Chapter 26

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It has been 2 weeks since my birthday. I was staying at Tonis most of the time and hung out with josh almost everyday. I mostly would only see sweet pea at the Whyte Wyrm and sometimes school. I would go over to him trailer but he's always hanging out with fangs. Fiona went back to her dads but should be coming this weekend.
Today was Thursday and I missed sweet pea.  I wore a tight black dress and my boots and a big zip up black sweater. I wore light makeup on and my hair was in a low bun. I get to school and don't see sweet pea there. I stay there for the first 2 hours then leave. I go to the Whyte Wyrm and see sweet pea there at the pool table. I walk up to him.
"Hey baby.. why weren't you at school" I said. He looks up at me and I see a big bruise on his face.
"God sweet pea what happened" I asked while I walk up to him. I brush my fingers against his cheek.
"Baby" I whispered. He looks down at me and I look down at his hands. They were cuts on them and his knuckles were bruised.
"Oh baby.. what happened" i whispered.
"Hey dude you want a drink" someone asked. I turn and see a random serpent.
"Yeah" sweet pea said back. I step away from him and my phone goes off.
"Hey whore" I said annoyed.
"Wow someone's not happy" josh said.
"I uh- I'm fine. What's up" I asked.
"Dude where are you" he asked.
"I'm going home, wasn't feeling good and I kept seeing boys look at me.." I said back.
"Why didn't you tell me" he said back.
"Because if I wanted you to fight one of them I would've let you. Cant get your pretty little face all beat up now, can we" I said back. He scoffs.
"Just stay at school, see you later" I said back.
"Yeah ok, bye" he said.
"Bye bye" I said back. I hang up the phone and put it back in my backpack. I look back up at sweet pea and he has a beer in his hand.
"Baby" I said.
"You should go back to school" he said. I roll my eyes.
"No. I'm going home and laying down" I said back. He looks down at me.
"Please come with me, I haven't seen you and I miss you. Baby please, you can't say you haven't missed me" I whined. I grab onto his shirt.
"Come home with me sweets" I said while I pull him in.
"I know you want to come home with me, you just want to act all big and bad in front of your friends when I know that you are a big baby that likes to be cuddled. But I guess you won't be cuddled and I won't kiss you. Sooo I'm leaving and going home to lay down" I said then I let him go.
"Bye sweet pea" I said while walking out. I heard him say something but I keep walking outside. Once I get to my bike I feel someone grab me and spin me around.
"Ahh look who it is" I said.
"Oh shut up" he said back then kissed me.
"Let's go home baby.. this dress is getting uncomfortable" I groaned. He goes to his bike and we leave to him trailer. Once we get there we see Fionas car there. I look at sweet pea and I walk into the trailer. I go in and see Fiona and some girl sitting down.
"Oh hey Lil" Fiona said. She gets up and hugs me. I then look at the girl.
"Oh Emily this is-" Fiona started then sweet pea came in.
"Sweet pea" she yelled. Sweet pea looks at her confused and she tries to push me out the way to get to sweet pea but it doesn't work.
"Can you maybe like move" she said.
"Can you maybe like back the fuck up" I said back with a smile.
"I'm trying to get to sweet pea" she said glaring at me.
"Actually I should clean him up first. Come on" I said. I look at Fiona and she smirks. I grab sweet peas hand and we walk into the room.
"I don't get how everyone thinks that I'm just a friend" I said. He walks closer to me and wraps his arms around me.
"Maybe because you don't have the marks on your neck that I make" he whispered. He goes down and kisses my neck. He starts to suck and he leaves big hickeys on my neck for everyone can see. He then pushes me onto the bed and goes in between my thighs.
"Also here" he groaned. He kisses my thighs leaving hickeys there also.
"And here" he whispered while pushing up my dress and kisses my stomach and my boobs. Doing the same thing, leaving dark reddish purple marks all over my body. I then flip us over.
"Hm" he groaned. I smirk and him and I go down to his neck.
"I just wish she walks in like JugHead did" i whispered.
"No one can make you the way I make you feel right now except me" I said. I kiss his neck doing the same thing he did.
"No one can touch what's mine" I said while going up his jaw.
"No one can be with you.. only me" i whispered while going back down his neck to the other side to leave big purple love bites all over his neck.
"And if they do, they better run" I said while finally going up to him lips. I kiss him and he grabs the back of my neck. His tongue brushes against my bottom lip. Once we pull away I bite his lip pulling it out.
"Stick out your tongue for me baby" I whispered. He does what I said. I smile and him. I then reach into my underwear and rub myself picking up my juices. I bring it up and stick my fingers into his mouth. Once I pull them away and I lick his tongue.
"No one will have you. It's just me and you baby" I said. He smirks then flips us back over. I wrap my legs around his waist one hand rubs my thigh.
"Open" he demanded. I do what he told me to do and I stick out my tongue.
He then spits into my mouth and I close my mouth and swallow.
"Such a good little slut you are" he said.
"Who's whore are you" he asked.
"Yours.. I'm all yours" i whispered. He smirks and wraps his hand around my throat.
"You will not let anyone touch that pretty little pussy of yours. That's mine. You are mine. You will not have anyone else be inside of you or even touch you. If they do I will hurt them. Do you understand". He growled.
"Yes" I said back. He goes down and kisses me again. Once he pulls away he gets up.
"Come on babygirl change into something comfortable" he said while walking into the restroom. I get up and take off my dress. I go into sweet peas drawer and grab one of his hoodies. It was a light gray one. I slip it over my slim body. I take off my shoes and put on some black thigh high socks. Sweet pea changes into grey sweats and a black shirt. I walk into the restroom and wash my face. I then redo my hair and put it up into a high bun. The hickeys on my neck are on full display and I hitch up the hoodie for you can also see the ones on my thighs. I grab my glasses and walk out the restroom.
"Come on" he said. We walk out the room and see the girl and Fiona sitting down. Fiona smirks when she sees the hickeys on both of us.
"Someone got freaky" she said while looking at me. Sweet pea sits down and pulls me onto his lap.
The girl scans me and she sees the hickeys on my thigh. I smirk and turn to sweet pea. I nuzzle my face into his neck.
"You know I can still feel you hard. If I was you I wouldn't say the wrong thing" i whispered to him. He inhales deeply and I pull away from him and give him an innocent smile.
"So sweet pea, how have you been" the girl said.
"I'm sorry but I don't know you. And if I did the I forgot about you" he said back.
"What's up guys" I heard fangs yell while walking in. He looks at me and sweet pea.
"You guys just never stop fucking each other do you. I though I already saw your whole body full with hickeys but I guess I was wrong" fangs said. I giggle and sweet pea chuckles.
"You don't remember me. I'm Emily. You might not remember but we were best friends when we were younger" she said.
"Yeah she's Emily from like you know when you were younger" I whispered to him. He looks at me and I shift making him groan.
"Uh I was his first best friend and his only" fangs said. I look at him.
"The bromance is real strong right now" I giggled.
"Well I am Fionas now" she said.
"We are best friends" me and Fiona said at the same time.
"Lilith is like the only best friend I want and she is the best so I mean like" Fiona said.
"Fiona actually really doesn't have much friends" I said.
"But luckily for her she's my sister" I said while smiling.
"Dude I think Lilith would marry your sister and Toni rather than you" fangs whispered. Sweet pea lifted up his hips  pressing himself onto me. I gasp.
"Not true fangs" I said while shooting him a glare.
"We would be brother-in-laws either way" fangs said to him.
"What's your name girl" Emily said.
"Lilith Forgarty Jones" I said back.
"Ahh the girl with the whore as a mom and A criminal as a dad" she said. I stand up and walk up to her. I grab her by her neck.
"You can talk all you want about the bitch of a mom but you will not come to my house and talk about my dad in front of me. All I have to do is just tell tall boy about you disrespecting our land and the leaders daughter and the whole SouthSide will be coming after you. You already fucked up for trying to get to my man and now you really are asking for a death wish talking about my family. I wouldn't mess with me if I was you because I don't fight fair" I said then I let go of her. I walk back to sweet pea.
"I tried telling you Emily. It's always going to be sweet pea and Lilith. At the end of the day they will be together" she said. Emily stands up.
"You all are crazy" she said.
"Honey we are from the SouthSide for a reason" I said.
"I think she belongs on the NorthSide" fangs said while looking at me and sweet pea.
"I think so to" sweet pea said.
"I don't think the NorthSide would even like her. She's to preppy for the SouthSide but to much of trash for the NorthSide. You can try GreenDale if you want or just go back to wherever you call home" I said.
"Fiona you are going to help me" she said.
"Brothers wife verses fake friend. I think I'll pass" she said to her.
"Get the hell out of our house before I go crazy on you" I said. She then walks out.
"Next time I will make sure that I will make them call you before I bring anyone here"Fiona said. I laugh.
"Yeah I think that's a good idea" I said back.
"I wonder what dad would think right now of you, his little princess now the SouthSide princess and also fighting almost ever girl that goes near her boyfriend. Dating the biggest bad boy on the SouthSide" fangs said.
"Daddy's girl all grown up" I joked.
"She might be grown up but not out of the daddy's stage" Fiona said. Sweet pea chuckles and I bury my face into sweet peas chest.

I then get a call.

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