Chapter 27

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"Hey Betty" I said.
"I need you to do something for me and JugHead" she said. I can confused. The way she talked.
"I need you to fake JugHead death" she said.
"I'm sorry what" I yelled.
"Just.. we can't tell you why but trust me. We are going to have a funeral for him, jelly bean is going to be there, the serpents, us. But all we need is for you to fake it. Be sad. You were the closest to JugHead" she said. What is jelly bean?
"I'm sorry who is jelly bean" I asked back.
"Your sister" she said back. I don't say anything for a few seconds.
"When" I asked.
"In 2 weeks.. mostly everyone knows about it.. the serpents know it isn't real and so does us. It will be at my house, closed casket" she said.
"Is it ok Fiona goes" I asked.
"Yes" she said back.
"Does my dad know" i whispered.
"I haven't told him yet" she said. I sigh.
"I will tell him" I said back.
"Ok" she said back.
"Everything is already set up" she said.
"Ok.. see you Saturday" i whispered. We then hang up the phone. How the fuck am I going to do this. I'm good at hiding my emotions but I don't know if she wants me to show them or not. Faking it wouldn't be so hard but also wouldn't be so easy. I walk back and sit on sweet peas lap.
"We have a funeral to go to on Saturday" I said.
"What" Fiona said.
I turn to look at sweet pea.
"I'm the star of my brothers funeral" I said annoyed.
"That's what the text was for" fangs said.
"It's not real" sweet pea said.
"I know that.. if my brother really did die without me I would bring him back to life and kill him myself.. that asshole wouldn't leave me" I said.
"Wow.. you wouldn't do that for me" fangs said.
"Ummm well" I said back.
"Wow ok" fangs said. I sigh and I sink down onto sweet peas chest.
"Fiona wanna go get pizza" fangs said.
"Dude yesss! So we could leave the love birds alone for awhile" she said back.
"Oo bring me back chocolate" I said.
"Fine" fangs said. They both get up and walk out. I get up and sit back down on his lips facing him.
"Why can't our life's be normal" i whispered. I bury my head into his neck. I lightly kiss his pulse and he tilts his head back.
I lightly kiss up his jaw all the way up to his lips.
"Oh you don't know how much I've missed you" i whispered. He then kisses me.
"You don't know how much I've missed your beautiful face and your perfect body. Your lips, eyes, your smile, touch, everything" he said.
"Your hands are so soft and smooth.. so small that I can probably fit both of your hands in one of my hands" he said.
He lifts up his hand with mine and our fingers intertwined together.
"So beautiful" he whispered. I smile at him.
"I told you that you are a big baby" I giggled. He looks at me and grins.
"Only with you" he whispered. I lean my forehead on his and he kisses the tip of my nose. I giggle. I connect our lips. Once we pull away I kiss all over his face. He laughs and I pull away. He smiles at me and pulls me into a kiss. I smile against his lips and he brings my hand up to his neck. His hands then trail down my waist and wraps around me. I wrap my arms around his neck and I pull him in closer and his grip gets tighter around me. We pull away from the kiss and he lays his head on my chest and I place my head on top of his. I play with his hair and I rub his back.
"I love you so much" He whispered. I smile and I feel my face turns warm.
"I love you too" I whispered back.
We pulls away and leaned back onto the couch. I sink into his chest.
We stay like that until fangs and Fiona come back.

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