I really didn't care. Sweet pea looked at me and saw that I had his shirt on. I smile at him then walk into my room. I needed to take a shower so that's what I did. I was getting ready until I got a call. It was Kevin.

"Hey Kev, what's up" I asked.

"Lil I need you to meet me somewhere" he said quick. I could tell something was wrong.

"Kevin what's wrong" I said worried.

"There's someone here named Noah" he told me. I stayed quite. The only Noah I knew was the guy who raped me.

"He came from Chicago" he said.

"What" I said loud.

"Lili, he said he's going to hurt me and Betty if you don't come" he started.
"I'll be right there, stay calm"  I said hanging up the phone.
I didn't know what to do. I got my shoes and walked out the room.

"I need to use someone's bike" I said.

"Why" fangs asked. I look at him. He knew something was wrong.

"What happened" he asked.
"Don't lie" he said right after.

"Noah is here and he gots Kevin" I said quickly.

"Who's Noah" Toni and sweet pea asked looking at fangs then at me.
I look at sweet pea. No one knows who Noah is. Not even fangs.

"They guy who raped me" I said looking down.

"I have to go" I said looking at sweet pea.

"We all are going" Toni said.

And that's what we did.

I rode with sweet pea. We were the first ones there. I get off the bike but he grabs me. I look at him.

"What" I asked him.

"I don't want you going in there" he told me. I look at him and got mad.

"I have to" I told him

"Let me go sweets" I said right after. He looks me in the eyes.

"Please". I was scared.
That's when he let go and everyone else came.

"Stay by me" sweet pea said in my ear.

"Always" I said right back. We all went inside and I knew where to go. Everyone followed.

We heard screaming. It was Betty. I look at JugHead.

"Betty"? He said. I could tell he was mad. I hold him back.

"You can't do that Jones" I said looking him in the eyes.

"Move" he told me. I look at him.

"I know his games and he knows not to fuck with my friends" I said.
He looks at me and starts to calm down and then I moved.

I walk in front of everyone and opened the door. Noah looks at me.

"Missed me so much you had to come all the way from Chicago" I said.
He doesn't say anything.

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