Chapter 29

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I wake up around 9 in the morning. Sweet pea wasn't in bed. I groan and I get up. I grab sweet peas shirt that was on the floor and I walk out. I see sweet pea on the phone standing at the counter. He has his boxers on. I smile and I walk up to him. I wrap my arms around his waist and I kiss his neck. This boy is so tall. He keeps talking on the phone when I lay my head on his back. Once he hangs up the phone he turns around and picks me up and places me on the counter.
"Good morning princess "he said.
"Good morning baby" I said back. His arms tighten around my waist.
"Hm baby when do we have to be at betty's" I asked.
"11" he said. I hum and he connects our lips.
"Babe I have to take a shower" I said against his lips. He hums and starts to lift up my shirt.
"Then let's take a shower" he said. He takes off my shirt and throws it on the floor. He then takes off his boxers and walks into the restroom. He places me in the shower and starts the water, he then gets in. He holds me close to his chest and kisses the top of my head.
"How did you sleep baby" he asked.
"Good" I said back. I then hear my phone going off.
"I'll call whoever it is back" I giggled. He smiles at me and we take a shower. Once we get out I brush my teeth. I then grab my phone.

"Hello" Betty said.
"Hey Betty, why did you call me" I asked her.
"Oh um.. can you and see act like you guys are kinda mad at each other" she said.
"Why" I said.
"The more tension there is the better and you being JugHead sister and you dating the boy who JugHead kinda doesn't like would be good" she said.
"Ok yeah, why not" I said.
"Perfect! See you in like 30 or so minutes" she said.
"Yup" I said.
"Bye" she said. I then hang up the phone.
"What did Betty need" sweet pea asked.
"We gotta be kinda mad at each other" I said.
"Why" he asked.
"The more tension the better" I quoted from Betty. He chuckles.
"Ok" he said back. I giggle and get changed.
The dress was a black tight dress but on the more formal side. I don't know but whatever. It was to my mid thigh and cute.. still my style, thank god. I slip it on and then dry my hair. I put my hair into a low bun and put on light makeup with a dark red lip. I sigh and put on my shoes.
"Here baby" sweet pea said. He hands me my serpent jacket. I put it on.
"Are you ready" he asked. I scan him.. wow that's my boyfriend!
"Baby" he asked.
"Huh- oh yeah.. I'm ready" I said. He chuckles and kisses me.
"You look beautiful" he whispered.
"And you look very handsome" I giggle. He smiles.
"Come on" he said. He grabs both of our keys and we walk out. He hands me my keys and I hop onto my bike.
We then leave to betty's. Once we get there I show no emotion. We walk in and I see a girl standing there.. she looks me up and down.
"Hey Lilith" Betty said.
"How is this going to work, please tell me I don't have to cry" I said.
"Of course not" she said. I nod my head.
"Oh let me introduce you to Jelly bean" she said.
"Jelly bean this is Lilith, your half sister" Betty said.
"You are so beautiful! I've always wanted a big sister" she said. I laugh.
"So do you have a nickname or do you just go by Jelly bean" I asked.
"J.B" she said.
"Ah wow, you sound cool" I laughed. She giggles.
"Well let's get this show on the road" I said.
"Can I hug you" she asked.
"Uh.. sure" I said back. She hugs me and I look at sweet pea. I hug her back and we then pull away. I then walk and stand next to sweet pea.
"Be mad at me" I giggled. He rolls his eyes and I chuckle.
Then the group from Stonewall Prep come in. Damn they look so.. preppy.
"You have a lot of nerve coming here" sweet pea said to them. I don't hear with Betty says tho.
"Closed casket" Donna said. Uh whatever. She then says something smart.
"The funeral home didn't even want us to have the casket here but it's tradition" Betty said.
"And if you make a scene I will throw your ass out" she said right after. I hold in my giggle. I stand beside sweet pea and our dad talks.
"Fuck" I said under my breath.. I then have tears going down my face. Ok wow... this is sad.
My dad walks away then Betty goes us. If she tells me to go up there I'm walking out.
Betty stops talking and everyone starts to talk. I look up at sweet pea and he whips my tears away but I pull away.
"Tension" I reminded myself. I felt eyes on us.. the fucking preppy school group.
Donna walks up to J.B.
"You must really miss your brother when's the last time you say him" she said.
"He isn't really dead is he" she said right after. This bitch did not just talk to my sister like that. I look at sweet pea and I'm about to punch the shit out this bitch. Betty walks up to Donna and I walk up to J.B.
"Come on" i whispered to her. She wraps her arm around my waist and she puts her head on my chest.
"Donna are you serious" Betty said.
"This is jugheads little sister and you you're costing her" Betty said.
"Oh come on Betty, you and I both know that this is all an act" she said.
"Bitch no" I said. Donna looks at me. I pull away from J.B.
"I'm done with you" Betty said to her. She starts to push her away,
"Do it Bret do it" Donna said. He starts to walk up to the casket. J.B. Moves and he pushes the flowers off.
Sweet pea grabs him.
"What the hell do you think your doing" he asked him.
"She told me to. Dude you heard her" he said.
"You preppies don't know when to quit do you" Archie said.
"Control you little pet, he's seem to lost his cool" Betty said. She gives her a creepy ass look.
"Well-" she started.
"Just fucking leave" I hissed at her. I walk up to her.
"Because if you don't.. you will be the one in a casket" I whispered to her. They when walk out and I walk to up J.B.
"Come" i whispered to her. I bring her to dad and he hugs her. He then pulls me in and hugs me also. I hug his for a minute then I pull away. I smile at him then I walk back to sweet pea.
"I swear if that bitch stayed anymore second I would've chocked the shit out of her" I said. He lets out a low sigh then hugs me.
"Bebe I want to go home already" i whispered to him.
"Hmm" he said back. I look up at him and place my hands on his chest.
"You can stay and be with fangs if you want to" I said.
"I'll go" he said. He wants to stay.
"No baby, stay with them.. I'll call you if I get bored" I said. I peck his lips and I pull away.
"What was that" he groaned.
"A kiss" I said back. He pulls me back in and kisses me for real now. I smile against his lips and we then pull away.
"I'll see you later baby, don't do anything stupid" I said.
"Bye kitten" he said.
"I love you" I said.
"I love you too" he said back. I then walk to my bike. And I decided to text someone.

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