Chapter 24

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I wake up on the couch. My back hurt like a bitch.
"Ughh" I yelled. No one was home. Toni was with Cheryl. I check my phone.
I see texts from sweet pea and some from a random number. I didn't text both of them.

Me: Whyte Wyrm?

Josh: pick you up in 30


I walk into my room and take a quick shower. I put on a sports bra and underwear. I was putting on my black jean shorts when I head someone knock. I go to open it.
"Hey" I said.
"What's up" josh said back. I look at him and we walk inside.
"Dude I went to sweet peas thinking you were there. A girl opened the door" he said.
"Fucking Ashley" I said annoyed. I walk back into my room and put on a black shirt. I throw my hair up into a bun and grab my boots and serpent jacket. I sit down on the couch and put my shoes on. Once I was done I look up at josh.
"Ready" he asked. I nod my head and we leave. I really hope that sweet pea isn't there. The drive there felt really short. I get off the bike and for my luck I see sweet peas bike. I roll my eyes and we walk in.
"Hey what happened" josh asked. I look over at him.
"Fucking Ashley" i whispered. He chuckles.
"That bitch is already messing up everything and I haven't even met her" he said. I giggled. I look up and see sweet pea standing at the pool table with guess who. Ashley. We lock eyes and I roll mine.
"There's my girl" I heard someone yell. I turn and see tall boy?
"What is happening. This is a dream right or am I high" I asked while I walked up to him.
"We got you something" my dad said.
"Ahh is it a whole new life because this one is kinda fucked up. Or a new boyfriend! I could be grateful with either one" I said sarcastically. I then glare at sweet pea.
"Come on" tall boy said.
"What where. Are you going to kidnap me"I asked.
"Real funny" he said annoyed.
"I know right" I said. He glares at me.
"Chill dude" I yelled the giggled. Josh was in front of me so I jump onto his back.
"Hurry up horsey" I yelled. He chuckles and he goes outside.
"So what is it" I asked while getting off of josh.
"Your own bike" my dad said while pointing at one. My eyes go wide.
"Wait your joking" I said. They nod their head no. Sweet pea then walks out.
"OMG THANK YOU" I screamed. I hug my dad and tall boy. The bike was matte black.
Tall boy throws me the keys and I look at josh.
"I don't think I'll need you anymore to pick me up" I said while showing him the keys.
"Damn are you breaking up with me" he said.
"Of course not! You will still have to bring me food" I said. I walk to the bike and get on it. My eyes were glowing like a little kid getting candy.
"I love it" I said while looking up at my dad.
"Wanna go for a ride" I asked josh. He nods his head but I then get a call.
"Oh hold on" I said. I grab my phone and answer it.

"Helllooo" I giggled.
"Hello darling" I heard someone say.
"Malachai" I asked. I look up at sweet pea and see that Ashley is standing right next to him.
"That's me" he said.
"Omg it's felt like forever since I've talked to you" I said. He chuckles.
"Anyways what's up" I asked.
"Can you meet me" he asked.
"Oh sure when" I giggled.
"Now if you can"

"Oooo for what tho.. you are going to try to fuck me are you" I asked.
"Only if you want me to" he said.
"I'll think about it"
"Anyways. No I want to give you your birthday gift" he said.
"Wait you got me a gift" I asked.
"How did you even know it was my birthday" I asked right after.
"Your little girl friends posted it almost everywhere and how wouldn't I know my future wife's birthday" he asked. I laugh.
"Haha very funny"
"Do you want me to call you bubs now or something" I joked.
"No.. but husband would do" he said.
"I didn't know they posted me.. I must've been to busy getting pissed" I said.
"What happened"
"Tell you later"
"But I'm on my way.. I was going there anyways" I said.
"With your boyfriend" he asked.
"Nope! I got my own ride nowwww" I giggled.
"I'll meet you there then" he said.
"Adios" I said.
We then hang up.

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